inkls linked me to this video the other day:
Now I can't get Thé à la Menthe out of my head.

edit: hmm 6.84c
inkls linked me to this video the other day:
Now I can't get Thé à la Menthe out of my head.
So Undying will be getting nerfs till he goes back into irrelevancy.
Patch Up
Might be old news but my Dota just updated now
Previously, the familiars would get the Drow aura when within 900 of her (or when she used the aura active). This meant that in 5-man pushes, the bonus damage had 100% uptime. Now the familiars only get the aura when the active is used, so they have it for 30 seconds out of 120.* Precision Aura's passive no longer has an exception for pseudo-heroes like Familiars (still affects them when cast, like creeps) i don't understand this?
Goddammit. I have Undying in my second 10 hero challenge, and I thought when I saw him "better play that soon before he gets nerfed". But last night I went with Weaver (in two miserable, infuriating losses), as I thought "they probably won't nerf him for a few days".
How wrong I was.
Previously, the familiars would get the Drow aura when within 900 of her (or when she used the aura active). This meant that in 5-man pushes, the bonus damage had 100% uptime. Now the familiars only get the aura when the active is used, so they have it for 30 seconds out of 120.
Undying is still good, he's always been one of the strongest pub heroes.Goddammit. I have Undying in my second 10 hero challenge, and I thought when I saw him "better play that soon before he gets nerfed". But last night I went with Weaver (in two miserable, infuriating losses), as I thought "they probably won't nerf him for a few days".
How wrong I was.
Ah it's a significant nerf to drow/Visage strats. Tbh i really dislike the fact that drow is basically a joke pick without visage and extremely strong with it, so anything that nerf the absurd sinergy those two heroes have is good to me.
Goddammit. I have Undying in my second 10 hero challenge, and I thought when I saw him "better play that soon before he gets nerfed". But last night I went with Weaver (in two miserable, infuriating losses), as I thought "they probably won't nerf him for a few days".
How wrong I was.
* Precision Aura's passive no longer has an exception for pseudo-heroes like Familiars (still affects them when cast, like creeps) i don't understand this?
I missed this s4 Haste Rune game, what happened and why is it so necessary that the Haste Rune duration was nerfed?
he just kept getting haste runes game after game and winning lanes because of it.
Why unpopular and bad heroes never get small buffs in the minor patches![]()
Also QoP Icefrauds waifu confirmed
Hah, I know that feel. I've seen that happen in pub games sometimes.
"Jesus, this Pudge has a Haste Rune every time I look at him!"
How are GG affected with the Mek nerf?
Do they also have a cooldown increase?
All I know is that with all these creep bounty nerfs, comeback xp nerfs, early level xp nerfs, etc.. midas is fucking ownage now, and i'm buying it on every hero.![]()
Nope, IF just wanted to give more of an incentive to upgrade to GG boots.
Holy shit that mek nerf... makes me like mek less and less and less. otherwise it's good shit.
Did icefrog effectively buff Greeves?
Thanks. Should be working when it updates.You might want to edit the start of the script. If you visit from it won't load.
He's still trying to shift Mek back to a non-core purchase, quite the tough one
Why unpopular and bad heroes never get small buffs in the minor patches![]()
Also QoP Icefrauds waifu confirmed
I'm okay with this, even with the post TI4 nerf, I never felt like Mek was completely gone, and still a core thing on Razor, Viper, and sometimes even Shadow Fiend. I mean something is truly wrong when Mek SF is now a thing.
For Shadow Fiend, I agree, but it should IMO still work for Razor and Viper. Razor and Viper both have a big role as anti-carries, and anti-carries need durability. Viper's kit gives him bonus magic resistance; Mek gives him armour and burst HP. Razor similarly wants to be able to get off a full static link.
But the problem is, how do you make it still viable for Razor and Viper, and still good for farming supports, without making it OP? If those two were melee then Vanguard might be a sort of adequate alternative (no armour, though), but Vanguard is dubious even on melee heroes, much less ranged.
Honestly, I think the answer might be in Crimson Guard. The passive Block isn't as good on ranged (maybe make it 30?) but the active is the same on melee and ranged heroes. Maybe it needs a small buff, but I could see this becoming the new "core mek".
You should know these things shira.bah kirby