gaga da best
popgaf is people who like shit music

gaga da best
popgaf is people who like shit music
oh so you can't like some pop if you find popgaf annoying
This explains why i've never been able to do the 2 second creep aggro thing. Omg my mid game is insane now.
After clutching two wins with 3 cards, yeah there's some stuff to this. Especially when I beat bullshit decks (seemingly all of them).playing on death's march
i'll be honest though i'm addicted to gwent
Shugg, my dude, my bro, my broski,
Listen, I don't understand why the first thing you do when you're unbanned is insult PopGAF trying to start a fight. I mean, seriously, why do that? What does it accomplish? They did nothing to you, you could have simply come back and said "So how about Secret?" or "What do you guys think of building Mek on Faceless Void?", but you decide instead to immediately resort to trolling. People call you a shitposter because you pull shenanigans like that.
Now that's not to say your "shitposter" reputation is unredeemable, I believe you can redeem yourself if you actually just start and continue making quality posts. It would benefit you, it would benefit everyone.
Ha, no word of a lie, I clicked on this from reddit and while watching kept thinking, "Man this guy sounds familiar."
Wasn't until I was reading the comments and someone mentioned it was tsunami and I came in here to confirm. Nice work!
(Cats are the worst)
playing on death's march
i'll be honest though i'm addicted to gwent
At what point do you stop being bad at dota?
the hell are you talking about, this quote is like a month old man
Which is better? Damage Furion or Pusher Furion?
My main problem with Furion is his escape.
What do you guys think of dagger, SB, Glimmer Cape as escape for NP?
I almost spat out my drink. This has to be a parody.Recorded some of my thoughts about the current state of Na'Vi.
Please rate, comment, and subscribe.
I almost spat out my drink. This has to be a parody.
4k = decent mechanic but can't pick for shit, you see junglers way too often, as well as 5 greed heroes with no rationale behind it. Highest concentration of flamers and ragers of any bracket, plus so many people taht "i'm 6k on main plz me mid". Their biggest problem is lack of any game sense and they're not capable of playing from behind. Instead, they prefer the "blame teammates the moment we're slightly behind" strategy and the "take teamfight as often as possible even if they're all missing from map because reasons" strat
Toward the high end of the bracket people tend not to be as annoying and just stfu and play, and they usually have a couple heroes which they just don't feed with
5k = mechanically more or less the same as high 4k, a bit better but in general the biggest differences are that they have decent game sense, they know how to play from behind, they're not as defeatist and they use their brain when picking. You get a lot of main support players in this bracket compared to the 4k one.
6k = this is where you see a consistent difference in mechanical skills. They do what 5k do, but much faster. If you're support, playing in 6k average games is completely different than even 5.5k. You'll get jumped, focused and killed much much faster. Positioning is way harder, because patterns are not as predictable and slow. 6k supports players know much better than 5k when they have to fight and tp. I still have nightmares from a 6.5k ezalor spammer player than basically won all lanes for his team with mana leak, and then came out at like 15 mins with necro 3 and basically was antimage but stronger and with 600 range.
7k= those are usually 6k players who tryhard at the maximum, ask your team to counterpick/pick certain supports, and spam the same hero over and over again. Meepo pickers and Earth spirit pickers are the most common, but nowadays it's probably BS pickers. They're, however, still pretty bad at this game![]()
I almost spat out my drink. This has to be a parody.
Recorded some of my thoughts about the current state of Na'Vi.
Please rate, comment, and subscribe.
for once i will agree with gzzz on something,
new bloodseeker is absurdly good at pubstomping this patch.
ok, now I see why Print Toe and Hupsel think we sound the same
ok, now I see why Print Toe and Hupsel think we sound the same
ok, now I see why Print Toe and Hupsel think we sound the same
This isn't kvk's channel I'm fairly certain.
You do.
solar crest is so broken, holy shit
buy it for all your supporting needs before the nerfs, thx
Who sounds the same?i still get so confused when i play with both of them tbh, it's why i keep casting my abilities on creeps so much tbh