This statement is as outdated as tobi.
Doesn't make it any less true.
That base race was shameful, they seriously thought they could win against WR+PL?

This statement is as outdated as tobi.
Matt confirmed that Secret won't be there.
All the lounge stream needs to git gud is for Team Secret and Cloud 9 to show up. Some Jacky Mao,Puppey,Kuroky and BigDaddyNotail action is likely to spice it up.
We are all heading to China soon. No time.All the lounge stream needs to git gud is for Team Secret and Cloud 9 to show up. Some Jacky Mao,Puppey,Kuroky and BigDaddyNotail action is likely to spice it up.
It can never be as good as last year
shame the gif cuts a bit too early![]()
The lounge stream has been a bitter disappointment.
They really need to put video games on and not these crappy games they are playing.
I mean, that's not the only thing that's wrong with this stream, also they could have easily acquired N64/gamecube games on a Wii or something, if they wanted to do it they could have. IMO there's just too many people there.Maybe Twitch game them a warning because they were playing on an emulator last time?
Dunno why we cant watch some gang beasts or something
That mango stream is hot garbage
why no gaf qualifier team eh?
Everyone is 100% focused in IHL2
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つgif hot justice
Also, I'd like to say Reddit is the worst.
Blink bounty hunter? I don't get it... Why?
allow you to track much more safely.
Blink bounty hunter? I don't get it... Why?
What else is newTC = TRASH CARRY