hmm just found a bug!
if youre lagging and min-dc sometimes the enemy creeps get a green hp bar ala ur own creeps. when this happens you cant use spells (like lesh's lightning) on them!
hmm just found a bug!
if youre lagging and min-dc sometimes the enemy creeps get a green hp bar ala ur own creeps. when this happens you cant use spells (like lesh's lightning) on them!
What is so OP about Glimmer Cape? To me it's just a shadow amulet that helps prevent aoe magic.
They really do. Froggu dropped the ball on Oracle, went too burden of knowledge for his own good. casting MarsTV tourney?
uve had like 4 days to watch that.
Stop w the got spoilarz plz
Combo E then Q to double-nuke enemies (or, if the distance is right, channel Q and break the channel with E; the E projectile is faster than the Q, so it is the quickest way to purge the heal, just trickier to pull off).
Combo W then E to heal allies. Combine with R for effectively shallow graving and double healing.
I'd almost rather have animu shit than Game of Thrones shit.
That's great and all, but he's an awkward hero to play and to play against.
I'm not saying he's "too hard to understand for most player", but more "his abilities are trying to do too many different things at once to make for a cohesive hero".
The question comes down to: Why would I pick Oracle?
u get em shira!
like i give a FUCK if u nerds arent watching it when it comes out.![]()
all hail the others!!
leave a glimmer of hope for supports pleaseGlimmer cape is so OP, I will be surprised if it doesn't get nerfed again in some 6.84d.
leave a glimmer of hope for supports please
bone7 drafting
so this was legit all along?OK who the hell signed me up for this contest?
elder titan remains the king
when he's buffed and becomes a pub terror and everyone starts whining about "op trash" this and "nerf this garbage" that, then y'all will see
you'll see
he'll have his day