I'm just glad there's a new arena shooter (as unconventional as it is)
What's the timing on Eul's into Light Strike Array on Lina? Do you blow it instantly, or do you have to wait a second?
What's the timing on Eul's into Light Strike Array on Lina? Do you blow it instantly, or do you have to wait a second?
again?Nerf tombstone for christs sake.
I'm really bad at dota but do you all feel that balance whine is really necessary most of the time? I often wonder if most of the problems with heroes is that the scene has trouble with creativity and don't want to invest time to figure out counters and just goes with what is tried and tested? Again I'm pretty clueless but I got the impression in dac that asian teams banned some heroes that were not getting that much priority by western teams(only thing I can come up with now is batrider).
I'm not only a noob but drunk at the moment so I'm probably out of my element now..
the snowball is too much in this patch tbh, you might as well gg if there's more than a five kill difference
Or if one has the team comp to fight as five and you don't.
Well ya.
We had great team comp in my last match. But then our Omni had to go and abandon and never come back.
We lost![]()
But take jug for instance, wasn't the only thing they changed his starting agi and armour (maybe the scaling?) and suddenly he was the hottest shit ever? Now maybe those changes that I use the words "only" to describe is what makes a hero worthwhile in pro hands but does it matter that much to the rest of the player base? Feels like its just changes that make people try out a forgotten hero and go "oh shit he's actually pretty decent in certain match ups"?most whine is just people failing to understand the game. when I was new people would whine about Riki because...he's invis. Then people eventually learned that detection is a thing.
that said, sometimes some heroes feel too strong relateive to other heroes at their given position and tweaks are in order. Sniper was too strong last patch, for example. He was maybe the only carry that could solo kill anyone at level 2 unassisted without the enemy laner being even out of position. Old PL was...
So yea, sometimes heroes need to be brought back into balance.
I'm really bad at dota but do you all feel that balance whine is really necessary most of the time? I often wonder if most of the problems with heroes is that the scene has trouble with creativity and don't want to invest time to figure out counters and just goes with what is tried and tested? Again I'm pretty clueless but I got the impression in dac that asian teams banned some heroes that were not getting that much priority by western teams(only thing I can come up with now is batrider).
I'm not only a noob but drunk at the moment so I'm probably out of my element now..
Queue with me and Steve. It's always fun.I've officially stopped enjoying dota. I'm sure it's me, but haven't had more than a few team mates that I really appreciated in at least 2 weeks of playing.
Queue with me and Steve. It's always fun.
repost because we are fucking desperate you are guaranteed to play 1 ihl match maybe 2 who knows. We accept Euros who can tell time in est not GZZZ.
Well even if you pick CM and stack and Jungle for aura level 3 at 12 minutes it's better than losing by default, we need a 5th.Is there an MMR limit for standins? I'll likely be around, but I would feel a bit bad playing for a team honestly.
Is there an MMR limit for standins? I'll likely be around, but I would feel a bit bad playing for a team honestly.
But take jug for instance, wasn't the only thing they changed his starting agi and armour (maybe the scaling?) and suddenly he was the hottest shit ever? Now maybe those changes that I use the words "only" to describe is what makes a hero worthwhile in pro hands but does it matter that much to the rest of the player base? Feels like its just changes that make people try out a forgotten hero and go "oh shit he's actually pretty decent in certain match ups"?
b/c you're not denying the creep
You get +1 Last Hit for Devour and Death Pact, right?
cant tell if youre trying to say youre too pro, or... too noob
No, they changed how attack speed works in the game. You could suddenly get a lot more attack speed. That's why Jugg blew up.