12/6/22 Lich. Life is good.
Er, I don't think Jugg would ever do a build that had over 400+ attack speed. Maybe you are thinking of his buff to his BAT, which was huge?
real talk i love the fuck outta my team ya know im super happy print picked me.
tbh i didnt even expect to be picked at all
Rac, why did you have to kick my teams butt when I wasn't even here ;-;
Curious how many of the TI rewards are pre-made.Immortal chest 2 when
I'm really bad at dota but do you all feel that balance whine is really necessary most of the time? I often wonder if most of the problems with heroes is that the scene has trouble with creativity and don't want to invest time to figure out counters and just goes with what is tried and tested? Again I'm pretty clueless but I got the impression in dac that asian teams banned some heroes that were not getting that much priority by western teams(only thing I can come up with now is batrider).
I'm not only a noob but drunk at the moment so I'm probably out of my element now..
I think that post dac tourney recently showed us troll and sniper were overrated and people spent more time whining about them being broken rather than do anything against it. Same thing this patch. Its embarrassing to try to blame the game so much sometimes. Comeback mechanic was nerfed, and now people complain about stomps. Maybe the next logical step would be to stop blaming the game for your loss and try to improve as a player in general. It'd be a bit more productive.
no targeted to anyone in particular, but I feel its a bad attitude if you have any ambition to improve at the game
Summon Wolves icon.png Summon Wolves
Increased manacost from 125 to 145.
Reduced health from 400/450/500/550 to 200/240/280/320.
Wolves now have 50% magic resistance.
Fixed Shapeshift icon.png Shapeshift speed buff remaining after dying with Aegis.
Curious how many of the TI rewards are pre-made.Immortal chest 2 when
I really like your icon, what is it?they absolutely have had to make most of them over the past 2-3 months
99% sure the desert terrain is done
all immortals are definitely mostly done if not completely done
everything else, fuck if I know. gif fme pls
I really like your icon, what is it?
Normally if I'm losing to something I just pick it my self, you can normally find the weaknesses pretty quickly.
12-1 ranked with Undying this patch. Last 3 matches 13-0, 17-0, 9-0--all finished under 35 mins. Starting to feel dirty. Not sure what it is like at higher MMR tiers, but at 2.5k nobody attacks tombstone and fights under it like idiots.
real talk i love the fuck outta my team ya know im super happy print picked me.
tbh i didnt even expect to be picked at all
I'm having new hat withdrawal.
Vaaaaaalve give me the new chest already
they absolutely have had to make most of them over the past 2-3 months
99% sure the desert terrain is done
all immortals are definitely mostly done if not completely done
everything else, fuck if I know. gif fme pls
I know this feeling too wellIm done trying to play as carry, every time I try to do it I lose the damn game, I will just stick to supporting and deal with it. I guess I just don't know how to farm efficiently enough, and the fact I'm accustomed to playing as support.
While im excited to see the new immortals in not going to go apeshit over them
The TI4 immortals are still only 20c or so in the market
So in September when all of these new immortals are marketable I will buy the ones I want for $2 and be happy I didnt spend $40 on my compendium
Im done trying to play as carry, every time I try to do it I lose the damn game, I will just stick to supporting and deal with it. I guess I just don't know how to farm efficiently enough, and the fact I'm accustomed to playing as support.
mate those battlefuries![]()
I think there is going to be a few more revisions.
Coreshrac is so gross
Shira pls
6.84b has been out for like 2 hours
Lesh getting buffed was dumb.
Not having to deal with dumb rubberband and sniper/troll/axe spam is a god send.
Battlefury is a very overrated item for a lot of heroesI'm guessing it wasn't the best idea ever to go for it in both of those matches?
Like I said I'm not too familiar with carry heroes.
~53% is not garbage![]()
Ok, he's back in the garbage bin again.
Battlefury is a very overrated item for a lot of heroes
I watch carry friends try to get it for 20+ minutes and then when the late game comes they have very little to show (these are my own 2k pub experiences tho, take with grain of salt)
mirana players are the embodiment of everything wrong with dota 2
mirana players are the embodiment of everything wrong with dota 2
mirana players are the embodiment of everything wrong with dota 2
You're going with Dagon refresher Mirana in a loss to try and prove him wrong
The big one is the Desert Terrain. I don't think Source 1 is able to replace Tile-sets on the fly, so it would need new features introduced in Source 2, and putting the alternative tile in a different map file and just forcing people to choice before playing could lead to a ton of issues down the line.
Is there an MMR limit for standins? I'll likely be around, but I would feel a bit bad playing for a team honestly.