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DOTA 2 BETA 2 |OT10| Reborn

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I decided to take everyone's advice and start playing hard carries that can win on their own

some things just can't be overcome


spec isn't a carry that can win games on her own. i know this because i asked my friend and he told me so.... this, following my 17 minute radiance wraith band treads loss with her

of course, that game my team refused to block enemy necro jungle and we had a useless jungle doom but anyways


spec isn't a carry that can win games on her own. i know this because i asked my friend and he told me so.... this, following my 17 minute radiance wraith band treads loss with her

of course, that game my team refused to block enemy necro jungle and we had a useless jungle doom but anyways

I only started playing Dota 2 a year ago and it is my first Moba, and there's a thing that I never figured out. Maybe that's because I'm not playing with very skilled people, but I never saw the point in jungling when people in lane usually level up faster. When I used to play Doom I rarely jungled and did good anyway. I'm talking about laning phase, 'cause lately I ofc go to jungle to farm more and also stack.
some heroes can get super rich by jungling, and the other reason is that putting a player in the jungle leaves more lane xp and gold for the rest of the team


some heroes can get super rich by jungling, and the other reason is that putting a player in the jungle leaves more lane xp and gold for the rest of the team

I thought about the later part and it makes sense, though it doesn't help when I played a game hours ago when there was a Necro trying to farm in the ancient camp at the 2 minute mark. Was I missing something or it was like the dumbest thing ever?


some heroes can get super rich by jungling, and the other reason is that putting a player in the jungle leaves more lane xp and gold for the rest of the team

But it has the danger of leaving the lanes very weak. If your lanes can sustain themselves, though, the extra gold and XP can be a big boost.


I wish I could play Huskar, he's so fun... I just suck at Armlet toggling. I can never get it right

stack armor get hod (control ice ogre creep) mek (greaves) ac shivas no need to armlet toggle and it does the job.

In other news, I stacked for my ancients necro and we won the game, embrace the doto.


guys wat do ppl build on ta now?

phase boots? treads? i know 109 said midas is always good to get on her.

Wagamama goes Phase-Aquila-Blink-Deso-BKB/Crit, which feels logical to me. Bottle for regen. With the buff to refraction, blink is too strong to ignore. A melded refraction strike with Phase and Deso is a ton of burst damage.


Low Tier
stack ancients, get a ward/protect with psi traps

once u get ur phase bottle and like ~lvl 7-8, go take them.

get midas.

get deso

get blink

get sny if u want

get whatever u want

haha im TA


Yeah, for sure. That Barrage change easily makes him the best level 1 hero in the game, and since the super bounty runes exist, level 1 capability is more important right now than it every has been.

I mean this is a reason people get boots on him so quickly, because of you can run up in their face and Barrage, it is probably a kill. If you random Gyro, I would say get Boots right out the gate, no question.
Over the past month, I've had three Axes challenge me as Gyro at the rune. They think he's fucking invincible. No, son. Counter helix won't save you. Nothing will.




If both active, do auras of Ring of Aquila and Ring of Basilius stack?

I find the wiki hard to understand:
Auras do not stack with themselves, since they place a buff on the unit.

Only the aura with the highest value will work.

Note that some items share a specific aura (Ring of Basilius and Vladmir's Offering). In this case, only Vladimir's Offering's mana regeneration aura and armor aura will work.

Is Basilius and Vladimir a special case of auras that do not stack? If so, why do they "share" the same aura?

Found a clearer indication:
The aura bonuses do not stack with the auras from Ring of Basilius, Ring of Aquila icon.png Ring of Aquila and Vladmir's Offering icon.png Vladmir's Offering.

I don't understand the aura thing. What is the logic behind it? Something like auras of items which are used to build other items with auras do not stack?

If both active, do auras of Ring of Aquila and Ring of Basilius stack?

I find the wiki hard to understand:

Is Basilius and Vladimir a special case of auras that do not stack? If so, why do they "share" the same aura?

Basilius, Aquila and Vlad's do not stack. If you have Basilius + Aquila, you get +0.65 mana regen and +2 armor. If you have either/both and Vlad's, you get +0.8 mana regen, +5 armor and the other bonuses Vlad's gives.
Yeah but why, and what is the logic behind this?

I guess the easiest way to put it is: auras that are in the same 'family' do not stack. If you have multiple, only the highest value aura is active.

Basilius, Aquila and Vlad's are all of the Basilius group.

Here is an overview from reddit:


However, note that it's not 100% correct, as pointed out by the top comment:

There are several things wrong here, both in your original post and the responses throughout this thread. I will correct each:

Mek & Greaves

Mekansm Aura and Guardian Aura fully stack.
The armor granted by Mekansm's active will stack with Greaves' passive. They're independent bonuses.
Armor is still granted even if you're not healed by Mekansm, just like how Greaves always grants mana from Mend.
Greaves cannot heal if Mend was already cast in the last 43 seconds.
Mek cannot heal if either another Mek or Greaves was cast in the last 25 seconds.

The last 2 bullet points may be confusing, so I will explain. It means you can:

Mek > wait 25 sec > Mek again or Greaves
Greaves > wait 25 sec > cast Mek (not greaves)
Greaves > wait 43 sec > Greaves again

Buckler & Crimson Guard

Mekansm also belongs to this group
Buckler active armor does not stack with Mek active
Buckler, Mek, and Crimson Guard actives armor buff each have their own duration (still don't stack, only 2 armor)

Hope this helps!

EDIT: also I think this was before Headdress was added to the Vlad's buildup.
I thought about the later part and it makes sense, though it doesn't help when I played a game hours ago when there was a Necro trying to farm in the ancient camp at the 2 minute mark. Was I missing something or it was like the dumbest thing ever?

its certainly not the dumbest thing ever, though it is easy to counter

It is absolutely the dumbest thing ever.

Icefrog please change this for the sake of my pubs.


Bloodseeker is just hilarious. If the other lanes are winning, you automatically win yours. If your enemies dont have a stun you just run at them at the speed of sound and they die.


So I've been writing little highlight posts over on the r/Dota2CustomGames subreddit to try and give quality maps some extra exposure. Here are the three that I've written so far:

I'm trying to focus on maps that aren't currently in the Top 10 most popular but deserve to be. I don't see a point in highlighting something that already has a huge player base like DotA Strikers or Overthrow, even if they are both great as well.


So I've been writing little highlight posts over on the r/Dota2CustomGames subreddit to try and give quality maps some extra exposure. Here are the three that I've written so far:

I'm trying to focus on maps that aren't currently in the Top 10 most popular but deserve to be. I don't see a point in highlighting something that already has a huge player base like DotA Strikers or Overthrow, even if they are both great as well.

Thanks for these!


Corporate Apologist
I'm guessing desert terrain, weather effects, bristlebong announcer and immortals 3 thursday + new stretch goals

Desert likely won't hit until post TI5. I think Valve is gonna do the Immortal 3 + Axe Comic + Bristle announcer
+ surprise Pit Lord
in one mega patch tomorrow.


Will wait on Matt's twitt of approval before getting hyped.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Matt please tell us it's happening ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Big Dog

Just spent 10 minutes after a match chuckling as a guy friended me from my team and proceeded to flame me for being bad. He was playing on a 50 hour alt account and refused to link me to his main "because he didn't want to waste his time" as he wasted 10 minutes talking really weak shit about me being a fish with a short memory for some reason. Dude was wack.
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