I have seen people like that before. What's funnier is when they are muted and pull that shit, and suddenly you know exactly why they are muted.Just spent 10 minutes after a match chuckling as a guy friended me from my team and proceeded to flame me for being bad. He was playing on a 50 hour alt account and refused to link me to his main "because he didn't want to waste his time" as he wasted 10 minutes talking really weak shit about me being a fish with a short memory for some reason. Dude was wack.
A few weeks ago I had a Peruvian Muted Bloodseeker on my team. We won. The other team blamed Peruvians. I guess they weren't wrong though, after all they lost to Peruvians on my team, therefore Peruvians were responsible for their loss.
I wanted to post about this while I was banned, but I have been following that @WomanInDota Twitter account, and holy shit she gets a lot of harassment. It's like Gamergate level garbage. I think what she does is great as it brings the constant sexism in our community to light. I don't know who would do it, but I also hope to see some kind of similar "PeruvianInDota" account to point out blatant racism that goes by all the time. I know at least once every few games I hear stuff like "fag" or "nigger" thrown around by a player.