Bring it with you to the Summit and make RTZ carry it around the entire time.Thanks guys! Now to work out how to get the trophy back to Europe lol.

Bring it with you to the Summit and make RTZ carry it around the entire time.Thanks guys! Now to work out how to get the trophy back to Europe lol.
so in a situation like that (redbull final) where there's no sound proof booths, are they not worried about the casters/crowd letting the players know what's going on around the map?
I think Godz and the camera guy caught on by game 5 and intentionally didn't mention or show IG doing rosh while Secret was fighting. There has to have been at least one play in the previous games that led them to believe the players were reacting to the in a situation like that (redbull final) where there's no sound proof booths, are they not worried about the casters/crowd letting the players know what's going on around the map?
Thanks guys! Now to work out how to get the trophy back to Europe lol.
"Wait are people actually taking that seriously? Was he not being sarcastic? The game was 40 minutes long people."
If you look at his post history, he has bitched nonstop about this patch since it dropped.
Just played Dazzle for the first time in like, a year, two years?
Anyway, do people take more than a value point in Shallow Grave these days? It seems like the positional advantage from the cast range is so important against a lot of lineup, especially in this patch.
Dazzle is one of those heroes where your skill build can vary a lot depending on the game you find yourself into.Just played Dazzle for the first time in like, a year, two years?
Anyway, do people take more than a value point in Shallow Grave these days? It seems like the positional advantage from the cast range is so important against a lot of lineup, especially in this patch.
Just played Dazzle for the first time in like, a year, two years?
Anyway, do people take more than a value point in Shallow Grave these days? It seems like the positional advantage from the cast range is so important against a lot of lineup, especially in this patch.
Just played Dazzle for the first time in like, a year, two years?
Anyway, do people take more than a value point in Shallow Grave these days? It seems like the positional advantage from the cast range is so important against a lot of lineup, especially in this patch.
secrets stans are so aids, the lady gaga stans of dota 2
cape for a real team ho! #BLEEDBLUE
Yeeeeees join usThere's a pause in the game I'm in right now so I thought I'd make a bit of an analytical post of this patch so far.
I'm currently playing Lion and one thing I've noticed when I've played Lion and other supports, is that this patch really does make support easier and more rewarding.
Probably the #1 reason I always avoided support is because if your team is behind, your life is like ten times harder than everyone else's on your team. Probably one of the biggest things that makes this easier is letting you buy wards one at a time. That shit is really a HUGE deal to supports, as with limited gold, going "Ugh, I gotta not have a TP for a bit so I can buy the wards" or vice versa really sucked, and now generally you can afford both TP and one ward, and pick up the other ward later. Generally you aren't going to be dropping two wards so quickly anyway, so you don't really need to buy both at once if you can't afford it.
The fact that assists will give you more gold in general over the last few patches is quite nice too, as you might actually be able to have something more than boots and a stick for most of the game.
Another thing I think is a pretty big deal, and this doesn't just affect supports, it affects everyone, but I think supports are impacted the most by this, is now buyback isn't so damn punished anymore, encouraging early-ish buybacks if you think it's necessary. In this game, we had a fight at T2 where I was the first one to die, however my team was still alive. I bought back, came in, and we got four people!
I'm definitely adjusting to support better now, I'm not sure if it's all due to the fact that support got easier over the patches, or that I'm just improving. Make no mistake, I do still like mid the best, but I think support is more bearable to me now and not something I'll run from like the plague anymore.
i was watching that game you really didn't do that much.
placed less wards then radiant team even when your team was ahead in gold the entire team
did nothing to try to box out or interrupt the spiritbreaker from farming top
lowest hero damage
almost nil offensive movement
While I'm proud of you for winning a game, thinking that that victory has suddenly enlightened you towards the intricacies of support play or has made you a more developed player isn't really the case, and posting something like that is unwarranted at best.
Eul's or Force Staff would probably been way better in that game than an Scepter.
enchantress is fun
enchantress sucks
Constructive criticism is one thing, but you're just being an ass at this point. Sure, I didn't do everything perfectly, but to say I did "nothing" is an outright lie. I'm not goddamn puppey.
...I'm proud of you...
Speaking of support heroes how do I Visage properly? Should I just wait to get a Drow on my team to give me a safety net?
Speaking of support heroes how do I Visage properly? Should I just wait to get a Drow on my team to give me a safety net?
While I don't really have issue with this post on the whole, the idea that all your posts in response to Hylian are always some sort of dota-specific criticism or disagreement is laughable. Your posts are even more disruptive to the flow of this thread lately than his.last i checked 12<13
Listen dude, cuz i'll say it now.
I have nothing against you personally, nor as a player, but a poster its kind of atrocious. And the only reason I have nothing against you as a player is that I will never have the misfortune of having you autoselect mid on my team and end up losing the game.
Dota's a hard game, no one can deny that. Receiving only positive reinforcement and way to go dude you did it's and expecting to improve is stupid, and spinning any form of disagreement or criticism into 'cyber bullying' is childish behavior. I'm only taking the time of day to post because watching you struggle to break 3.5k has been nothing short of pitiable now. So when I see you doing things that are detrimental to your improvement as a player, I try to post things that would be helpful to any player trying to improve.
And no I'm not going into a full on analysis each time I critique you, because as that one Shadow Fiend Eul's argument showed, there's really no need.
last i checked 12<13
Listen dude, cuz i'll say it now.
I have nothing against you personally, nor as a player, but a poster its kind of atrocious. And the only reason I have nothing against you as a player is that I will never have the misfortune of having you autoselect mid on my team and end up losing the game.
Dota's a hard game, no one can deny that. Receiving only positive reinforcement and way to go dude you did it's and expecting to improve is stupid, and spinning any form of disagreement or criticism into 'cyber bullying' is childish behavior. I'm only taking the time of day to post because watching you struggle to break 3.5k has been nothing short of pitiable now. So when I see you doing things that are detrimental to your improvement as a player, I try to post things that would be helpful to any player trying to improve.
And no I'm not going into a full on analysis each time I critique you, because as that one Shadow Fiend Eul's argument showed, there's really no need.
Level 1, you push Q on the enemy and beat them up if you can get into a good position to not tank creeps. And when ever you have good Cell Phone Reception, push W on an enemy, especially once its maxed (Really, if you got a full charge Soul Assumption, just use it).
If you want level advice, value point in Grave Chill level 1, max Soul Assumption, and then decide if you need suitability or more aggression for maxing Grave Chill or Cloak next.
For the birds, don't get to caught up landing the stun, its hard and they are still good even if you can't. They put out a lot of damage fast but lose all their strength quickly, so once they have used all their +damage attacks, ether use their stone form, or micro them into the tree line.
Really, Visage does a ton of damage even if you aren't that great with him, you just gotta be aware of how his spells work.
Thanks for the help.Microing bird stuns is the same as microing Meepo poofs. Click where you want them to go, and then Q -> tab -> Q, although you'll want to space it out a bit for maximum stun time, or reposition a bird if they blinked away or something. Put both birds on one bind, don't bother with individual binds until you're gosupro.
1-3-1-1, Max W, max Q for offense, max E for defense.
is that an ld quote, cause it sounds like an ld quote
I bought the wards off cooldown and the Viper on our team bought the thirteenth one, and given how long the game went on, that was mathmatecally all the wards buyable.
"They banned Shadow Shaman I didn't think of that hero"
About the ward thing, yeah, I was wrong about that. It felt like they were always on CD most of the game though.thats not even true and you know it.
And honestly I'm like the only person of this "overzealous mumblegaf group who's out to get you no matter what you do" that doesn't have you on ignore at this point. For almost as long as dota 2 has been out, players better than you (and there's a lot more than you think) have been trying to give you advice when you come to the thread, and you have actually absorbed very little of it. And while shitposting comes hand in hand with any community thread, and no one should actually give a shit about what gets posted here anyways, its the fact that this dance has been going on for over 4 years that annoys the thread residents.
Listen, Dota is hard. I've been playing this game since 2008 and I still have a lot to learn about this over-complicated, rage-inducing shit game. But to discredit my critique due to execution is suicidal for someone trying to improve from a 3.5k trench. If you actually want we can sit down and I will actually break apart every little mistake you make until you finally realize how many you make, but I doubt you'll take me up on this for your own pride's sake. Because frankly, that's how I learned dota. I kept asking better players, I kept playing with better players, and I took all the shit that will naturally come from doing so, because you don't improve from playing with the same skill bracket over and over.
I was hoping after that back-to-back beating I gave you mid you'd understand what I mean when I say things that are a little more on the harsh side, but that's not the case.
Now then, as for the game you posted:
1) Lowest kill involvement in the game
2) Second lowest denies in the game, which was due to the fact that you weren't confident in your positioning nor your ability to click the spiritbreaker, and spent a majority of the lane behind your slark.
3) Incredibly low farm for a support. One of the hardest aspects of support is creating farm space for yourself during lulls in the action, and even in a very one sided game you had very little last hits.
4) Many times you would have double impales lined up, or key hexes, and you would miss those. Some of the missed double impales were probably due to your unfamiliarity with the hero, as impale's true range is much longer than the hero click-point. However, that isn't to say that this isn't something to improve on, which was the whole point of my first post.
I could go on and on, but that's about all I have time for right now. Congrats on your +25, congrats on your newfound confidence in supporting, congrats congrats congrats.