Very. Stacking and pulling denies your enemy an entire lane of creeps while moving lane equilibrium closer to your tower. Pulling your creeps through multiple camps to get yourself exp is useful too. Most important of all is knowing when to do both of the above, since it does open your carry to potential danger, and possibly excess tower damage.
When you're in lane you can also try to manipulate the enemy creep aggro to help deny your ranged creep too.
u know....outhouse demolisher....
mess a tad
I don't pull if the lane farmer is just autoattacking creeps anyway (which happens often).
I'd rather roam around and stack camps or get a kill in another lane, honestly.
The few times my carry has done this telling him to just last hit got him to stop auto attacking, so try that out. If they don't, steal their farm, most of the time they are too oblivious to even know that you're stealing farm.
I agree, I wonder if maybe Blink Dagger is an underrated item on him? I never build it, but he's so easy to kite if astral is out of range.I was considering him but something didn't feel right about it.
I think his problem is that he is a static hero in the age of mobility. He's also a snowball hero that it's too hard to snowball with.
For as much as I used to tell people what to do, I never got this. They usually listen even though I was probably not doing well myself, maybe it's because they're not confident in their skill(because potato tier) and will take any advice they can i tell you how to play your hero?
jajaja xaxaxa
I agree, I wonder if maybe Blink Dagger is an underrated item on him? I never build it, but he's so easy to kite if astral is out of range.
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Nah. That one just has special art (mostly legendaries/Mega Evolutions have that)is that how all pokeyman cards look nowadays because ewww
Most definitely an option, but if kiting is the issue Atos and/or Force usually do the job, Atos has huge range.
I agree, I wonder if maybe Blink Dagger is an underrated item on him? I never build it, but he's so easy to kite if astral is out of range.
selena gomez doesn't have a new single???
I was talking about storm obv
The problem I guess is that it's not really an item you want to build if you're behind (since it doesn't give you +int) but if you're not behind then you probably aren't having trouble being kited?
Octarine Core isn't that good on him either imo, I thought it would be amazing but his attack speed is too low to make the lifesteal from his orb worthwhile. The reduced cooldown is obviously nice though.
I thought this might be OD's patch but I'm not so sure, there's lots of int heroes running around which is great in lane but it makes his ult hit much less hard.
He's in a weird spot. You don't really want him safelaning instead of another "real" carry. He can mid but he feels too lackluster atm. He can't offlane at all.
I thought about trying him as a #4 sometime ago. Astral can be used to set-up other stuns and is useful as an harassing tool against an offlaner (no mana for you!). He's also a good mek carrier so building Greaves on him wouldn't be a waste. He's naturally fast (315 if I'm not mistaken) so he could work in a roaming duo. The passive is also a great team ability. It can be a totally stupid idea but I might try going #4 with GG, Force and Atos one day.
He's in a weird spot. You don't really want him safelaning instead of another "real" carry. He can mid but he feels too lackluster atm. He can't offlane at all.
I thought about trying him as a #4 sometime ago. Astral can be used to set-up other stuns and is useful as an harassing tool against an offlaner (no mana for you!). He's also a good mek carrier so building Greaves on him wouldn't be a waste. He's naturally fast (315 if I'm not mistaken) so he could work in a roaming duo. The passive is also a great team ability. It can be a totally stupid idea but I might try going #4 with GG, Force and Atos one day.
Most picked heroes were Dazzle, Dark Seer, Visage and Shadow Fiend, each with 3 picks. Out of those heroes Dazzle had a 100% winrate.
Greaves are only giving you a self purge though, because his aura means mana is not a concern. That seems like a lot of money just for that, idk.
OD is a really strong 1v1 hero and he needs levels, why would you safelane him?
When I first imagined it GG didn't exist so my original idea was only Mek, which is perfectly fine. GG is just a natural evolution. You can get them only after your main items.
My original idea was: Brown Boots, Mek, Force, Atos
I said safelaning him is wasteful.
Sadly being strong 1v1 and having a strong laning presence isn't enough. His team fight contribution if he's in equal or lower footing as the enemy's mid/carry is mediocre (besides dropping the ult bomb, which can lead to nothing).
i'm not a good OD player, not even close to it, but even pickoffs seem hard with him. More often than not I need help from a second player to kill a simple support.
Yeah I don't think the hero is OP, Secret has been good with that hero for a long time.Puppey makes him look good
Thats why
That's ~3300 gold just for a self purge though...surely there's some 3200 gold utility item you'd rather have...
People pile on Hylian for being bad at the game
and I'm just sitting here at 1.7k
This is why I will never post links to my Dotabuff, I can't handle real talk about how much I suck
Might as well get Euls in this case
Cheaper and gives you way more utility + INT for damage
That's ~3300 gold just for a self purge though...surely there's some 3200 gold utility item you'd rather have...
Might as well get Euls in this case
Cheaper and gives you way more utility + INT for damage
I usually find that you don't want to be the initiator in a fight, but that if you get initiated on (and not killed) and can Astral yourself, it gives time for your team to turn up, then you can drop the hammer and clear them up with your orb.
What I meant was that his team fighting abilities aren't that impressive, especially when compared with other top picks mids like QoP, Storm, BM, etc..
immortals or riot!!!!