Sticky Fingers
Try this.Any youtube vods for game 5 of TS vs IG?
Try this.Any youtube vods for game 5 of TS vs IG?
Regarding the actual game itself, I appreciate that advice. I do have one question regarding that, and this is of course open to anyone, is pulling generally that important? The way you make it sound is like focus should be more on zoning and killing than pulling.
Fuck Milkman, naming this Space Dandy show before, now I'm sitting here marathoning the first season and won't be done until like 5am.
lane equilibrium is pretty important too, its not like you cant have both
I would think it is a difficult thing to do, because that requires you to be out of lane for so long. You had over to stack at 40-ish, stack it, pull at the next 13-15, pull through if necessary, all while trying to get the XP and last hits out of the pull. This leaves your carry alone in lane, possibly getting bullied by the offlaner.
I would think it is a difficult thing to do, because that requires you to be out of lane for so long. You had over to stack at 40-ish, stack it, pull at the next 13-15, pull through if necessary, all while trying to get the XP and last hits out of the pull. This leaves your carry alone in lane, possibly getting bullied by the offlaner.
Regarding the actual game itself, I appreciate that advice. I do have one question regarding that, and this is of course open to anyone, is pulling generally that important? The way you make it sound is like focus should be more on zoning and killing than pulling.
I meant walking over there from the lane to be there in time at 52-53. You aren't actually stacking at 40 but are effectively out of the lane.pardon me friend but how do u stack at 40
?????oh sorry it was late i couldn't a word read. your passage read similar to a passage from norton's anthology of old english literature for eng lit 144 b north irish and english literature pre industrial revolution.
best post in this thread. I feel enlightened in a way.oh sorry it was late i couldn't a word read. your passage read similar to a passage from norton's anthology of old english literature for eng lit 144 b north irish and english literature pre industrial revolution. my bad amigo
The way you make it sound is like focus should be more on zoning and killing than pulling.
I would think it is a difficult thing to do, because that requires you to be out of lane for so long. You had over to stack at 40-ish, stack it, pull at the next 13-15, pull through if necessary, all while trying to get the XP and last hits out of the pull. This leaves your carry alone in lane, possibly getting bullied by the offlaner.
oh sorry it was late i couldn't a word read. your passage read similar to a passage from norton's anthology of old english literature for eng lit 144 b north irish and english literature pre industrial revolution. my bad amigo
Right, I've generally always followed that pull logic.If your creeps are at their tower or if your carry needs to last hit under tower because you are two vs a trilane then pull
Otherwise stack the jungle, gank mid/offlane, harass the enemy carry etc
I wasn't going to say it, but now that the cat's out of the bag... Yeah... I think so too.Meeru?
So he is someone's alt then?he is neither of those 2 ppl.
So he is someone's alt then?
I guess I will believe you. Just seems odd he had less than 15 posts, all in the Dota thread, and all acting like he was acquainted with the place.AFAIK this is his first GAF account. He is a friend of 109.
Right, I've generally always followed that pull logic.
One thing I have trouble with is zoning the offlaner though. Usually people just say "positioning" but that always seems ambiguous to me. I always feel like when I play offlane, and a support knows how to zone me, they can almost always win out on the hit trade, and when the roles are reversed, my opponent still seems to win out on hit trade. What am I doing wrong here
Right, I've generally always followed that pull logic.
One thing I have trouble with is zoning the offlaner though. Usually people just say "positioning" but that always seems ambiguous to me. I always feel like when I play offlane, and a support knows how to zone me, they can almost always win out on the hit trade, and when the roles are reversed, my opponent still seems to win out on hit trade. What am I doing wrong here
It's on my watch later list. What's the beef with talking Dota advice in the Dota thread though? I mean it isn't something like complaining about teammates.Why do these back and forths have to consume the entire fucking thread?
Ya'll can't just link Hylian some fucking videos?
go watch, Hylian. The whole thing. Learn some shit. As should everyone looking to have a better understanding of how to support a carry in a lane.
Better yet just watch some pro player perspectives in game and skip all these chain of questions. Literally answers like 99% of your questions.
It's on my watch later list. What's the beef with talking Dota advice in the Dota thread though? I mean it isn't something like complaining about teammates.
i really hope bathhouse desolator gets an immortal...he deserves more attention tbh
I feel so stupid now... who?
lmaobathhouse desolator
Slardar?I feel so stupid now... who?
i really hope bathhouse desolator gets an immortal...he deserves more attention tbh
u know....outhouse demolisher....
screaming a bit
uh oh
did i popgaf wrong?