by the looks of that post, it looks like the meepo immortal turns him into
makes me wish I had any micro ability to play meepo
makes me wish I had any micro ability to play meepo
Which hero has the angriest/most irritated/loudest "IT'S NOT TIME YET?" cooldown response? I need this for personal reasons.
Night Stalker has one of the angrier onesWhich hero has the angriest/most irritated/loudest "IT'S NOT TIME YET?" cooldown response? I need this for personal reasons.
Which hero has the angriest/most irritated/loudest "IT'S NOT TIME YET?" cooldown response? I need this for personal reasons.
I've won multiple games against techies before the horn just by buying sentries and TPing to the safelane before the game even beings. The Techies are always confused and proceed to either DC, feed a kill, or be completely ineffectual for the game.F U C K
Which hero has the angriest/most irritated/loudest "IT'S NOT TIME YET?" cooldown response? I need this for personal reasons.
Which hero has the angriest/most irritated/loudest "IT'S NOT TIME YET?" cooldown response? I need this for personal reasons.
i wasnt able to check this before now, but the compendium literally says immortal treasure 2 isnt even finished yet
valve what the heck man
for the immortal vote i went:
shadow demon
elder titan
mostly just picking the underdog wherever possible
i wasnt able to check this before now, but the compendium literally says immortal treasure 2 isnt even finished yet
valve what the heck man
for the immortal vote i went:
shadow demon
elder titan
mostly just picking the underdog wherever possible
That doesn't mean anything. Everything says that unless it's released.
i wasnt able to check this before now, but the compendium literally says immortal treasure 2 isnt even finished yet
valve what the heck man
for the immortal vote i went:
shadow demon
elder titan
mostly just picking the underdog wherever possible
Honestly Valve's handling of the compendium and associated rewards is pretty damn pathetic. Leveling up the compendium is virtually impossible outside of pumping raw money into it, and even after doing that, you don't even get the rewards once you hit the stretchgoals set up in the compendium. And meanwhile Valve is completely unresponsive on the matter.
where is that reddit post complaining about wok hat predictions
Aci too:
Yep, got laughed at for deciding not to go for bf when I play PA, but I've been doing pretty well. Clearing stacks is harder though. My PA build is now generally Treads>Helm>BasherYep, I was playing with a Luna who sold all his stuff because he needed to get hand of midas before 12 mins to complete challenge, so dumb.
Also thanks to everyone who advised against going battlefury, did so much better now and could contribute a whole lot more into the teamfights, cheers.
I agree, that Outworld build is disgusting afk, octarine on him is nasty.
Someone didn't buy last year's compendiumHonestly Valve's handling of the compendium and associated rewards is pretty damn pathetic. Leveling up the compendium is virtually impossible outside of pumping raw money into it, and even after doing that, you don't even get the rewards once you hit the stretchgoals set up in the compendium. And meanwhile Valve is completely unresponsive on the matter.
Honestly Valve's handling of the compendium and associated rewards is pretty damn pathetic. Leveling up the compendium is virtually impossible outside of pumping raw money into it, and even after doing that, you don't even get the rewards once you hit the stretchgoals set up in the compendium. And meanwhile Valve is completely unresponsive on the matter.
Yep, got laughed at for deciding not to go for bf when I play PA, but I've been doing pretty well. Clearing stacks is harder though. My PA build is now generally Treads>Helm>Basher
Why do these back and forths have to consume the entire fucking thread?
Ya'll can't just link Hylian some fucking videos?
go watch, Hylian. The whole thing. Learn some shit. As should everyone looking to have a better understanding of how to support a carry in a lane.
You stack the jungle. Farm from pulls. You only get exp from kills in an aggro tri, although not necessarily it depends on the objective of the aggro tri. Sometimes the objective is just to break even and slow down a carry's farm.I had this playing in the background while working, occasionally flipping over to it to see what was going on and actually just the audio taught me a lot more than I expected.
One question though: They said in an aggro tri in this video, you're supposed to be getting XP from kills. Now obviously at the same time, a coach of an enemy team would be saying "Okay don't die" in that scenario, so what if you can't manage to make any kills happen because the offlaner plays too safely for you in that situation? Without levels it feels like smoking mid would be incredibly difficult unless the mid is something that can really help secure a kill.
We have just launched a new Truesight statistic showing APM (Actions per Minute). It is using new data, and is NOT retroactive on old games.
APM includes most actions and unit orders in the game.
It does NOT include:
- Pings on the minimap
- Browsing the shop interface (it does include purchases)
- Typing in chat, or chatwheel actions
- Checking score screens or going through menus such as changing keybinds
- Camera Orders
Additionally 1 ability cast = 1 action regardless of if the player uses quickcast or traditional cast
You stack the jungle. Farm from pulls. You only get exp from kills in an aggro tri, although not necessarily it depends on the objective of the aggro tri. Sometimes the objective is just to break even and slow down a carry's farm.
Why would there be an aggro tri vs an offlaner? You're a bit confused.
Edit 3: In the case of an aggro tri vs a safelaner, you generally dive them for kills, then kill the tower.
Guys, now we have access to APM if we pay Dotabuff.
Apparently, I am not a clicker.
I'm not really sure what the point of APM is in Dota. I mean it doesn't play like an RTS game, so it's not about action efficiency all over the map at once. It's more like some less APM actions are more meaningful in Dota. I mean I guess it's just a fun stat for no real reason, but still I don't get the point of it.
Finally played ranked for the first time in a year. We won and I am now a pathetic 1298 mmr. The climb to 3k is going to be brutal I'm sure![]()
Still think its crazy that Valve doesnt reset everyones MMR every 4 months or so
Maybe not reset everyone but if you take a break from the game you should have to recalibrate.