Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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dave is ok

aztek is ok
It doesn't appear in the search results.
Yeah, I figured it out.

You have to just search 'Profile Background' and it'll come up.

The profile backgrounds have qualities like items do. You can search 'Uncommon Profile Background' and 'Rare Profile Background' and shit. No Dota 2 rares currently listed


I expect Mouz to wreck qpad, decent as they seem to be doing here.

Very unlikely. The pandas are crushing iccup right now, and mouz was not as good against iccup yesterday.

"EG was so good that they made every other team looks bad".
I assume this will get buried quickly, but who is a good, "my first carry" to try? I've been using a lot of Jakiro, Windrunner and Vengeful Spirit to learn support, but I'd like to start dabbling into farm dependent characters.

I was thinking Tidehunter and Venomancer? Those good? Other suggestions?


I assume this will get buried quickly, but who is a good, "my first carry" to try? I've been using a lot of Jakiro, Windrunner and Vengeful Spirit to learn support, but I'd like to start dabbling into farm dependent characters.

I was thinking Tidehunter and Venomancer? Those good? Other suggestions?

I'm thinking weaver. Low HP pool but has good dps and escape.


I assume this will get buried quickly, but who is a good, "my first carry" to try? I've been using a lot of Jakiro, Windrunner and Vengeful Spirit to learn support, but I'd like to start dabbling into farm dependent characters.

I was thinking Tidehunter and Venomancer? Those good? Other suggestions?

Tide and Veno are supports. Easy to play carries are Juggernaut, Skeleton King, Gyrocopter and Meepo.
EG LGD Rising Stars for the last 3 spots. Bank on it. (Hardly a bold prediction by any means)

I'm thinking weaver. Low HP pool but has good dps and escape.
nah. takes too long for his dps to ramp up because of the typical need for a linkens.

go with Luna, Ursa, Skeleton King, Viper, Riki, and/or Drow.

all are no-nonsense pubstompers. pick based on whether you feel like becoming proficient with melee carries or range carries.


My god I've been waiting for months to try this game and still no invite :(.

All my casual gamer friends are playing and me nothing!
I assume this will get buried quickly, but who is a good, "my first carry" to try? I've been using a lot of Jakiro, Windrunner and Vengeful Spirit to learn support, but I'd like to start dabbling into farm dependent characters.

I was thinking Tidehunter and Venomancer? Those good? Other suggestions?

Those aren't carrys, but rather initiators. Some carrys to try out for a beginner are Lifestealer and Lycan for melee or Drow and Sniper for ranged.

Lifestealer is amazing due to health regen through attacking, magic immunity and a slow. Lycan has amazing damage and a great method of escape.

Drow and Sniper are glass cannons. If you play cautiously in the early stages you can become quite powerful once you get your farm in.

Many can be considered beginner friendly in my opinion. Dragon Knight with his passive allows for less time spent running back to the fountain and more time staying in lane getting experience.



How do I know who I can trussssst around here??
I was just referencing the OP, the rest are legit easy carries. I would not recommend at all Weaver or Lycan to a beginner, but i did forget Sven, Lifestealer and Viper. Heroes like Drow and Sniper can be a "noob" trap because seem really easy, but they can get punished really hard for bad positioning.


I assume this will get buried quickly, but who is a good, "my first carry" to try? I've been using a lot of Jakiro, Windrunner and Vengeful Spirit to learn support, but I'd like to start dabbling into farm dependent characters.

I was thinking Tidehunter and Venomancer? Those good? Other suggestions?

Ursa is my beginner carry of choice. Huge damage output with only a few items like Phase Boots and Vlads, great slow, fairly tanky. Check him out. He's a good "transition carry" as you move to more farm-heavy heroes.


I assume this will get buried quickly, but who is a good, "my first carry" to try? I've been using a lot of Jakiro, Windrunner and Vengeful Spirit to learn support, but I'd like to start dabbling into farm dependent characters.

I was thinking Tidehunter and Venomancer? Those good? Other suggestions?

Viper is the carry I tell all my noobie friends who to play, and they always enjoy themselves.

Skeleton King and Ursa are both powerful and easy to use melee heroes if you prefer that route. Also Lifestealer, who is the flavor of the month right now anyway.
Ursa is my beginner carry of choice. Huge damage output with only a few items like Phase Boots and Vlads, great slow, fairly tanky. Check him out. He's a good "transition carry" as you move to more farm-heavy heroes.

now that I look over my list again, I think I'm going to go with:

Skeleton King for melee.

Luna for range.

They are probably the most forgiving carries in the game. Die with SK? It's okay! You get a free aegis every x seconds. Can't farm early with Luna? It's okay! We'll give you the best cleave in the game for free. Both have semi-spamable nukes too.
Those aren't carrys, but rather initiators. Some carrys to try out for a beginner are Lifestealer and Lycan for melee or Drow and Sniper for ranged.

Lifestealer is amazing due to health regen through attacking, magic immunity and a slow. Lycan has amazing damage and a great method of escape.

Drow and Sniper are glass cannons. If you play cautiously in the early stages you can become quite powerful once you get your farm in.

Many can be considered beginner friendly in my opinion. Dragon Knight with his passive allows for less time spent running back to the fountain and more time staying in lane getting experience.

I was just referencing the OP, the rest are legit easy carries. I would not recommend at all Weaver or Lycan to a beginner, but i did forget Sven, Lifestealer and Viper. Heroes like Drow and Sniper can be a "noob" trap because seem really easy, but they can get punished really hard for bad positioning.

Ursa is my beginner carry of choice. Huge damage output with only a few items like Phase Boots and Vlads, great slow, fairly tanky. Check him out. He's a good "transition carry" as you move to more farm-heavy heroes.

Viper is the carry I tell all my noobie friends who to play, and they always enjoy themselves.

Skeleton King and Ursa are both powerful and easy to use melee heroes if you prefer that route. Also Lifestealer, who is the flavor of the month right now anyway.

now that I look over my list again, I think I'm going to go with:

Skeleton King for melee.

Luna for range.

They are probably the most forgiving carries in the game. Die with SK? It's okay! You get a free aegis every x seconds. Can't farm early with Luna? It's okay! We'll give you the best cleave in the game for free. Both have semi-spamable nukes too.
You guys are awesome. =D

I'm going to read up on Viper, Ursa, Luna (I always liked Huntresses in WC3).


Not Wario
FYI- if you do play Ursa, I think it's better to build him slightly different than the standard carry. Ursa gets both a ridiculous attack speed steroid AND tons of free damage from his abilities, so I tend to go for initiation/gap closing items and disables on him. Given decent farm, I like to go phase boots, shadow blade, and scythe of vyse, with a black king bar mixed in somewhere if I'm afraid of magic lockdown.
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