Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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This has been loading for 10 minutes now. Anyone else having issues accesing your own hero builds for editing/uploading?


I was having issues all of last week, but the most recent patch seemed to fix it. It is almost always slow loading, though. Some days are worse than others.
Viper is the carry I tell all my noobie friends who to play, and they always enjoy themselves.

Skeleton King and Ursa are both powerful and easy to use melee heroes if you prefer that route. Also Lifestealer, who is the flavor of the month right now anyway.

yup. when i first started playing dota, viper was the hero that i could win with.


There is a command that should have the client automatically turn into any games to the Qualifiers.

dota_spectator_auto_spectate_games 65005

65005 is the LeaugeID, you can change it to other numbers to work with different tournaments. Once a game starts up, it should just tune in, and then it should change to the next game after the first one finishes.

To turn it off without having to restart the client, set it to 0. For the East Qualifer next week, use 65004. If you want it to just pick random games, set it to 1.

Where do you put this in? In the console?


yup. when i first started playing dota, viper was the hero that i could win with.

Even bots can do well with Viper.

Count me as another vote for Skeleton King, too. As long as you pay close attention to your mana pool (don't use Hellfire Blast unless you have 280+ mana), and avoid risky teamfights while your ultimate is down, you should do well. He's countered by mana burners and illusion heroes pretty hard, though.


I'm new to watching live tournaments through the Dota client. Is the QPAD Red Pandas vs. mousesports the latest game in the qualifiers?

EDIT: Okay, looks to be so.
Luna feels like a bad pick, her ult is useless against ALL mouz heroes.

Edit ^ It's the last game today, the winners goes against DD, the other semi is gonna be Eg Vs rox.kis
Anyone else has a shitty ping on eu west servers since the last couple of weeks?
I usually have a ping around 50 but now I get a ping of 150+ in 9/10 games, restarting pc/router doesn't help.


I'm super noob to moba games, never played more than 3 matches for the hostile ambient that generates even in noob matches

Need some advice and how to start playing
A team gets an advantage, so they take minimum risk so they don't lose that advantage, but the opposing team doesnt want to take any risks because they prefer just waiting the opponent to throw instead of doing something themselves. Amazing games.



Not Wario
What's weird is that I did buy another compendium and gift to a friend yet it still shows my personal contribution on my compendium is only 2.50. Does the compendium you get with an actual International ticket not count towards the total?


Gold Member
I have bought my compendium from the Steam Market. And now, on the first page, there is the name of the guy I bought it from.

Moreover, my contribution to the prize pool is $0...

any reason you didnt buy it from steam? Unless you got it for cheaper...but even then you dont get the stuff with it do you?


any reason you didnt buy it from steam? Unless you got it for cheaper...but even then you dont get the stuff with it do you?

I got it for slightly cheaper, and I got the Smeevil immediately. At that time, after some talks with Steam Support, it could be possible to get a battle bonus, but I don't think it is still possible. That's it.


You activated it and got the smeevil? Or you got the smeevil from the same person you bought it from?

I activated the compendium, and then got the Smeevil automatically.

I would advise to buy the compendium directly from the store though. Now, the Steam market sells the compendium at a higher price for no reason, plus you don't get a stranger's name on the first page of your compendium if you buy from the store.
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