is this Enzio cup a pub tournament?
is this Enzio cup a pub tournament?
One of the most aggressive support heroes in the game (above average burst damage, ridiculous cc), he can gank anyone provided he maxes Glimpse early (I find it best maxed first), pubs don't know how to play him or against him (83rd in popularity), and he snowballs like a blizzard.
Most of the time I just random or play whatever's needed, though.
Played Kunkka for the first time..holy shit he is nasty when you get good items and higher level.
One of the most aggressive support heroes in the game (above average burst damage, ridiculous cc), he can gank anyone provided he maxes Glimpse early (I find it best maxed first), pubs don't know how to play him or against him (83rd in popularity), and he snowballs like a blizzard.
Most of the time I just random or play whatever's needed, though.
Dem one hit triple/ultra/rampage.
Using Glimpse on someone who is TP'ing in is probably the single most fun thing to do in Dota 2
Whatever he's doing on stream reading these usernames is really really dumb.
I had one fun kill,sniper used his shadowblade and new creeps came along and killed him in the process when killing those creeps. And yes i used that boat when doing teamfights so mutch fun!
When you join a game, what are your go to heroes to ensure you will win or have a high chance to?
Mine is lich. If I join a RD game and lich is in the pool, I will almost always pick him, go to safelane and straight up sac. every creep possible, harass as much as possible, pick up Tranq boots and snowball into a support megazord.
It's not always the most fun to play him, but if i want to win, thats how i do it. Lich is very good at being fucking annoying to the opponents, even more annoying than a dot spamming silencer.
The boat takes a bit of practice to start getting it. That's what most people fail as Kunkka, that has low cooldown, movement buff and does a lot of damage (400 I think on the first level).
One of the most aggressive support heroes in the game (above average burst damage, ridiculous cc), he can gank anyone provided he maxes Glimpse early (I find it best maxed first), pubs don't know how to play him or against him (83rd in popularity), and he snowballs like a blizzard.
Most of the time I just random or play whatever's needed, though.
Weak laning support, especially for aggressive tri lanes.
What's the best support against Trilanes? Like 1 support w/carry vs trilane.
When you join a game, what are your go to heroes to ensure you will win or have a high chance to?
Mine is lich. If I join a RD game and lich is in the pool, I will almost always pick him, go to safelane and straight up sac. every creep possible, harass as much as possible, pick up Tranq boots and snowball into a support megazord.
It's not always the most fun to play him, but if i want to win, thats how i do it. Lich is very good at being fucking annoying to the opponents, even more annoying than a dot spamming silencer.
Are those Siberia v2 most streamers wear good value/quality? My current headset (Creative Fatality, for reference's sake) is starting to go so am looking to replace it.
What's the best support against Trilanes? Like 1 support w/carry vs trilane.
I had this situation on me, and the people from other lane didn't move an inch. We did surprisingly well with just Jakiro (me) and Void.
Yup, it never gets old. I'm going to do a little happy dance when I unlock the achievement for the first time.Using Glimpse on someone who is TP'ing in is probably the single most fun thing to do in Dota 2
While Disruptor is one of the best supports in the midgame and during team fights, he is one of the weakest in terms of lane presence in the early game though.
Eh. Good attack range for harassment, Thunder Strike's damage is plenty relevant during laning (but you have to make your move early). Obviously depends on the hero you're laning with.Weak laning support, especially for aggressive tri lanes.
Fuck. Everything. We should not have lost this. I had a brief moment of tunnel vision at the end and was chasing TA out of our base while Enigma had a Black Hole.
Fixed. But we were playing with 3 people that game, that BS and Rubik did shit all that game, laning with that Rubik drove me crazy and had to abandon lane and went top.
Fuck. Everything. We should not have lost this. I had a brief moment of tunnel vision at the end and was chasing TA out of our base while Enigma had a Black Hole.
Fixed. But we were playing with 3 people that game, that BS and Rubik did shit all that game, laning with that Rubik drove me crazy and had to abandon lane and went top and tried my best to dig my self out of the hole that I was in.
it looked to me like the bs was doing a lot of work in the early-mid game
also, i don't think that game was winnable at that point, even if you hadn't chased the ta. it looks like gyro was 6 slotted with the most appropriate items. even if he wasn't, bs and rubick couldn't do anything at that point, and enigma would be useless after blackhole and sheep
I don't know why this map awareness things keeps happening to me. This is fucking frustrating.
Not sure why you went Radiance TBH.
It's a good Weaver item and things were going pretty well? I got it by 20 minutes. Why does Radiance get so much hate lately?
real talk.
I didn't even realize Gyro was so big until I looked up and only me and Weaver were standing. Bfly AND Satanic AND BKB AND MKB AND Divine...
Excitement of the moment. You can even hear it in your voice. lol
you had dream on your team, smh
Then is it ever viable on anyone? It seems like everyone hates Radiance now. What is the cutoff to get one?You got it pretty late, and by the time you had it could have made some cheaper items and been more useful. You had like 800HP when you had the Radiance, far too easy to burst down.
it's ok vs ta (not if you farm it too late) otherwise just go linkens > manta > crit or mkb if you need it.Then is it ever viable on anyone? It seems like everyone hates Radiance now. What is the cutoff to get one?
Edit: It also eats Refraction charges...
I have been practicing online versus bits but that only takes you so far. I need to play actual people but I dread pub games and I can't even find a game even if I try. Anyone wanna help me get better at this game?
Then is it ever viable on anyone? It seems like everyone hates Radiance now. What is the cutoff to get one?
Edit: It also eats Refraction charges...
I have been practicing online versus bits but that only takes you so far. I need to play actual people but I dread pub games and I can't even find a game even if I try. Anyone wanna help me get better at this game?
wasting 5150 gold just to counter a very easily countered hero isn't worth your time. you can get a deso for 4100 and it'll do more damage.
But when is it actually viable? What's the cutoff (in minutes) to get one? Should I have just made the relic into Abyssal Blade or just never even bought it?wasting 5150 gold just to counter a very easily countered hero isn't worth your time. you can get a deso for 4100 and it'll do more damage.
Weaver is probably a hero who could thrive on an early Abyssal Blade between the added stun and monstrous Geminate damage, though it's almost as dicey as the early Radiance. I'd be tempted to go early Abyssal on Doom if his armor gap wasn't so horrifying.But when is it actually viable? What's the cutoff (in minutes) to get one? Should I have just made the relic into Abyssal Blade or just never even bought it?