Fucking weekends in Dota. This fucking shit makes me so angry, I can't comprehend.
People with more than 300 wins, abso-fucking-lutely having no clue and ruining the game for others. Holy shit.
First this happens:
The Brewmaster game i even lost, AFTER I went 12 / 1 and ONE OF THE ENEMY TEAM FED DELIBERATLY. I mean we played 5vs4 and one of their teammates fed us kills on purpose AND WE STILL LOST. WTF.
And then the last game, finally a good game with brood, I feel confident, get lots of kills
Yes I need to vent
Losing streaks like that are the absolute worst! I ran into one and I had to stop playing for awhile. This last week i've played some "organized dota" letting my friends know what times I want to try and queue. We've gotten four guys each time (varied lineups) but the results have been fantastic. I've been playing some of the best Dota I have ever been too!