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Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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weplay tournament said:
QPAD replaces Kaipi due to RTZ having to go to school on weekdays



International 2013 Interactive Compendium

Use the International 2013 Interactive Compendium to keep up to date on this year's tournament action. Includes a free Smeevil courier.

Does this not include spectating the game?
What other items should Mirana go?

I don't see anything inherently wrong with your items, maybe go bkb instead of bfly and spend the leftover gold on getting to daedalus. SB/Tiny were pretty buff so I guess it is a point of contention if you would have had more EHP from 30% evasion or magic immunity. Mirana isn't really a super late game carry anyway, I like playing her by buying phase, smoke, bottle and just ganking as much as I can.

Your tinker was an idiot at any rate, I'm guessing he was just fooling around with item builds. BKB would have solved his problems against pugna, bloodstone and sb are garbage. No one bought mek and two ac's is just dumb, one should have been vlads, even though you only have one melee carry. I'm guessing it was a 3-4 stack looking to have fun by doing troll builds.
Compendium will probably hit the tier 1 goal today.

Tier 2 within a week

I don't think it'll hit tier 3, though. $2 million should have been the final stretch goal.

Definitely will have to get GAF stacks on with all that stacking bonus.

In other news - what are everybody's favorite Slark builds?

I gotta go fast so I get drums and SnY. Treads definitely better than phase since the toggle is super useful with his kit. The drums I get to help out his mana issues. After that I usually get a basher, and then go from there based on the how the match has progressed.

Mjollnir or AC might be fun to try - more attack speed = more leech. Linken's definitely situational with all the good stats - spellblock really helps a lot if they have good lockdown. Should pretty much never die if you have that as the early warning. MKB a probably pretty good with the speed and bashes. Atos might be fun as a goofy item as it does fulfill some of his needs. Butterfly definitely good long term. Armlet may be entertaining combined with his skills (could you leave it perma-toggled with him?)


Ive got 2 common items for him. Shoulders and a belt

Trade you for 1 uncommon if u want

Its only $650 for the set

Small change
!!! dat price tag !!!

is there a way to check your backpack without online?

and why is that set not in the store?


I might be a bit blind/stupid/retarded but how do you make a prediction for the teams who progress in the east/west qualifiers in the compendium.

The other predictions are on drop down menu's but can't work out the team one...
I'll never buy the "Cowboy Hats break our super serious game lore" when there's WALRUS PUNCH and slot machine noises ingame.

It wasn't just that though. It had low ratings on the workshop and still made it in.

Either way, it's all just experimental fun for Yanis.

I might be a bit blind/stupid/retarded but how do you make a prediction for the teams who progress in the east/west qualifiers.

The other predictions are on drop down menu's but can't work out the team one...

It says on the page - drag and drop the team logos.


So in other news, do we think we'll get Tresdin (who was in the artwork), Avernus (who seems further along in development) or disappointment?
So in other news, do we think we'll get Tresdin (who was in the artwork), Avernus (who seems further along in development) or disappointment?

Legion Commander is definitely part of the next hero patch. We should just stop there. Speculating on how many heroes will be in today's test client patch is just going to jinx it again.


Mushroom Crate items marked accepted

Man this'll be a super boring crate. Sven and Juggernaut swords? Really?

I havent been particuarly wow'd by any of the recent crates (cept the Anuxi crate because of the Storm hat). This one looks like another I will pass on.

Legion Commander is definitely in the next hero patch. We should just stop there. Speculating on how many heroes will be in today's test client patch is just going to jinx it again.

Psh, but its fun to guess! At the very least do you guys think anyone else's textures will pop up today? We're only running on 2 "WIP" heroes right now...

Im still under the impression Terrorblade and Phoenix will be last, and possibly not even added pre-TI3. Gonna go out and guess that Pit Lord will be the next to show up in the textures.


Magnus/PA in pubs is just so OP

Got a 5 man RP at +/- 15 minutes and after that it was GG

Every fight after that was me RPing 4/5 of them and PA blinking in and doing the dirty work. RP - Nyx stuns - teamwipe

Felt bad for them

All rage quit at 30 mins

Hey it still has a way to go...


this is kind of weird, but TF2 actually got over that little bump of terrible items in 2010-2011 and has looped back around now to amazing items and everything looking fine again. You hardly see something like that loadout these days.

But Dota 2 can never really end up like that without a massive departure from the style and how items are accepted. Dota 2's style is incredibly flexible, much more so than TF2's

Aren't there probably a couple more items in it that we don't know about yet?
I don't know, unless they pull some surprise items it seems the crate will be a

PA Weapon
Disruptor Hammer
Juggernaut Sword
Sven Sword
Doom Sword
QoP Dagger
Empower HUD
that other community HUD

that's a full crate right there of just accepted/schema ready items.


PA Weapon
Disruptor Hammer
Sven Sword

These 3 look cool as hell. Especially the PA weapon. So im OK with this

The new Dire/Radiant wards are looking pretty sweet as well

How is this one of the most popular items in the entire game (the doom sword)

It doesn't even have a lot of ratings, yet shows up in the top rated of all time... and it's accepted. Imo it's kind of ugly.


Get that shit glowing cactus out my game Valve

EDIT: Its "flaming" animation is also butt ugly. Gross
The International is free to watch.

Well you do need the compendium for Tournament drops this year. Same as needing the pennants last year. Longshot on those, but they're worth ~$200+ (the TI2 ones were) if you do happen to get lucky. Especially if it's from a particularly memorable game. May have to try and increase my chances by spectating some game no one cares about while Na`Vi vs. whoever is on.

How is this one of the most popular items in the entire game (the doom sword)

It doesn't even have a lot of ratings, yet shows up in the top rated of all time... and it's accepted. Imo it's kind of ugly.

People fall over themselves for dat hi-rez grafix. Textures like that don't really fit in with the more water color style of Dota 2 though.


Na'Vi vs Fnatic on right now

Well you do need the compendium for Tournament drops this year. Same as needing the pennants last year. Longshot on those, but they're worth ~$200+ (the TI2 ones were) if you do happen to get lucky. Especially if it's from a particularly memorable game. May have to try and increase my chances by spectating some game no one cares about while Na`Vi vs. whoever is on.


I didn't watched any game on Dota2, how do drops work?

Like if you spectate a game there are moments in the match where you can pick up treasures ?
Na'Vi vs Fnatic on right now


I didn't watched any game on Dota2, how do drops work?

Like if you spectate a game there are moments in the match where you can pick up treasures ?

When there's a First Blood or a Multi Kill. Random drops happen to random spectators.


I didn't watched any game on Dota2, how do drops work?

Like if you spectate a game there are moments in the match where you can pick up treasures ?

When moments of note occur, such as First Blood, Killing Streaks, Allied-team denial, and victory, a random item will be given to a random observer with a tag staying something such as :

DK.Burning has scored first blood on Navi.Dendi in match ##### of The International 2013 Grand Finals.

The item will also give you a direct jump to when this occured if you right click it and select the option.

Edit: I dont remember if the heroes are mentioned either, the only tournament item I have is a Victory one, which says the score.
When there's a First Blood or a Multi Kill. Random drops happen to random spectators.

Also Aegis steal (deny as well?) and game end. There might be another instance besides the ones mentioned that I can't remember. Edit: Beaten!

And anyone think a pocket Ursa strat could break the ever prevalent Lifestealer? He's pretty decent vs. him, being one of the few heroes that can man up and fight him head to head. Especially if you got a Wisp.


I feel like Lumines and EE aren't going to get along. I don't see EE's temper or attitude holding well to Lumines' sarcasm and jabs when he's right over EE.

I think they're pretty good friends. Eternalenvy invented friendship too. Kappa

Maybe. I'd hope so because he's been poking him pretty well so far.
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