Treant still needs more work to him as was said he ulti'd and they still lost the teamfight.
SM and BB are fitting in quite well tbh...
I don't know if Tree needs more. I do think Fnatic's plan was poor. They put him mid to try to shut down Sky, but then played him like a poor man's Tidehunter (no farm after a certain point), 2-trick pony. He's not a carry, so you don't expect him to do a lot of work offensively unless you farm him. Invis was never used offensively to set up team ganks or anything. SS and LS wasted a lot of time tping to defend towers instead of farming. I just feel like they misused Tree (or, underutilized his Q). One day teams will realize that he can invis the whole fucking team and take over jungles.
Anyway, Lycan and NP just kept them on their heels the whole game, and despite a few nice ganks on Sky mid, he was still huge in team fights and put in enough work for a 5/2/something outting.
Yeah. Skywrath definitely good, but I think they've only picked him in games where they weren't facing a Nyx. They've either had him or he's been banned. Against a Nyx picking Sky is a no-no.
I hear you but meh. This isn't pubs. Teams don't run Nyx mid and even if they did Sky will murder him when he hits 6. He's unlikely to be a real problem for Sky at that level of play, where sents are a regular purchase and support Nyx players have to go Blink as their first real purchase after boots. An underleveled support Nyx without dagon doesn't have the damage output to down an Atos Sky.