Loda apparently pissed at Lumi for something he said about Trixi. Anyone catch what he said?
Where did Na'Vi run the Bristleback? I'm curious because the bristle didn't seem to have much farm when I tuned in.
Solo safe lane against a Naix I believe. Or am I going crazy
I don't know if Tree needs more. I do think Fnatic's plan was poor. They put him mid to try to shut down Sky, but then played him like a poor man's Tidehunter (no farm after a certain point), 2-trick pony. He's not a carry, so you don't expect him to do a lot of work offensively unless you farm him. Invis was never used offensively to set up team ganks or anything. SS and LS wasted a lot of time tping to defend towers instead of farming. I just feel like they misused Tree (or, underutilized his Q). One day teams will realize that he can invis the whole fucking team and take over jungles.
And this is why I don't bet.
I, personally, think Treant needs a few more tweaks. Living armour is good but his ultimate and guise are still questionable. And his early game impact I don't feel makes up for his late game irrelevancy.
That's not how you should be playing Treant though. You don't want the game to go to the late game. He's an absurdly powerful early/midgame tower-diving team-healing timing-push aggressor. Fnatic's plan was all over the place and they let themselves get pushed in by Prophet and Lycan.
I mean I'll take more Treant buffs since apparently I'm the only person in the world who plays this hero all the time, but shit. He's good where he is and for what he does.
Solo safe against a semi-roaming tri with LS, Shadow Demon and...shit I can't remember the other.
And this is why I don't bet.
I, personally, think Treant needs a few more tweaks. Living armour is good but his ultimate and guise are still questionable. And his early game impact I don't feel makes up for his late game irrelevancy.
Loda apparently pissed at Lumi for something he said about Trixi. Anyone catch what he said?
Overgrowth + Vacuum, will it work normally like an RP(without the stun)?
Even after a year, still one of the best plays I have ever seen. That Naga counter was just amazing, best scene of TI2![]()
Edit: oh ti2 highlights.
The official reason for the dropping of Dota 2 this year was not disclosed. However, a reliable insider who does not wish to be named told GosuGamers that the reason for the dropping of Dota 2 is due to an agreement made by Tencent (Company owning Riot) and NeoTV, host of WCG, to not have Dota 2 wherever LoL is present.
All this TI2 VOD reminds me about is the fans chanting "USA USA USA" for Na'Vi.
Hilarious shit.
All this TI2 VOD reminds me about is the fans chanting "USA USA USA" for Na'Vi.
Hilarious shit.
whens the next game on?
Still can't believe how much they hate competition.
whens the next game on?
you can check out the match ticker on the right side of the page
dignitas vs qpad in 24m
I'm on my phone right now, so I can't find it quickly, but I remember someone did a 1000FPS slowed down version of "the play" that really shows off how good the game looks, even in slow motion.
Riot's monopoly is great for esports, seriously!
I'm looking at the Compendium (http://www.cyborgmatt.com/2013/05/dota-2-ti-compendium/) and it's so well done. This is really a step above what Valve has been doing with TF2 updates and comics and I thought those were really clever
I'm looking at the Compendium (http://www.cyborgmatt.com/2013/05/dota-2-ti-compendium/) and it's so well done. This is really a step above what Valve has been doing with TF2 updates and comics and I thought those were really clever
The chanting is the best part of AMERICAN E-SPORTS.
Yeah but in fgc they usually chant USA when they win a round against a japanese player since they realize they don't have many chances. In dota they straight up chant it for ukrainians.
Well WCG has been pretty irrelevant for a long time now. Even after all of these years they still can't produce a well run event.
I remember FGC chanting USA for Poongko many times bro. And Poongko ain't no 'murican.
The USA chant is pretty much for whoever is AMERICA'S CHAMPION