SnY Naix > Armlet Naix
get both
I remember the pumpkin one screenshot going aboutApparently there are working cheats/hacks/exploits for this game? I mean I'm not super surprised...just a little bit because I never heard/saw them before.
get both
I don't build armlet on anything anymore, it's so underwhelming. Also I hate items that have tradeoffs like MoM and Armlet, why am I paying gold to get an item with downsides?
It's mandatory on Huskar
I don't build armlet on anything anymore, it's so underwhelming. Also I hate items that have tradeoffs like MoM and Armlet, why am I paying gold to get an item with downsides?
yes it is.
until you see an AA on the other team
It's mandatory on Huskar
until you see an AA on the other team
Sure but I don't play HuskarIt's mandatory on Huskar
I feel like MoM is craptons better than Armlet.
rather get helm
I got 55% on huskar, not on a huge sample but you can win just fine by skipping armlet
rather get helm
I got 55% on huskar, not on a huge sample but you can win just fine by skipping armlet
Armlet is great on lifestrealer,its practically made for him . SnY doesn't give armor which LS needs. both of these items makes him a killing machine.
why get an armlet though when I can rush SnY and get a quik AC
early rosh is so fucking underwhelming even in pro games, it's just nice for the xp boost and 200 free gold
16% MS makes a huge difference on a melee carry like naix
Of course but hes still shit tier![]()
Well alright, but armlet gives no MS (when Naix is crazy kitable), marginal tankiness and damage when it's not toggled, and I am bad at toggling it. I mean, if your toggles are really good of course it's worth building, but why would I bother when SnY gives me similar early mid game presence without running the risk of killing myself?Armlet is cheaper than AC, give you alot of damge early, makes you tanky, give you very good armor and its side effects are negated by your feast.
And with armlet you can farm faster than with just SnY. ALOT faster.®ion=&faction=&duration=&timezone=Etc/UTC
Wouldn't you rather rush the SnY than get midas first? I feel like Naix falls off too hard to be delaying your core items.
There's a good chance at an early kill and/or outright forcing the enemy out of lane when playing Naix in pub games. He's also super easy to get last hits with, so you should get the Midas fast. That's why people usually do it. The problem I've noticed with people who do Midas first get super fixated on building it and if you kill them once or contest them for last hits early they become sort of irrelevant for the rest of the game.Wouldn't you rather rush the SnY than get midas first? I feel like Naix falls off too hard to be delaying your core items.
There's a good chance at an early kill and/or outright forcing the enemy out of lane when playing Naix in pub games. He's also super easy to get last hits with, so you should get the Midas fast. That's why people usually do it. The problem I've noticed with people who do Midas first get super fixated on building it and if you kill them once or contest them for last hits early they become sort of irrelevant for the rest of the game.
You build midas on naix precisely because you want to fall off less
Well alright, but armlet gives no MS (when Naix is crazy kitable), marginal tankiness and damage when it's not toggled, and I am bad at toggling it. I mean, if your toggles are really good of course it's worth building, but why would I bother when SnY gives me similar early mid game presence without running the risk of killing myself?
Not to mention the fact that AC is a hell of a lot better than Armlet in basically every way, and naix needs to get big items as early as possible on this patch cause he's so garbage. If you're getting armlet, your item build becomes rather awkward I find.
Typically I like midas -> SnY -> AC/Basher
Cmon 6.84c is very enjoyable. I actually almost quit at the end of 6.83c because of how awful a patch that was (far and ahead the worst I experienced in Dota 2) but 6.84 is nothing like that.give 6.85 so my stack plays dota again
Armlet is a terrible item. It is awful for almost all the hereos. Item needs a total rework.
That really only works if you have a full 5 man that want to end the game really quick. Naix needs too many items to push and team fight effectively. Odd comparison, but you kinda need to think of him like an Alch where you fall off really hard late but need tons of items asap to win games. If you build lots of mid game items you'll just fall in to irrelevance as soon as the enemy carry gets literally any late game item.I disagree with a midas as well. You want to get the armlet and sny asap, kill everyone and their mothers, end the game by 30 minutes when he is the strongest.
Another thought about LS, a good buff for him would be to have feast work roshan.
lol.Armlet is a terrible item. It is awful for almost all the hereos. Item needs a total rework.
Cmon 6.84c is very enjoyable. I actually almost quit at the end of 6.83c because of how awful a patch that was (far and ahead the worst I experienced in Dota 2) but 6.84 is nothing like that.
I'm just annoyed that Storm Spirit is the 2nd most popular pick this week. I really despise playing against competent SS players and I don't feel like playing AM every other game.
give 6.85 so my stack plays dota again
I try and invite people dailythey all left for cat girls