Übermatik;175958913 said:Official rant time, because I'm in the mood.
Just had a game as Zeus, with a 4 stack. I have a 75% (or there abouts) win rate with this hero, and he's most most played with 130 games played. I'm sat at about 3.4K MMR, and a terrible just-above-50% winrate. Feel these stats are important at least for some perspective, and I won't lie about my skill.
In this particular match, things started off well. My team mates picked Dazzle, Gyro, Mirana and Phoenix. Not a bad line up, and we managed to make space on the map for our carry to farm. I wasn't playing my best Zeus, but I was far from bad. Now the game progresses okay, but unfortunately due to some poor positioning from our team, a few kills were taken against us. As I studied the Phoenix play, I noticed he would use Fire Spirits every time they came off cool down. He'd spam the creep wave, and then move off. Unfortunately, this meant that on occasions he was lacking in mana/the spell was on cool down for engagements, meaning his egg rarely survived. Now, I'm not one to criticise 'bad plays' if the person is trying their best, so I'll leave that there. However. Although the other three on the team were quiet, I began to notice Phoenix's knack for spamming pings and drawing on the map. You might be wondering why I'm writing a paragraph to outline this behaviour, but it's because it leads me to this next bit. I had farmed well. My unconventional build of Arcanes > Aghs > Refresher was up, and I was trying my best to push out lanes. Phoenix was fairly well farmed with an Aghanim's and Urn. And then the pings returned. Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping. Not a great way to convey your message, but it turned out he wanted the lane farm. >1056 gold for Halberd. >20155 gold for Halberd. And so on... I think he was trying to make a point. But this is it - he got so hung up on wanting every single last hit (despite our dire circumstances of having every single lane pushed) that he began to grief so hard. Ignoring his 4 for 12 K/D and questionable play, he began using his ult on me to stop us both getting to team fights, he put his items on the floor and threatened to deny them, and kept up the pinging as before.
SO. What's the point in this rant? People are like this. Come across them a lot. Well here's the thing - remember how he was in a 4 stack? Well this guy reminded me of someone I used to play with too. He was almost like a carbon copy. Turns out we got so sick of his shit as a team that we weeded him out of our games, because he masked his poor plays and terrible attitude by flaming us and any poor solo player in our team.
People. If you have friends like this or queue with them, let them go. He hands down lost us that game in the end. He was so caught up on driving his point home that he lost sight of the match, and I could just tell his embarrassing behaviour was an elephant in the room for his team mates. Brattish, immature behaviour like that ruins the game. Communicate properly, don't spam pings like a neanderthal.
Okay, I'm done.
I usually unfriend anyone on my FL who ever griefs me in a match. The first offense, usually. And I let them know why. It's fine if you play poorly in my stack; we'll all fail from time to time. What will not happen in my stack is (a) flaming teammates or (b) griefing the team by throwing the game or being uncooperative. I have a waiting list on my friends list; nobody is that special that they get to take up a slot while being dickheads unless they're RL family. Only certain people on GAF are immune and even then "immunity" consists of one, maybe two flaming sessions before I simply become disinclined to play with them. I've never griefed, and two bear will tell you that the most extreme I'll get with flaming is "yo that was not the play" or "we need to fucking itemize better". Flaming and griefing are some of the most counter-productive, passive-aggressive, anti-social shit I've ever encountered in gaming.
Though I can understand frustration as it is a competitive endeavor (and competitiveness gets people's feelings flowing), and I'd venture to say that many have clearly never played any sports or had any other organized athletic experiences outside of gym class and as a result they've never learned how to deal with or work with people when the pressure is on. The results are thus.