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Dota 2 |OT11| $400 of Support and Passion

Servers still dead ? ffs
coast on the success of TI2 and half-heartedly swap a couple of players every year, while never being a contender for a championship ever again

Basically the Alliance of China

But alliance doesn't attend TI

What does the Chinese community mean when they call EE "The Artist"?
also for the record, i'm not an EE fan. I don't see his appeal.

An artist in doing strange builds and throwing hard. came from a mis-translation(or i guess an equivalent to a reddit "shitpost") of "G2A" in their forums.


What does the Chinese community mean when they call EE "The Artist"?
also for the record, i'm not an EE fan. I don't see his appeal.


OK guys,im a chinese and expert of Sgamer. Im here to explian. C9's game throw was so famous in China, then we start to wonder why cuz they seem so strong sometimes but their strategy and itembuilds was so hard to understand and lead them to failure usually. One day, on SGAMER. A post explained it to us,author claimed he is an Engilish expert.He said the answer hidden in their game IDs and team name.EE=Eternal Esthetics. Bone 7=Born to Nourish Esthetics. And because they started to show some strange game after their team name became C9-G2A. Author claimed that G2A means Great 2 Artists. That post was hot on Sgamer, but was deleted then. Since then, we start to understand them: they are using Dota as a tool to show some art. And that was the time we start to call them artists and they never let us down. btw, we dont call any throw of game art, only C9 because their throws are really different.
What does the Chinese community mean when they call EE "The Artist"?
also for the record, i'm not an EE fan. I don't see his appeal.
C9 did insane shit nobody else did and nobody understood what they were doing but them, so C9's play = art(referring to the kind of art most people don't understand) and EE is the artist.


Corporate Apologist
I don't think it's a mistranslation, I think it a joke that you can't understand art, like you can't understand why envy throws.
I tried out the Reborn Beta for the first time. A few questions:

1. None of my subscribed item/skill builds carried over. Is this normal? Is there a way I can get them on Reborn? I'm a terrible player and kinda rely on being told what to skill/buy.

2. I couldn't find my friends on the UI. The whole social area seems to be missing. Where is it?

3. What are your favorite custom modes?
It's RNG. Sometimes a mod promotes you to the front page, sometimes they don't.

Like if you aren't a frequent poster, it's very unlikely to get 2 front page submissions in a row without relevant content in between

please tell me you don't actually think reddit's upvote system is RNG
I put up the survey results on reddit
nobody gave a shit

Great read even if there are no real surprises.

I'm surprised that people feel like Atos is weak, it's a pretty nice item. The problem is that there aren't a lot of heroes that can get away with spending 3k gold on a slow, even if it is one of the best slows in the game. It would be nice on a lot of heroes but they'd rather get Euls, Blink, Force Staff, Glimmer, etc. as they're useful in more situations AND cost less gold.

Maybe change it to only need 1 Staff of Wizardry and adjust the stats accordingly(+300 HP and +15 int or something) so it's more affordable, but that might break it. I just don't see a 3k gold costing slow ever becoming super popular.
There's just almost always a better choice
It's nice on OD and silencer imo, other heroes should buy something else. SWM maybe too but doubt it's the best choice for him


Great read even if there are no real surprises.

I'm surprised that people feel like Atos is weak, it's a pretty nice item. The problem is that there aren't a lot of heroes that can get away with spending 3k gold on a slow, even if it is one of the best slows in the game. It would be nice on a lot of heroes but they'd rather get Euls, Blink, Force Staff, Glimmer, etc. as they're useful in more situations AND cost less gold.

Maybe change it to only need 1 Staff of Wizardry and adjust the stats accordingly(+300 HP and +15 int or something) so it's more affordable, but that might break it. I just don't see a 3k gold costing slow ever becoming super popular.

giving the active a tiny amount of damage to disable blink dagger might help, like they did for euls


There's just almost always a better choice
It's nice on OD and silencer imo, other heroes should buy something else. SWM maybe too but doubt it's the best choice for him

SWM would really like to go Atos every game but usually you really need glimmer or force staff or even medallion to help ur team more.
giving the active a tiny amount of damage to disable blink dagger might help, like they did for euls
It has a huge range on a 10s cd, that would be incredibly OP, the difference with Eul's is that Eul's used to actually help Blink users because they were invulnerable for almost long enough to instantly Blink away after the drop.


What if it disabled evasion for the duration of the slow
I always found stupid how the only counter to evasion is ONE item that is 5400 gold

That would be OP as all hell. A 3100g item to take away evasion? I mean, that is basically nerfs PA into the ground even more, discourages Butterfly purchases even more.

However I do like the general idea behind that. Maybe reducing evasion by 10% or something like that?

Or Solar Crest, or Silver Edge?

Silver Edge doesn't take away evasion if it's not their passive, a la PA.

Solar Crest doesn't take away an enemy's evasion either.


Atos should apply Break

but it really should, no kappa

Incoming rant about break:

The majority of cases you get a silver edge you want to disable evasion. The most annoying shit is that there are SO MANY exceptions this ability don't really make sense to me, and there's no way to actually check ingame, unlike BkB where u can check the enemy skills. Void passive don't get disabled for example, craggy does but grow doesn't, axe spin doesn't, legion does iirc, it's a clusterfuck.

In some cases, the passive breaking make an hero completely useless (huskar with no bonus ias and resist = ranged creep). Also, break ruin natural evasion, but don't disable butter, you need mute for that!

I'd rather nothing could disable passive generally, because it's confusing and has too many exceptions anyway (coming from the old coded vs ingame abilities in WC3). If we're moving away from those complicated exception shits (like BkB is being streamlined much more, and damage types getting easier too), i don't think a similar status should remain in the game as it is.
Make Silver edge simply apply a status that disable evasion (or give true strike to all heroes attacking the target , whatever work better). Make doom disable items and spells, but not passive abilities, make his aghanim give him something else. Give the ability to disable evasion a name and give it to some other item if you think evasion is too good (it probably is with solar crest).

Icefraud wanted to give something to combat evasion after he removed the effect from hex, but i don't think making an ability that is even more confusing than hex in what it actually do is the way to go.
Maybe Silver Edge could disable all passives but there are cases in which it's still confusing like Grow. I agree that there are too many weird exceptions to it though, I've found myself in a lot of discussions in which nobody really knew for sure whether SE did or did not work on certain passives, and in the end you woudln't get the item because it might not work and it's not disassemblable.
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