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Dota 2 |OT11| $400 of Support and Passion

atos should do some dot damage.

Most of suggestions in this thread for atos are stupid, but this is actually the only buff I think it could get and not be broken (for real broken, not just normalfish broken). The biggest issue with atos is blink. The range is so long that very few heroes can damage -> atos to inhibit blinks. It has Orchid syndrome with a weaker CC. Even if it just did enough damage to disable blink right when it applied (instead of a dot), I think that would be enough.


Just won my first game as Spectre
She is fun, but god damn am I useless in the early game. Even after it, unless I am six slotted she feels so weak.

Whats the build order on her?

Phase -> Radiance -> Manta+BKB -> Heart -> Skadi ?


Just won my first game as Spectre
She is fun, but god damn am I useless in the early game. Even after it, unless I am six slotted she feels so weak.

Whats the build order on her?

Phase -> Radiance -> Manta+BKB -> Heart -> Skadi ?
Spectre does not win her lane necessarily, she survives and farms in it. If you can keep finding pockets of space to farm you are fine.

I like to go PMS, Quelling Blade, Brown Boots and a casual Ring of Health. The casual RoH is for staying in the lane longer after you run out of regen. I usually sell this later on to get a piece of my Heart or something.

A lot of people do Phase lately but I don't really like it too much just because you are already phased with dagger, and with the Treads attack speed you can get more Desolate procs. Tread switching is also useful, especially with her small mana pool. Just don't forget to be on Agility when you use Haunt unless you really need to conserve the mana.

I find BKB to usually be unnecessary on her, as I would rather just have more HP, Manta or something.

After Radiance, depending on the game you can go S&Y if you need the immediate HP and stats, or casual Yasha into Heart, then Manta after Heart. Sometimes you might have to go Manta before Heart if the are a lot of silences flying around.

After all that Skadi is great: More HP, more stats, more chasing potential, all great things on Spectre.
whatever best fits the game

and not ring of health first
Not RoH right out the gate but you should get it to survive the lane after you run out of regen.
Rofl come on Fish how is that not the most broken shit in the world
Well I don't think Atos needs a buff. It's fine the way it is. But if there were to be a buff to it that's beyond just simple numbers (which I don't think it needs at all), it would be a way to disable blink. Because Blink is a 2250 item that hard counters Atos. The vast majority of the time, the change wouldn't even matter.


I think Urn on her is pretty cool. Get those global charges.

Never thought about Urn on her.

Hylian: I still have to try Treads on her but it also seemed a good idea for the stats, but Phase boots usually save me when I cant use the dagger. BKB was the last item I bought on my game since we had a Zeus, Bloodseeker and Slark all jumping on me.

So you also go Radiance after Treads directly? No casual Yasha on the way?

Well I don't think Atos needs a buff. It's fine the way it is. But if there were to be a buff to it that's beyond just simple numbers (which I don't think it needs at all), it would be a way to disable blink. Because Blink is a 2250 item that hard counters Atos. The vast majority of the time, the change wouldn't even matter.

What if Atos also applied Break? :)


Never thought about Urn on her.

Hylian: I still have to try Treads on her but it also seemed a good idea for the stats, but Phase boots usually save me when I cant use the dagger. BKB was the last item I bought on my game since we had a Zeus, Bloodseeker and Slark all jumping on me.

So you also go Radiance after Treads directly? No casual Yasha on the way?
I go Treads after Radiance. I want to get the Radiance online as soon as possible since it basically accelerates your farm and team fight impact from 0 to 90. That ~1000g to finish your Treads could be put toward the Relic.

Not to say she is completely useless before Radiance. With a maxed Desolate and good map awareness, haunting at the right time can be devastating. The best haunts are when people are running and really low and you suddenly go "Oh hey I got a triple kill"
Well I don't think Atos needs a buff. It's fine the way it is. But if there were to be a buff to it that's beyond just simple numbers (which I don't think it needs at all), it would be a way to disable blink. Because Blink is a 2250 item that hard counters Atos. The vast majority of the time, the change wouldn't even matter.

Agree to disagree I guess, remember those times in which you just barely couldn't damage an enemy before their blink came off CD? If Atos got buffed that way you'd literally never have that problem again, 1200 range means that you can reach almost always reach as long as they're in vision. Maybe it should go through BKB but I think BKB's already not that great an item right now.


Just won my first game as Spectre
She is fun, but god damn am I useless in the early game. Even after it, unless I am six slotted she feels so weak.

Whats the build order on her?

Phase -> Radiance -> Manta+BKB -> Heart -> Skadi ?

Phase > RoA > Mask of Madness all day


Have Atos apply rupture
That reminds me, I really hope they either remove or sufficiently reduce the damage on Thirst. That skill does so damn much: vision, true sight, Sanic the Hedgehorg move speed, AND you get damage on top of all this that goes on top of Bloodrage? Fuck that.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Just won my first game as Spectre
She is fun, but god damn am I useless in the early game. Even after it, unless I am six slotted she feels so weak.

Whats the build order on her?

Phase -> Radiance -> Manta+BKB -> Heart -> Skadi ?
Phase into Radiance is good, but if you're getting harassed too badly in lane just stick with Brown and grab a Ring of Health and continue on into Radiance. Yeah the RoH is kind of useless later but you really need that Radiance, if you're not getting it on time you're probably losing the game. After that I play it by ear. I'm a huge fan of Diffusal second because its like five minutes of jungle farm once you have the Radiance, and then I usually go some combination of Heart, Manta and BFly
Phase > RoA > Mask of Madness all day



Can you not open compendiums anymore? finally got a challenge that lets me get a set and it's not opening. Problem with the network?
What if Atos also applied Break? :)
unbelievably broken
Agree to disagree I guess, remember those times in which you just barely couldn't damage an enemy before their blink came off CD? If Atos got buffed that way you'd literally never have that problem again, 1200 range means that you can reach almost always reach as long as they're in vision. Maybe it should go through BKB but I think BKB's already not that great an item right now.
Like I said, it ddoesn't need to be a DoT. I think that'd be a bit much, too. An initial damage that gives you 3 seconds to stop blinking doesn't seem that imba, especially given the item doesn't give you any damage by itself. If Orchid, for example, were to have that disabling blink effect it would be crazy strong (though I admit I've wanted this change in the past).

Unrelated: NA LCS finals are pretty hype. CLG's support, Aphromoo, makes me want to play League again. He's so fucking good. Even if you're not terribly invested in the game, it's easy to appreciate the production value and casting quality.


Low Tier
bloodseeker isnt even close to broken

atos is fine

going raw radiance is so ass on spec unless you're getting it like <15.

get treads so you're actually useful the meta doesn't give carries the luxury of being out of the game until they get like a t4 item anymore
Even though I used to almost always get phase over treads whenever possible on any hero(unless it's complete nonsense like on Weaver, AM, most supports, etc.) treads seem to be the better choice in almost every situation now, though I don't really know what changed that. Maybe it's just my perception.


Low Tier
Even though I used to almost always get phase over treads whenever possible on any hero(unless it's complete nonsense like on Weaver, AM, most supports, etc.) treads seem to be the better choice in almost every situation now, though I don't really know what changed that. Maybe it's just my perception.

its cuz as a carry you should be fighting more, and the meta mids/offlaners/supports are all fight ready and can pick off heroes easily, so the extra health is huge.

treads are ownage


Has anyone else had this problem and/or know how to fix it?

I can't find ranked matches. I find unranked very quickly usually, but it doesn't find ranked matches at all. I just queued for 20 minutes today and have tried on various other occasions to queue, all of which went 15-20 minutes before cancelling.

I found one other person on the dev forum that had the same problem, but no posts on how to fix this.


if you ain't tread swapping you ain't playing dota right

This should be a more commonly taught thing to new players. It's not exactly self explanatory because people might not think that would work the way it does. I mean I knew it threw me for a loop for a bit when I found out that if I had 500 max mana with Agi treads, an my mana pool was full, I would have assumed if I Tread switched to Int I would still have 500/604 mana rather than 604/604. It's not exactly straight up told to you that when you gain mana pool, your mana stays at the percentage (except for Soul Ring of course, but that's different)


Even though I used to almost always get phase over treads whenever possible on any hero(unless it's complete nonsense like on Weaver, AM, most supports, etc.) treads seem to be the better choice in almost every situation now, though I don't really know what changed that. Maybe it's just my perception.

Probably just your perception. Treads vs Phase have always depended on the hero to me. You need to weigh whether they are about damage or attack speed, and then how much the other benefits of each boot apply to your hero (phasing and move speed boost vs Tread switching)

A few examples:

Gyro - All about damage, AS doesn't help him as much, Phase
Anti-Mage - Obviously Treads
Bristleback - Treads, Phase isn't good for him simply because you are using so many spells, and remember if you activate something else during Phase you cancel it, really diminishing what your Phase Boots are doing for you.





on the pantheon of things for new players to know, tread swapping seems pretty low. I think we're forgetting how many things there are to be learned and committed to memory.

I'm not so sure, simply because one of the things new players often struggle with is efficient use of mana. Tread Switching can help with that. On top of that it can help you understand the attributes better, since just reading out in front of you is kind of hard to think about in practice.
I'm not so sure, simply because one of the things new players often struggle with is efficient use of mana. Tread Switching can help with that. On top of that it can help you understand the attributes better, since just reading out in front of you is kind of hard to think about in practice.

there are a lot of things new players struggle with than a bit of mana.
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