Absolutely. Tread switching doesn't fall under that. It's a simple thing that only benefits you.
It's not simple.
You have this weird aversion to even considering you might be wrong, on this and elsewhere. You have, literally, the entire thread, telling you you're wrong and it's not the small thing you make it out to be but all you do is dig in harder.
How is it that after 4 years of this back and forth you still haven't learned to step back, take a hard look at it, and maybe consider that you don't know better than everyone else on every single occasion?
it is a super complicated monster to new players when all it does is give them more health or mana when they need it.
It's all your fault TUSR.
It is complicated to experienced players. Experienced players have to practice at it before they can do it consistently or effectively, and many of them forgo doing it at all, because the benefit is so slight, with such a narrow window of effectiveness, that people can get to 4k+ without even giving it a second thought.
- Every point in strength increases maximum health by 19.
- Every point in strength increases health regeneration by 0.03 HP per second.
- If strength is a hero's primary attribute, every point in strength increases his or her attack damage by 1.
- Every point in agility increases a hero's armor by 0.14 (meaning that 7 is needed to get 1 armor).
- Every point in agility increases a hero's attack speed by 1.
- If agility is a hero's primary attribute, every point in agility increases his or her attack damage by 1.
- Every point in intelligence increases a hero's maximum Mana by 13.
- Every point in intelligence increases a hero's mana regeneration by 0.04 mana per second.
- If intelligence is a hero's primary attribute, every point in intelligence increases his or her attack damage by 1.
It's like saying that sensible financial advice to poor people is for them to buy a Mazda MX-5 because learning how to drive stick shift makes you a better driver and the MX-5 is a relatively affordable manual car. Both facts are true so therefore it cannot be bad advice.
Case in point, if it's really as simple as you say it is, pretty much every player at your level would be doing it all the time.
You should take a look at the mids you're facing or people in the side lanes to know this is blatantly untrue.
haha remember when this thread was decent because this kind of shit was kept in check
Oh my god man, no one is arguing with you about what Power Treads do. We all know how Dota works. We all know how to do the math. You going through all that just looks like you think you're smarter than everyone else. And you're not. There are many better players than you in this thread.
Except you don't have to learn a whole alternate way to play Dota, just a simple press of a button in the right situations.
I also prefer driving stick myself, but that's a whole other debate and I understand why many people don't want to do it.
Jesus Christ
The point isn't whether or not learning manual is good, it's the fact that for a poor person proper budgeting is the financial advice they should be getting, and learning how to drive stick shift is at the very bottom of their priorities. New players have an attention budget, and tread switching is absolutely the least efficient way for them to spend it, even if objectively it's something that never hurts.
It is such a small part of their attention that requires though. It's even less than saying "You shouldn't put the ward there, put it over there instead"
Some did say the benefit was slight, and the point of all that was to show that is definitely more than "slight".
treads are great boots
so are arcanes
arcanes give lots of mana and are very easy to use effectively especially for new players on mana hungry heroes--treads on the other hand take a little bit more micromanagement, a bottle (and rune control), and don't give that nice n easy crucial active that gives you and the rest of your team that sweet sweet burst of mana
As long as they are not a hero that would require potential right clicks to follow it up (QoP for instance, as she is a fairly straightforward mid hero that new players might play). You wouldn't go arcanes on QoP because you know you will have to potentially follow up with right clicks. That lack of attack speed can be a cause of missed kills and frustration.
But this is actually not true.It is such a small part of their attention that requires though. It's even less than saying "You shouldn't put the ward there, put it over there instead"
How many times has tread switching won you the lane and the game?
Because I assure you, it will not be nearly as many times as my games have been won with wards. Or correct Force Staff usage. Or smoke ganks. Or pulls. Or stacking. Or, hell, even just farming correctly. At any level of play. And I would never, ever, tell a novice to practice all of these things while starting out.
No, maybe after a three months of coaching I can talk about pulling and stacking. Tread switching is for their Junior year of DOTA. Meepo and Invoker are graduation.
of course, but then again i wouldn't recommend qop/storm/sf and co. to new players
I'm done
I'm just tread switching between 3 posts over and over now, this is absurd
It is such a small part of their attention that requires though. It's even less than saying "You shouldn't put the ward there, put it over there instead"
fnatic.black what in the fuck
You are objectively wrong. This is not the same at all. You are talking about single-state knowledge that is applicable at every point in the game and requires very little dexterity, timing, and reflexes. Tread switching is not trivial. You are blind to it because you've played the game so much. It's like reverse Dunning-Kruger or something.
I think "put the treads on blue if you need mana" is a fairly simple concept, yes. I think people should learn that fairly early. Along the same lines of "if your hero needs more mana buy Int items". But that's not what tread switching is. Are we moving the goalposts?
oh wow, fnatic black?
i think communication wise it'll be better than his time in vg, english is more common there
Nah because mgo was delayed till January.cmon guys cant we get along? in 1 week and 2 hours we can all play MGSV together.
cmon guys cant we get along? in 1 week and 2 hours we can all play MGSV together.
Nah because mgo was delayed till January.
I still need to play the rest of the series, I remember I tried 4 a while back and it lost me around the 20 minute introduction of the fucking guy with the monkey you sell weapons to.
October for consoles. January for pc.i thought it was closer to like October? Or did it get delayed again?
Either way I hope its closer to MGO1 then MGO2...I fucking hated the 2nd one.
i thought it was closer to like October? Or did it get delayed again?
Either way I hope its closer to MGO1 then MGO2...I fucking hated the 2nd one.
Reviews have said no 1000 minute cutscenes this game.
cmon guys cant we get along? in 1 week and 2 hours we can all play MGSV together.