all of that is true of dazzle, though
sometimes a defensive support is worthwhile
can't compare the two, dazzle is fucking amazing compared to omni
all of that is true of dazzle, though
sometimes a defensive support is worthwhile
Omni's dmg output is more reliable I'd say. But yeah Dazzle's ult is really good in teamfights.
Dazzle's healing wave can output lots of damage if combined with an illu hero like Naga, PL, SD, etc.
dazzle has more offensive power than omni imo
Omni + a melee carry is a powerful beast. Healing burst + Pure damage + free bkb.
I don't see how omni's is more reliable, weave + shadow wave is powerful and dazzle's right clicks are decent too
Omni's dmg output can be 90/180/270/360 Pure dmg, so it will always be those values.
Dazzle heal is 80-320/100-500/120-720/140-980 Physical damage so armor values aren't accounted here. So his damage output is less consistent since its based on number of heroes and armor values.
Gee if only dazzle had a minus armor spell and there were very good minus armor items![]()
also range, cooldowns, mana cost, mana pool, etc
Give him an agha and he'll be good I guarantee it
oh well
we'll see
Didnt navi PR claim they were going to make big changes to the line up a few weeks ago? Or was that just reddit bluster?
Have you guys already tried Aghs Nyx? I encountered an enemy Nyx with Aghs and I just burst out laughing while he was burrowed. Just caught me by surprise and it seems really dumb lol.
(idea)Q to have mini stun
make it so that tidehunter disappears into a whirlpool when he teleports, making a vacuum-like effect when he disappears, and then teleports up to 800 range, emerges and ravages.
one and done. ty icefraud.
RIP us east today apparently. Tried a few hours ago and everyone DCed so got to leave due to poor network conditions.Tryion g again now and my game had like half my inputs not registering :/
fml I've been on a nice losing streak..lost ~100mmr over the last 2 days.
Reborn still feels like there's 0.2-0.5 seconds of input lag to me compared to regular dotes.
Yeah, or at least I thought so. I did get used to it over the course of the game, could have just been psychosomatic.really? it feels pretty much dead on to me now.
try reborn
omg... the sand king clip on fails of the week killed me.
omg... the sand king clip on fails of the week killed me.