I know that sniper was quite bad too.. We needed a support, he got sniper last. So instead of my solo lane, I had to share exp and leave the LH to him. Anyway I tried to farm my items on our jungle but I think i lost my time on that offlane
And SF played Ace but got cocky and gave em tons of gold. Thats another thing I see in the trench, the fine line between push to end and retreat to keep farming is not respected. I would have played that sf a bit more safe.
I am speeding through this replay, but I shouldn't miss anything too major.
- First of all, WK picked after Nyx and before AM. WK has low int, meaning Mana Burn isn't doing much to him. AM was still manageable for WK, especially with Soul Ring. I don't think you freaking out over the WK pick was warranted at all.
- Your starting items seem okay. I don't play offlane Bat much, if ever, but these mostly seem okay. I would honestly drop the Stout Shield though, as range block is significantly lower and you shouldn't be tanking that much especially as offlane Bat.
- Your team got both super bounty runes, nice!
- Sniper's items are a bit greedy, especially if he was going offlane vs a Jakiro who can just walk up and Liquid Fire him for free.
- Around 7 minutes you have 5 CS as Bat in a lane you could be getting CS in if Sniper wasn't taking them. I would say go start stacking jungle and jungle it. You won't do much to support Sniper up there, and Blink Daggers don't grow on trees. He seems to be doing surprisingly okay in that lane, definitely not ideal farm, but he's surviving, getting XP and some farm.
- At around 8:30, you use Firefly and try to drag the large camp into lane, if you're going to pull that camp, you need to time it right, or get plenty of napalm stacks before you just Firefly it. Although really you should just go jungle, as you aren't really able to do much in this lane.
- Pausing at exactly 10 minutes, here's the CS chart:
WK is beating AM by a decent margin, you guys are gaining momentum to potentially win this game. If you go stack jungle and find yourself somewhere to farm, you can get a blink dagger and contribute a lot more.
- Bottle is fine, but fuck the Tranqs and just get brown Boots and Blink. You can get the Tranqs later if you really think you need them, but Bottle should be enough for you. It took you 18:37 to get a Blink, and you could have had it a few minutes earlier if you skipped the Tranqs.
- AM got Battle Fury at 16:13, he doesn't even have boots yet with a total of 58 CS at this point. You guys can still capitalize on this and just bulldoze towers, as well as his team. Your SF is balling out of control. You guys need to use your advantages.
- SF has a 21 minute Desolator with SB, Aquila, and Phase GO KNOCK DOWN MORE TOWERS
- AM got Manta at 27 minutes....still no boots. His illusions are slow as shit, capitalize on this.
- WK got BKB, great, you guys need to fight together. 5-man and just go bulldoze shit with that Deso on SF.
- WK has AC around 40 minutes, you have AC and Deso on your team, however the other team has caught up at this point.
I think I've seen enough, basically your team needed to 5-man together and take towers.
You needed to realize what your hero was most useful doing, and in your case after a few levels, laning with that Sniper was pretty pointless, and you were better off stacking and farming jungle.