Alright guys. Its time for me to be an old man and yell at a cloud.
Has anyone here ever asked why League of Legends is so much more successful than DOTA 2 in terms of popularity / numbers? The same thing that happened to Heroes of Newerth is beginning to happen to DOTA 2, and I think only custom games are DOTA 2's saving grace. Original DOTA wasn't successful because of MMR, or because the game was so perfectly competitively balanced one could not find any flaws. Original DOTA was successful because it was unique, the gameplay was loads of fun, and you could pick up and play it quickly and effortlessly. Yet it was difficult to master. The same key aspects of most successful multiplayer games.
These 2 posts above demonstrate to me once again that it is probably time for me to retire from mainline DOTA 2. The focus on competition in the DOTA 2 community (and at Valve for that matter) is not healthy for the game, and not where I like to see the focus from players / developers with regard to multiplayer games. I'm still able to play smash bros. with friends because it is easy to pick up and play, even if I happen to be the most skilled player in my group. I do not make the matches vitriolic and I do not judge or make other people judge themselves in response to their flaws as players. It is still pure bliss in many regards. While League of Legends has its problems, it has clearly won the war of maximizing fun over competition in the MOBA genre, and that is coming from a person who prefers the gameplay of DOTA 2 to League and has always.
Bring on custom games. Just like I abandoned Starcraft 1 for its custom games, I'm completely ready to abandon DOTA 2. <3!
Having played dota for as long as 2008, Dota 2 is more than a disapointment it is worse than that.
Valve management of Dota 2 is horrific for so many reasons. Valve is just incompetent at handling online game. Every license they try to work on is a pure disaster. Team fortress is like dead thanks to Valve. People are still playing counter strike 1.6 for very legit reasons ( this game is like 15 years old). And the only successful game they did was half life and portal in the span of 17 years . wat?
Dota 2 is not exception. Once again Valve is clearly showing their limit and it's easy to predict dota 2 slow downfall.
Like seriously after almost 5 years of dota still no parity with dota 1. Where are pit lord and zet? It tooks them like 2 years to release the last 6 heroes or something. wat?
Valve also didn't manage to add anything revelant to the game. The fun modes such as death match, ability draft and even wraith knight event are directly taken from warcraft custom maps created by some random guys on battle net. That's the most innovative features they did since 5 years.
The UI is a catastrophy, the community aspect of the game is a joke ( who the fuck use guilds?) and the match making a disaster. It just doesn't work for solo or 2-3 friends queue. You re matched with total retards and game are so unbalanced it's either stomp or get stomped with nothing in between. Playing dota 2 is like watching baboons play.
People would argue " get gud and go 5 stake" but it's just saying their match making doesn't work and go back to garena stone age where the only way to have challenging game was to host your own clan war game.
Took 1 year to have a proper friendlist in game, 2 year to have a "team matchmaking and teams" and 3 for useless guild.
0 useful feature added to dota 2. Dota 2 is basically garena with a "find match" and "reconnect" button. wow
But the saddest part is the direction Dota 2 is going. They are trying to make game shorter. For what? So some random lol noobs grant us the privilege to give us their attention? Nobody care the game were long. Especially Dota players. We were enjoying it. Let's recall Dota was the most played game on earth. Do you think long game were an issue? The millions of people playing dota didn't care.
I don't know if icefrog or Valve was behind this but either way shortening game doomed the game from the get go. Making the gold rain from the sky is the most stupid idea ever
We don't have to farm anymore. 1.5x passive gold, discount on every item, cheap items support can buy by being afk. Take arcane boot for example. It costed like 3.3k gold before to have an equivalent item. Now it s 1395 bundled with a boot. Let's not mention drum, force staff , ghost, wand, medaillon. More cheap items so support don't even have to farm to go into late game.
Let's not forget reliable gold so nobody lose it's hard earned gold from being afk next to a kill and cashing in 500 gold. There is just no incensitive to gank since it doesn't even slow down people that much.
And I am not even talking about those 1k gold reward for killing someone. like what?
Dota 2 is essentially dota 1 easy mode made legit. And dota 1 people were making fun of easy mode so much it made me feel sad for em players. Now everyone is playing it.
Despite being the most played game in the world, Valve didn't manage to make dota 2 take off. Worse they keep comparing themselves to LOL and try to borrow ideas from them even if they are totally different games. It was actually the other way around for so many years. Facts talk by themselves, Valve didn't manage to grab even half of the dota 1 playerbase and the game is slowly on the decline.
I really loved and still love Dota but dota is not what it used to be. The balanced and challenging game with so many possibilities. Unless Valve suddenly wake up we can say bye bye to Dota soon. And they will not. Considering how they treated the community regarding to report system, matchmaking, Valve gives little care about what players think. They don't learn from their mistake.
The shitty beta released recently is just another proof Valve has no idea what dota needs.
It reminds me of the first dota trailer : "What does a hero truly need? That is for you to decide.". Sadly Valve doesn't know what dota needs and won't let us decide.