IS is god awful.It's good in the same way Pride and Prejudice is good but you need to be 5k MMR anime fan at least to appreciate it. If you're 2k pubtrash at anime like EE you're better off with Infinite Stratos.
Eva doesn't even make sense. People can rail about how it secretly makes sense, but they're just trippingevas awesome
Ok guys, show me some storm spirit videos, I'm ready to spam him to get back to 3000mmr. (The problem I have with him is, I just don't know his damage burst vs Mana usage)
IS is god awful.
Eva doesn't even make sense. People can rail about how it secretly makes sense, but they're just tripping
just a reminder to all you aspiring storm spirit idiots out there trying to climb mmr with the hero. he is farm dependent so hit creeps and stop zipping around the map forever.
it's okay
inkls is playing TA now
lol that one got me.
No offense to inkls intended as I have no idea how he plays storm.
Please respect inkls.
so yu-gi-oh is the next anime ive chosen to watch, that way i understand and can talk about the lore with true yu-gi-oh experts, and i can totally learn how to play the card game too
it's the most unintentionally awful and hilarious anime i've ever watched
1. pls1. it doesnt have to make sense, use your imagination and make your own sense out of it
2. it kind of does make sense but in that awful anime way where you have to go read a wiki and its all nonsense that some dude came up with while high and stuck on some jewish religion site
3. its awesome
4. giant robots
5. angsty teenagers
Eva doesn't even make sense. People can rail about how it secretly makes sense, but they're just tripping
The only thing you'll learn is how to cheat, every single game someone finds a new way to cheat. When I was younger I felt like certain cards were super OP because of the show, but then I realized they changed one property that made them go from balanced to fucking bullshit.![]()
so yu-gi-oh is the next anime ive chosen to watch, that way i understand and can talk about the lore with true yu-gi-oh experts, and i can totally learn how to play the card game too
it's the most unintentionally awful and hilarious anime i've ever watched
so yu-gi-oh is the next anime ive chosen to watch, that way i understand and can talk about the lore with true yu-gi-oh experts, and i can totally learn how to play the card game too
it's the most unintentionally awful and hilarious anime i've ever watched
1. pls
2. like really awful
3. pls
4. Gundam is better
5. true
**in seriousness, I was so disinterested by the end that I didn't even realize the last two episodes were... what they are until 5 minutes in to the 2nd.
Enjoyed the first few episodes, though.
I fucking love dota
I'll give you a reader's digest guide of him.
- Damage comes from Overload primarily, Remnant secondary (early game), and Ball Lightning tertiary. Late game Ball Lightning and Remnant damage hierarchy switch.
- Don't make long zips unless you absolutely have to early game. As you play the hero more, you can get a feel for how much you can actually zip, but for now, a good rule of thumb is to generally don't zip longer than across the width of the river banks, another relative comparison would be across a treeline.
- Use short zips to dodge projectiles or other spells. Watch for cast animations, for instance you can see Lina winding up a Light Strike Array.
- You are technically invulnerable during Ball Lightning, but there are strange caveats to this. These are kind of one-off things too, so usually it's safe to assume you are invulnerable during that form. Pudge can hook you when you are in Ball Lightning, however it only drags you and doesn't do damage. Silencer's ultimate can still silence you (I guess it treats it like BKB there). Another weird caveat of it is that you can't receive some buffs during Ball Lightning, whether this is a bug or intentional, I don't know, but one example of this is runes. You can technically take runes while in Ball Lightning, however you don't get their effect. It's really weird, you do still get the Bounty Rune effect though.
- You can attack from Ball Lightning assuming you are facing the right direction and your attack speed is fast enough. You can also cast spells and use items too.
- Laning with Storm comes down to Remmant efficiency. Basically if there's a creep almost to last hit range, and a couple of creeps just out of health range to be killed by one Remnant, you want to right click the creeps that are out of the threshold, and then remnant between all the creeps that would die from it. This is something you generally have to get a feel for, but that of course can come with time pretty quickly.
- Use Overload to harass the enemy if you can, but if you can't, make sure you get a last hit with it. Remember it explodes in a small AoE too, so if there are some creeps really low (like <50 HP) and one that's a bit higher that will die with the Overload hit, then you can score all those last hits in one Overload.
- Don't waste overloads if you can avoid it. Sometimes you have to because of a pressing situation, but it shouldn't happen very often. Overloads do proc on catapults, but don't damage them, but the AoE still explodes.
- There are a few options for skill builds, but the one I like best is 1-1-4-1 at 7, after that I get 3 in vortex (this is how much you need to pull someone into Remnant), then max Remmant, then get the last point in Vortex when you can.
- Mana regen > Mana pool on Storm. The reason for this is Ball Lightning is a percentage based mana cost, so this goes up if you have more mana pool. Now having more mana pool allows you to zip further, and you will end up getting a larger mana pool with items, but generally if you have a choice, regen > pool. An example of this would be if you were buying Scythe of Vyse, you want Void Stone in your inventory rather than Mystic Staff.
- Rough lane? Stack camps, remnant and overload them to catch up a bit when you can't farm your lane for whatever reason.
- Generally you don't want to get BKB if you don't absolutely have to. It doesn't provide anything for your mana pool, which is pretty much your bread and butter, and there are usually better options since you have Ball Lightning. I find Linkens, Euls, and even Lotus Orb are better options. I say Euls mainly for silences, you can purge Global Silence off yourself with it, as well as have a way to set yourself up for a zip out on something.
- Treads are super important, this gives you the attack speed you need to efficiently spell > hit > spell > hit. Don't go Arcane Boots.
- Bloodstone is generally your first core item, and before you finish it Soul Ring is great to have.
- After Bloodstone it basically depends on the situation. Candidates here might be Orchid, Linkens, or Euls, but there are other options too. If you really really really need it you can get BKB here, but again, I would advise against BKB unless you absolutely need it.
It just takes a lot of practice to understand what your current mana pool and regen are capable of with the hero. So just go play unranked games with him to get a feel for it.
Generic knock up, steroid, hit 'x' times, waifu. Only build these items, only go to this area of the map, do not change follow what the Lord Riot says he always right. Hail Pendragon Destoryer of the Dotas, Stealer of Heroes, and Prick of the most High.
Oh replays, customs,cheats, differences, we do not have those go play a shitty other game.
I didjust watch end of evangelion and it makes the last episodes make sense if you were paying attention
kind of
It's good in the same way Pride and Prejudice is good but you need to be 5k MMR anime fan at least to appreciate it. If you're 2k pubtrash at anime like EE you're better off with Infinite Stratos.
You should read the original manga. Yugi was metal as fuck. you don't like brothers karamazov then you can go FUCK yourself
also weevil is such a fucking clown, this is great. i'm going to start using his lines word for word to shit talk in dota
anyway most people enjoy fate/zero quite a bit without knowledge of the vn
i'm not even gonna do the obligatory fuck_anime_van.gif because i'm rewatching cowboy bebop rn while i wait for steven universe episodes to stack up so i can binge
when does TI start for real, next week? wildcards or
It's because they hired an actual anime writer to pen it and simply built off of the original's DEEP LORE.
This thread is getting out of control guys let me rein it in a bit:
I'm gonna give some more shit away.
- Open to people who have ever posted in this thread before
- Who can't make it to TI5 (this isn't necessarily enforceable but don't be a dick I'm trying to hook up somebody who can't go)
- Who live in the USA (or, abroad who are willing to pay for shipping sorry shipping costs suck)
- Winner gets ~ $50 worth of stuff from the shop of their choice. Not the pudge hooks because I think those will be genuinely difficult to get through TSA
- If you want to enter PM me and I'll pick randomly in like 2 or 3 days
This thread is getting out of control guys let me rein it in a bit:
I'm gonna give some more shit away.
- Open to people who have ever posted in this thread before
- Who can't make it to TI5 (this isn't necessarily enforceable but don't be a dick I'm trying to hook up somebody who can't go)
- Who live in the USA (or, abroad who are willing to pay for shipping sorry shipping costs suck)
- Winner gets ~ $50 worth of stuff from the shop of their choice. Not the pudge hooks because I think those will be genuinely difficult to get through TSA
- If you want to enter PM me and I'll pick randomly in like 2 or 3 days
what zero team were you haly
You might want to include an option for just codes for people abroad. Makes things super easy if you just want the digital hats. Like you said shipping is silly expensive.
Didn't know the Dota OT was a nerd hangout
i never understood the appeal of yugioh when i was a teenager, the cards looked like absolute trash, the art is fucking a w f u l
Fuck yeswow the meta must be really stale, time to buff enchantress weaver and sand king I guess!
This is fantastic. Just installed it and while I previously could hardly stream 720p video cause of my subpar laptop, I'm now at 1080p with 0 stuttering or lag. Holy shit 10/10I recommend this to you guys:
Twitch GUI
Basically you stream directly to a player like VLC (Default) or MPC-HC. Works like a charm unlike the flash player.
If it's anything like last year then almost all of the hats will be available without attending, aside from anything that's exclusive which seems to be just the keyboard item.