Dude has a blink but rather walk in with shadow blade

Dude has a blink but rather walk in with shadow blade
Shadow blade is best for pick offs/ambushes, but doesn't add much for teamfighting, it's not just about being a critshaker. See moonmeander in frankfurt grand finals, showing how it's done
Also transitioning into silver edge is cool, even if only for the damage reduction
They couldn't have won anyways, lina has nothing at all, ogre almost nothing too. Don't know how that's possible, lina can get some farm with her spells, just enough for euls + something else at least. Also storm + ember isn't a good core duo against a specre like at all.
what are the meta waifus i havent been in waifu culture in a WHILE
5 out 6 LAN Fnatic gets Secret first
lol c9 doesn't even exist anymore and team yp picked up an entirely new roster thats like the old fnatic na or some chinese stack like taht
i just had an epiphany
dota is SHIT
Also congrats to AsiaAmore for qualifying to the CanadaCup6 with MJW, Way2, Sneyking and Mario. She made it to the bigs before the rest of us
Wasn't there a team with a full female roster in the past, 2 year ago or so??
welp tried to play ranked again, support windrunner without shackle, alch jungle thats lvl 4 15 mins into the game with 500 gold rofl
does each game mode have its own mm? I noticed that my All Pick games are in very high skill while single draft or other game modes that I dont play often end up being high or normal
tell her to stop
alright next question
ask the dudes who gave you the number
how old are you
What's wrong with some 30+ ass
- DC also happens to have Steelseries as their gear sponsors - same as Secret
cuz the dudes she attracts are sub-prime, thus i can infer that she is sub-prime herself
Well maybe she gave the fake number to the ugos only
? no i get texts from the dudes she gives it to. I have no clue who she is.
i chose the worst number. The first month I had it i got all these calls and texts from like muslim dudes. They would text me pictures of their qurans and a bunch of shit in arabic. Now i get awkward like "hey i got your number when you free?" and then selfies of dudes. No dick picks yet
No dick picks yet means she's a nun or some super religious chick.
maybe she gives the kind of guys who send dick pics her real number?
That's a possibility but in general to interact with those kind of people you have to frequent certain places and be with certain company.
Do whatever bro, just take it as a fun experiment.
Alright some chick has been giving out my number as a "fake" number to thirsty dudes or something what can i DOOO
stay classy boys
Switch the two last digits of your phone number and call that phone number. You will get to ask her directly.
stay classy boys