After FAPatch soon please
Without any post patch bitching this thread is literally AIDS
And disgusting anime posts
Even the shitposting is low quality
aight boys it's between the corsair k70 and logitech 710+ brown switch, anyone have experience with one or both of these keyboards?
i dunno, black hole timing isn't that basic, casting it at the wrong time can be game losing
aight boys it's between the corsair k70 and logitech 710+ brown switch, anyone have experience with one or both of these keyboards?
void on my team bought basher after mom
back when headshot was a ministun i would buy MoM, Basher,Mkb on sniper and then nobody knew whether i was bashing them or headshotting or mkb procing them. I was truly a sight to behold in my prime.
back when headshot was a ministun i would buy MoM, Basher,Mkb on sniper and then nobody knew whether i was bashing them or headshotting or mkb procing them. I was truly a sight to behold in my prime.
I'm actually really tempted to get a razer
orange switch.
I've had the k70 for a couple months. Recommending a keyboard is tricky, but I can't find a reason someone wouldn't at least like this keyboard. I really like it so far, even at the $100 I paid I feel the value is there.
I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege.
yeah much like atheists don't believe in the tooth fairy because they don't exist
white males are the most marginalised and discriminated against group
I just use a microfiber cloth and some alcohol or maybe soap, there's probably a better way though. You have to remove all your keys and give them a soak in soap water to actually clean your keyboard, though (assuming you have a mechanical).What do you guys use to clean your keyboard? I'm packing up my computer stuff tomorrow and I want everything looking shiny when I unpack everything.
If social justice was actually only about white people, then sureif white privilege is the ability to do things without race being questioned. Then isn't the fact that my ability to do something is being attributed to the privilege of my skin thus an assault against my own hard work and abilities. So isn't the idea of white privilege an attack on whites as individuals and their capabilities and ultimately racism? Like white privilege marginalizes my accomplishments.
idk i just copy pasted this off some thing i found in other gaf thread ROFL. I've been exploring
You had an extremely long streak of good luck. I see jungle ls once a weekWhere are these jungle lifestealers coming from? I hadn't seen one in practically a year, now it's 4 on my team in 2 or 3 days.
I just got a Doom Demihero but the arm holding the sword was off, can someone confirm if its supposed to be detachable?
Reading English books, even something like Harry Potter, can be really annoying
I can read the books just fine, but there are so many words that I either recognize but not sure about the exact meaning of or haven't heard at all before
My vocabulary probably sucks because I learned English by playing games and watching movies/tv shows, while being on GAF for the past few years got me to the level I am now as far as writing.
My grammar probably sucks as well, and I never bothered looking into stuff like nouns and verbs...
Its not supposed to come off. The only detachable Demihero part is OD's staff.
that's okay dude, I still don't know what an adnoun is or a proverb and i've been speaking english since birth.
like u popped outta your mam's pussy speaking english?