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Dota 2 |OT12| A Safe Place For Your Sociopathic Behaviors.


These types of smokes?


Panty and stocking is the only good anime

lmao i watched the first episode when it was first airing and was like "wtf ? this is trash, im not watching this again" and then i watched it the next week and said the same thing, then the next week and the next until it ended


Corporate Apologist
last time i checked half of 31 isnt 12

You gotta start hyping the patch before release. I'm hoping for the first info on content to come on Friday. Unless Valve wants to release the update just before Christmas. I think the update will go live on the 15th though.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Azumanga Daioh

That one was actually pretty good despite containing some anime tropes I hate.


Even tho I hate anime now, I went thru a phase around a decade ago where I watched like literally all of the anime. I can count on one hand the number of shows from that time in my life that I still hold dear. Azumanga Daioh is one of them.


Corporate Apologist
Even tho I hate anime now, I went thru a phase around a decade ago where I watched like literally all of the anime. I can count on one hand the number of shows from that time in my life that I still hold dear. Azumanga Daioh is one of them.

What are the other ones?
eek I just played aghs nyx in a ~130 death game and it was really funny

people don't know how to react and because nyx hasn't been a hate target yet he's never played

mana burn is still a shit spell though, ultradaddy was wrong

it needs to minibash at LEAST


Corporate Apologist
Yes, clearly Nyx needs 3 ways to stun a target, 2 isn't enough.

Its weird to see on Reddit other subs stealing Dota Memes.
Hello Dota ppl.

Only moba I play is LoL, but that game likes to disconnect me constantly as of late, so I'm looking to fill the void. Some noob questions...

-Is there a way to scale the HUD? It's way too massive and I end up miss-clicking on it a bunch when I'm trying to kite backward and stuff.
-Noob friendly heroes that aren't boring? Tried out Phoenix and had no idea what was going on. On the other hand, Lina is way too basic. I typically play mages/assassins in LoL.
-Is early game trading/poke in lane not a thing? Seems like I run out of mana after like 2 spells lmao.
-How am I supposed to practice last hitting when these bots keep stealing my cs? :mad:
-Is smart/quick cast the way to go in this game? (assuming it exists)

So far everything feels really clunky and the shop is a bit of a mess, but those are things I'll get used to I'm sure. Looking forward to joining this community :)


Corporate Apologist
- You can't scale the hud.
- The most "noob friendly" heroes IMO are those that are inherently hard to kill, or have extra sustain. Tide Hunter, Wraith King, Abaddon, Lich. But if Lina is to basic, those may also be to simplistic. Maybe you would like something like Kunnka or Storm Spirit? You can also try the heroes abilities out in the Demo mode, that may be a good idea.
- Early game trading will mostly happen with auto attacks, if I remember right early game Dota auto attacks tend to do a lot more damage then LoLs. There are only a few heroes that can really spam spells in the early game.
- You could always turn the bots off, or play a game that pits a human team against a bot team.
- Depends on the hero. For a few heroes, like Meepo, it makes a world of difference. I think you are fine playing without it for most heroes though, but you can turn it on in the control options. I think the biggest downfall is there are a few spells that are a lot harder to use correctly with smart cast, but it works fine for the majority.

One thing that may lead to heroes feeling slow/clunky is most have turn speeds and cast times


Forever Platinum
Hello Dota ppl.

Only moba I play is LoL, but that game likes to disconnect me constantly as of late, so I'm looking to fill the void. Some noob questions...

-Is there a way to scale the HUD? It's way too massive and I end up miss-clicking on it a bunch when I'm trying to kite backward and stuff.
-Noob friendly heroes that aren't boring? Tried out Phoenix and had no idea what was going on. On the other hand, Lina is way too basic. I typically play mages/assassins in LoL.
-Is early game trading/poke in lane not a thing? Seems like I run out of mana after like 2 spells lmao.
-How am I supposed to practice last hitting when these bots keep stealing my cs? :mad:
-Is smart/quick cast the way to go in this game? (assuming it exists)

So far everything feels really clunky and the shop is a bit of a mess, but those are things I'll get used to I'm sure. Looking forward to joining this community :)

1) No, but there are settings to prevent you from moving when clicking on the minimap

2) Boring is evidently very subjective because lina is pretty fun, you run around blasting people while picking up ms/as buffs. Just try more things and find something you like, Phantom assassin or skywrath mage may be to your liking as they have more spammable skills than most of the cast

3) It's done more with auto attacks than spells, but you can use clarity pots and mangoes to supplement your mana early game. Mana management is very important in dota, with spells being more expensive and more impactful per cast than most in lol

4) Host your own game without adding bots

5) Personal preference, most dota players don't use it because it isn't what we were used to

6) granle is an ass


-Noob friendly heroes that aren't boring? Tried out Phoenix and had no idea what was going on. On the other hand, Lina is way too basic. I typically play mages/assassins in LoL.

The non-boring aspect of Lina is that she can do so much through itemization and position. Which will be things you learn about as you play the game more.
What did the brit do to get b& ?

Hello Dota ppl.

Only moba I play is LoL, but that game likes to disconnect me constantly as of late, so I'm looking to fill the void. Some noob questions...

-Is there a way to scale the HUD? It's way too massive and I end up miss-clicking on it a bunch when I'm trying to kite backward and stuff.
-Noob friendly heroes that aren't boring? Tried out Phoenix and had no idea what was going on. On the other hand, Lina is way too basic. I typically play mages/assassins in LoL.
-Is early game trading/poke in lane not a thing? Seems like I run out of mana after like 2 spells lmao.
-How am I supposed to practice last hitting when these bots keep stealing my cs? :mad:
-Is smart/quick cast the way to go in this game? (assuming it exists)

So far everything feels really clunky and the shop is a bit of a mess, but those are things I'll get used to I'm sure. Looking forward to joining this community :)
- nope
- lina is fine, you just need to buy active items such as euls (mandatory), blink, shadow blade, scythe of vyse, etc
- stuns + auto attacks. Some heroes can spam like skywrath mage
- play mid with bots, you'll have a 1v1 to practice
- meh. I think it's shit. On some heroes it may be mandatory but I never use it.

- balance comes through clunkiness. Animations, cast points, turn rates and all that change a lot of things.
How many assists did you have?

34, most of anyone on either team, but I deserved more.

mana burn should be aoe at least

Hello Dota ppl.

Only moba I play is LoL, but that game likes to disconnect me constantly as of late, so I'm looking to fill the void. Some noob questions...

-Is there a way to scale the HUD? It's way too massive and I end up miss-clicking on it a bunch when I'm trying to kite backward and stuff.
-Noob friendly heroes that aren't boring? Tried out Phoenix and had no idea what was going on. On the other hand, Lina is way too basic. I typically play mages/assassins in LoL.
-Is early game trading/poke in lane not a thing? Seems like I run out of mana after like 2 spells lmao.
-How am I supposed to practice last hitting when these bots keep stealing my cs? :mad:
-Is smart/quick cast the way to go in this game? (assuming it exists)

So far everything feels really clunky and the shop is a bit of a mess, but those are things I'll get used to I'm sure. Looking forward to joining this community :)

it is clunky and the shop is a mess, you aren't wrong.

quickbuy makes things much, much, much more pleasant though

noob-friendly not boring heroes: Brewmaster, Dark Seer, Clockwerk, Faceless Void, Juggernaut, Leshrac, Phantom Lancer, Pugna, Spirit Breaker, Weaver, or Windranger; honestly just random heroes at the selection screen until you play one that feels good to you, learn the game on that hero, then just keep randoming.

Or play Elder Titan, who is incredibly powerful at all stages of the game and is excellent to both learn the game on and dominate once you know what you're doing. Plus he's almost never played in pubs so nobody will know how to contain His power.

Honestly don't use smart/quickcast until you have a good grasp of a hero's spells, their cast times, their range, etc. Some swear by it but it can make many heroes much more difficult to use effectively, especially if you're learning the hero.


I'm frustrated with how selfish people are.

If we have 3 farming cores already and an Io support, and we're up against a Techies, don't fifth pick a Drow and then complain all game that there aren't enough wards or sentries on the map, while simultaneously refusing to buy any wards or sentries yourself. Techies already sucks dual supports dry; if you force the team to have a solo support, because you wanted to play a core even though the team already had enough, you have to pick up some of the fucking slack.


Hello Dota ppl.

Only moba I play is LoL, but that game likes to disconnect me constantly as of late, so I'm looking to fill the void. Some noob questions...

So far everything feels really clunky and the shop is a bit of a mess, but those are things I'll get used to I'm sure. Looking forward to joining this community :)

-Is there a way to scale the HUD? It's way too massive and I end up miss-clicking on it a bunch when I'm trying to kite backward and stuff.

There isn't, other than setting your resolution up to your monitor's resolution. You can make it draw the minimap on the right if you want to though (putting everything on the right on the left). This is under the options (gear in the upper left corner on the main menu)

-Noob friendly heroes that aren't boring? Tried out Phoenix and had no idea what was going on. On the other hand, Lina is way too basic. I typically play mages/assassins in LoL.

Phoenix might be a bit advanced to learn what you are doing in general in Dota, probably not the best place to start.

The thing about heroes in Dota vs LoL's champions is that generally spells cost more mana in Dota, and are more impactful. What I mean is that in Dota, very few heroes have what they call in LoL a "poke". Generally your "poke" is your attack. I'm not sure what position you played Lina in (she's viable as a mid generally, but can also be played as a support), but utilizing her skills can be very useful. Often it's about how you level up your skills, and use them in conjunction with your items rather than just throwing them to harass. You have to throw your spells with purpose. If you'd like to know more about that I can go into that, but anyway, onto the question you actually asked.

Dragon Knight
Centaur Warrunner
Sand King
Wraith King
Night Stalker
Spirit Breaker
Vengeful Spirit
Bounty Hunter
Troll Warlord
Phantom Assassin
Crystal Maiden
Shadow Shaman
Ogre Magi
Keeper of the Light
Skywrath Mage
Witch Doctor

Just going through the heroes briefly, all of these heroes cover a wide variety of roles in the game, and are fairly straightforward in spell mechanics. I would also put Lina in this list too.

-Is early game trading/poke in lane not a thing? Seems like I run out of mana after like 2 spells lmao.

Hah, I actually just covered this above before reading this one, so I will go into this here, lol.

Like I discussed above, early game "poke" is more often your attacks rather than spells. Spells in Dota generally cost more mana. There are very few low mana cost spells you would consider "pokes", and most of the ones that are are Unique Attack Modifiers (think something like Ashe's Frost Arrows). However the difference between how the UAM spells work in Dota vs LoL is that in Dota, you can right click the skill to have it automatically applied to your regular attacks, or you can press the button and click on the enemy to manually cast it. The difference is in aggroing the creep wave, manually casting will not aggro the creep wave on you, while attacking will.

Most of the UAMs in the game are on carries though, as far as supports and other roles go, you have to really use your spells wisely. You have to watch where the enemy is in position to potentially be killed, with the help of your teammates. If you can't immediately set up a kill, you might try to go past the creep wave (yet still staying in a safe position) and trading attacks with the enemy. Usually ranged heroes can win this trade vs melee heroes depending on who the heroes are. It's kind of complicated to explain beyond that, but that's the basic gist of it.

-How am I supposed to practice last hitting when these bots keep stealing my cs? :mad:

A few ways. First of all, you need to figure out if your hero should be taking the CS in the lane. Supports often will not take the CS (except maybe an occasional one) during the laning phase. They will get them from kills, pulling jungle creeps into your lane creeps (denying experience from enemy, getting you some more experience), and an occasional CS that your carry should let you have if you are really close to buying something.

As a core role (carry, mid, offlaner), it's about buying items to make your damage potent enough to secure last hits. At the start of a game, you should look at your hero's damage (the sword at the bottom next to the portrait), and see what that number is. This number is actually an average between 2 numbers that you have a chance of dealing damage between. For instance, if a hero's damage says 50, it's a chance to deal between 45 and 55 damage. You can mouse over your damage to see what these numbers are. Generally here's the rule of thumb though, since you might not know without the experience:

45 or less - Low, you really need items to help you get last hits early on
45-50 - Somewhat low, you might need some stats
50-55 - Decent, you may want to grab a stat item or two, but you are probably fine
55-60 - Good, you likely won't have too much trouble
60 or more - Excellent, you are a last hitting machine, there are only a few heroes in the game that start well above 60

What items do you buy to help you with this? Well first you need a brief explanation of stats. There are 3 stats, Strength, Agility, and Intelligence. Strength is HP and HP regen, Agility is armor and attack speed, Intelligence is Mana pool and mana regen. Your hero has one of these as their primary attribute, it will be outlined in gold on your HUD. Each point in your primary attribute gives you +1 damage. So with that information.

Iron Branch - +1 to each stat
Slippers of Agility - +3 Agility
Gauntlet of Strength - +3 Strength
Mantle of Intelligence - +3 Intelligence

Those are a few of the basics, there are more early game stat items though. There is also an item that particularly benefits melee heroes: Quelling Blade. Quelling Blade gives you increased damage on non-hero units (creeps). For melee heroes, this is a 40% damage boost, which is a pretty big deal. On ranged heroes, this generally is not worth it as you only gain 15% damage.
-Is smart/quick cast the way to go in this game? (assuming it exists)

It's up to your personal preference. If you liked that in LoL, by all means, go for it. It does exist, it's called quick cast in Dota 2, and you can find it under the key bindings in the options (gear in the upper left corner). I personally don't like it, but that's just me. If you want it, go ahead. Plenty of people here use it.
Hello Dota ppl.

Only moba I play is LoL, but that game likes to disconnect me constantly as of late, so I'm looking to fill the void. Some noob questions...

-Is there a way to scale the HUD? It's way too massive and I end up miss-clicking on it a bunch when I'm trying to kite backward and stuff.
-Noob friendly heroes that aren't boring? Tried out Phoenix and had no idea what was going on. On the other hand, Lina is way too basic. I typically play mages/assassins in LoL.
-Is early game trading/poke in lane not a thing? Seems like I run out of mana after like 2 spells lmao.
-How am I supposed to practice last hitting when these bots keep stealing my cs? :mad:
-Is smart/quick cast the way to go in this game? (assuming it exists)

So far everything feels really clunky and the shop is a bit of a mess, but those are things I'll get used to I'm sure. Looking forward to joining this community :)
1. No, but there's an option you can change to put the minimap on the right side. People will make fun of you if you ever share a screenshot with it on that side though.

2. I played Anivia for my first LoL game which is what I would imagine playing Phoenix for your first Dota game would be like. The 'assassins' in Dota usually rely on invisibility, so heroes like Riki, Bounty Hunter, Nyx Assassin, and Clinkz come to mind. They're all somewhat difficult, definitely more so than Lina.

3. Like others said, most poking in lane for 90% of heroes is done with right clicks, not spells. You can help fuel some spam of spells with consumables like a Clarity or Enchanted Mango or mana regen items like Ring of Basilius or Arcane Boots. Mana management is a big deal in Dota which is why I recommend heroes like Lion and Lich to beginners since their spells make it easy to regain mana. Most would consider them to be boring though.

4. You can set bots on 'passive' difficulty which makes them just warm bodies or just disable them completely. Or try to find a custom game to practice last hitting.

5. Personal preference. I don't like it because I like 'arming' my spells before committing to them.

6. The biggest reason for the 'clunkiness' I hear is because of turn rates. Heroes in Dota take time to rotate directions, whereas in LoL apparnetly they can pivot around on the spot with no delay. You'll get used to it. As for the shop, I recommend using the search bar. I've been playing for years and I've never gone past the first 'page' in the shop.
thx for the replies. Still getting through your post Hylian but there's a ton of helpful info there, I appreciate it.

Yeah, I just found the demo hero feature. I might spend some time messing around with that and see if I find someone I like.

:( @ no HUD cutomization.

idk Lina felt like the Xerath of this game with a boring ultimate. And I dislike Xerath. Didn't take much notice of her passive though to be fair.


thx for the replies.

Yeah, I just found the demo hero feature. I might spend some time messing around with that and see if I find someone I like.

:( @ no HUD cutomization.

idk Lina felt like the Xerath of this game with a boring ultimate. And I dislike Xerath. Didn't take much notice of her passive though to be fair.
The more you play, the more you'll find that heroes become more interesting as you start discovering viable item builds on them. Characters in Dota are a bit more of a blank slate than in LOL (based on my somewhat limited experience with that game).


Assassin heroes:
-Phantom Assassin
-Bounty Hunter
-Nyx Assassin
-Spirit Breaker (i know this one doesnt fit the theme but imo he qualifies in his own spacecow way)

Mage heroes:
bruh you forgot templar assassin
Although she's not a great hero to start with. I remember the first time I played her I was fucking confused. Lame as shit range, didn't understand meld, found traps to be garbage


it's not!

hero needs to be a stun machine in order to be even minimally effective

I mean I went 18/4 but it wasn't enough

just not enough.

Nyx needs Vendetta to apply the current level of Q stun to the target or something, so that he can actually use the Vendetta strike to initiate without risking BKB and running away.


thx for the replies.

Yeah, I just found the demo hero feature. I might spend some time messing around with that and see if I find someone I like.

:( @ no HUD cutomization.

idk Lina felt like the Xerath of this game with a boring ultimate. And I dislike Xerath. Didn't take much notice of her passive though to be fair.

Her passive is generally more noticeable when she is played in a core role. Usually what you do with it is you cast your spells in succession (so Light Strike Array into Laguna Blade and Dragon Slave) and then you can put out attacks fast enough to finish them off. It stacks with itself, so all your spells count for it and make it go higher. It's also useful when you're trying to take a tower quickly, you can blow up the creep wave and hit the tower.

The thing about her ultimate is that blowing up people is fun, she does a ton of damage with it. Normally, her ultimate is magical damage, which means that magic resistance applies to it. However if you get Aghanim's Scepter, it becomes pure damage, which means it ignores both magic resistance and armor.


Bristleback is pretty straight forward and has a fast turn rate, if that helps you with the clunky feeling at all.

edit: @holden its bad DONT LOOK IT UP


Hello Dota ppl.

Only moba I play is LoL, but that game likes to disconnect me constantly as of late, so I'm looking to fill the void. Some noob questions...

-Is there a way to scale the HUD? It's way too massive and I end up miss-clicking on it a bunch when I'm trying to kite backward and stuff.
-Noob friendly heroes that aren't boring? Tried out Phoenix and had no idea what was going on. On the other hand, Lina is way too basic. I typically play mages/assassins in LoL.
-Is early game trading/poke in lane not a thing? Seems like I run out of mana after like 2 spells lmao.
-How am I supposed to practice last hitting when these bots keep stealing my cs? :mad:
-Is smart/quick cast the way to go in this game? (assuming it exists)

So far everything feels really clunky and the shop is a bit of a mess, but those are things I'll get used to I'm sure. Looking forward to joining this community :)

Go with Slark, Terrorblade or Earth Spirit. These are fun heroes with nice mechanics.

Also TB is broken as hell. He would be the flavor of the patch if he were in captain mode.



Jesus christ tobear. Port trolling or some shit i guess. You really get banned for the stupidest shit in the gaming section.
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