i dont twit
he shit posts professionally
Keep it that way
i dont twit
heh ,I dont know what it says about you, but with a comic like that I assumed you were 13.
whats your mmr now? you have been playing for so long,its crazy
im disappointed fish
twitter is THE shitposting platform
this ignore list just got 10 names higher![]()
Isn't that DotaGAF? Milkman, 1.09, Hylian, Anbokr
How dare you associate me with that anime trash.![]()
How dare you associate me with that anime trash.![]()
only the certain kinddoom is anime
Isn't your avatar pic anime?
doom is anime
but you have an anime avatar
Isn't your avatar pic anime?
why are you all obsessed with fukken anime of all things
shout out to twobear the friendliest dotagaf member
if american corporations wouldn't cancel everything left and right, maybe we wouldn't be swarmed with anime.
Blame americans, they cancel everything good.
trump will make it great againEleGiggle
why are you all obsessed with fukken anime of all things
firefly was going to turn awful in the second season, canceling it while it was "good" was the biggest favor firefly fans ever got
I think videogames are actually way worse than anime and have way less dignity as a medium, but america has a much greater effect than japan on the global zeitgeist so we get what we get.
Can't wait for our silicon overlords to arrive tbh.
anime quality dropped off a cliff once the HD era came around, and it probably won't ever recover. Games had a similar turning point but I think now they're better than ever
america leads the world for a reason, games made themselves great again but anime was okay with being bad