Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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i really think that the decisions for no diretide came because of economical interest. now with the limited drop list(which are fairly new items) and everybody getting them ppl would have no reason to buy them.

Pretty sure seasonal events in F2P games usually generate quite a bit of money. Highly doubt that is or was the problem, since there are many ways to work around this anyway.


I'm so curious about the atmosphere in the dota 2 offices. Are they all laughing about it? Annoyed? Such a mystery.
The Dota 2 team has been slimmed down (ironic usage, not Fox News) for a long while now, and it's showed. I think Half-Life 3 may have more people working on it at this point.


sorry for being late to the Techies discussion.

I think they will be added to CM (they are on dota 1) and we need to see how they code them into the game.

I recall that they had a tiny model, same as the land mines (not the barrel ones) also the coloring was similar to the terrain, making it very dificult to tell'em apart if you weren't paying attention.

Are they going to disrupt pubs? hard to tell, but I doubt it. Sentry warding around the map is common now, even at pubs. Specially if there are scouting heroes (nyx, bh) and because invis items are popular (smoke, lothars) on most heroes


It won't be a big patch, just some tickets, item sets etc.

I sure hope you are trolling. The different Dota 2 communities are already doing ridiculous things in response to the lack of Diretide. If Valve puts out the standard cosmetic patch that people always get on them about, things might get crazy.
Alternatively you can send death threats and extremely abusive harassment emails to stack on top of this ever growing pile via my contact page (please don't :()

Lol, that sucks. But honestly there's probably nothing less intimidating than a death threat from an online gamer. Nerd rage at its finest.


Can we, I don't know, direct this disappointment in Valve's direction (ie their forum)
I might as well shout at my window, there is probably just as much chance that a dota 2 dev happen to be there and care about our complain.
I'm so curious about the atmosphere in the dota 2 offices. Are they all laughing about it? Annoyed? Such a mystery.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
What's so weird is that they had these fleshed out holiday modes in the damn beta that they aren't even rerunning now that its released. Its bizarre


this is fucking ridiculous, all valve needed to do was say a few weeks ago that there isnt going to be a halloween event and all this would be avoided but no


The entitlement is what it is (Video Games!), but assuming that they don't follow that cosmetics patch with at least an announcement, that's pretty fucking cynical, LOL.


May contain jokes =>
LOL, not even Halloween-themed cosmetics or anything. Just a standard "same old shit" patch.

They're either fucking oblivious or genuinely don't give a shit what their community think of them.


Bull on a Donut
i really think that the decisions for no diretide came because of economical interest. now with the limited drop list(which are fairly new items) and everybody getting them ppl would have no reason to buy them.

Activity generates revenue. More hype = more interest = more players = more people spending money. The drop in players and the general lack of excitement probably has seen dota store revenue dip. Not to say it isn't still generating truckloads, but probably a little less month by month for the last couple months. Seasonal events are an ez way to grab cash through seasonal cosmetics/features and just reigniting interest in the game.
It is pretty strange as Diretide got me playing a bit longer last year.

In all honesty though, I have to believe that this mostly is to do with the structure of Valve---probably a lot of people aren't as excited working on this now that it's somewhat done save for a few heroes.

The fact that they have other sources of revenue probably doesn't help either. They probably make enough money that they don't have to stress about the state of the game and thus little financial motivation to create seasonal events.
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