Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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Reality: DOTA 2 updates have slowed. Complaints arise from that reality. Stevewinwood: Valve makes things slowly. People should know what they got into. Complain all you want, valve won't change the way they handle this stuff.

I fixed it for you without your snark and misunderstanding what my point was.
Valve's biggest mistake was shipping hero progress in the test client. That warped people's sense of how long things actually take to make. Medusa, TA, Gyro and now Legion Commander. They weren't flukes, Treant was the fluke. Heroes take awhile and now that their pre-release backlog of heroes is finished, we have to witness the entire development process of a new hero and people's misunderstanding of old heroes progress is making it really awkward.
Just for perspective.

We got Medusa in January.

We got Tusk in February.

We got Bristleback in March.

We got Skywratch in April.

We got Elder Titan in May.

We got Abbadon in July.

We saw the first materials updates for Bristleback, ET, Skywrath, Abbadon, and Legion Commander in late February and early March blog updates via Cyborgmatt's blog. At present, we're still in limbo on a hero we've been looking at in-game effects and materials for (Legion Commander) since February 20th.

Certainly they had shit to do in August, but all of September and October have gone by. It just feels like a meaningful amount of the Dota2 team are on other projects now and you can feel it, you know? The rhythm isn't there anymore. Can't really expect or look forward to anything.


Bull on a Donut
I fixed it for you without your snark and misunderstanding what my point was.

So then was 2008-2012 dota 2 development slow for you? The claim "Valve makes things slowly, deal with it," is awful because it's completely false. Valve launched LFD2 almost a year after LFD1. Valve released gigantic weekly updates for dota and was working at the speed of a locomotive for quite a few years. Valve works quickly when it wants to. Valve works slowly when they consider a game finished and move on to the next big thing. I ain't buyin what your sellin here steve.

Next are you going to tell me Half Life 3 is taking forever because of "valve time" and slow development? HELL NO! Half Life 3 is taking forever because it probably wasn't in development until a year or two ago, they didn't give a shit. Hell, it might still be in lingo.
My prediction:

Crafting + Spirits
No Diretide
No Legion

this about what I'm thinking.

Bummed like everyone else.....even my gf made little trips over to my area to see what Valve did this year for Halloween (she loved all the TF2 events and adored the Rosh stomping around with bucket and costumes)
this about what I'm thinking
It's funny. All of these crazy updates and new features that are very nice...

...but really, people just want Legion Commander. That injection of new flavor that only a new hero can provide.

Though the change of pace that a holiday event brings is often great.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Wrong thread, I was wondering why Dreams and Hazaro are in here.


relies on auto-aim
I started playing in late July so I have zero expectations.
Conversation overrode my glorious match, so fuck you guys.
Woke up early to play Dota before work. Lost both matches pretty badly. ._.

My first Captain's Draft match. Their first pick was Meepo, which was a bad sign. None of us played terribly; we were leading in the beginning. And then suddenly their Meepo comes out of nowhere and gets extremely fat, and split pushes us into oblivion. He almost single-handedly won that match for them.

Had an absolutely miserable RD match against a Riki. I was first in line and picked Luna, and our second picked Brood. That's fine. But when our third and fourth picks were Lifestealer and Troll Warlord I knew we were fucked. Thankfully our last person picked Windrunner so we had a support... except we didn't, because she never fucking bought wards or detection so Riki proceeded to get fed out the ass and dominated our team. I even bought sentries but their SD and Bane were actually good supports and quickly dewarded.


cheer up, guys!


Maybe we'll even get a new hero until then!


Truth is this game hasn't been touch in what, 4 months ? And valve isn't saying anything. We got told we'd have Legion and Aba before TI3, we got Aba and Legion has disappeared. All kinds of updates have disappeared. Dota2 development has effectively stopped, except for tickets and hats. This is pretty baffling considering this is the most played game on steam by far, and most games are updated more often than this. Dunno why you people are making excuse for valve, this game is pretty clearly been abandoned by their developing priorities.


Unlimited Capacity
Truth is this game hasn't been touch in what, 4 months ? And valve isn't saying anything. We got told we'd have Legion and Aba before TI3, we got Aba and Legion has disappeared. All kinds of updates have disappeared. Dota2 development has effectively stopped, except for tickets and hats. This is pretty baffling considering this is the most played game on steam by far, and most games are updated more often than this. Dunno why you people are making excuse for valve, this game is pretty clearly been abandoned by their developing priorities.

They just released a huge re-balance patch....


They just released a huge re-balance patch....

Again, that was icefrog, not Dota2 development. The two things are pretty distinct, and IF has always released patches, even if lately he has started to talk even less with his community (not that i fault him). In regard to parity and new modes, Dota2 is still at the same point compared to Dota1.


Truth is this game hasn't been touch in what, 4 months ? And valve isn't saying anything. We got told we'd have Legion and Aba before TI3, we got Aba and Legion has disappeared. All kinds of updates have disappeared. Dota2 development has effectively stopped, except for tickets and hats. This is pretty baffling considering this is the most played game on steam by far, and most games are updated more often than this. Dunno why you people are making excuse for valve, this game is pretty clearly been abandoned by their developing priorities.
It is a little unfair to forget Captain draft update ! which biggest aspect except for that game mod ( very hard to make no doubt ! random draft meet captain's mod ) was allowing us to sell/buy many item on the steam market.
guys maybe they're just working hard on the custom map tools in preparation of fully outsourcing all new content to the community since they clearly don't want to work on the game themselves anymore :)

Watch out for Haly in inhouses guys. He plays the most annoying heroes in the most annoying ways.

He stole 50 intelligence. 50! And that's terrible.


Corporate Apologist
Truth is this game hasn't been touch in what, 4 months ? And valve isn't saying anything. We got told we'd have Legion and Aba before TI3, we got Aba and Legion has disappeared. All kinds of updates have disappeared. Dota2 development has effectively stopped, except for tickets and hats. This is pretty baffling considering this is the most played game on steam by far, and most games are updated more often than this. Dunno why you people are making excuse for valve, this game is pretty clearly been abandoned by their developing priorities.

Ok, to be fair, 6.79 did just come out, and long before the Dota 1 version too. So we have gotten something.

Expectations have been dropped to negative now, I can not possibly be let down anymore. Thanks Valve.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Ok, to be fair, 6.79 did just come out, and long before the Dota 1 version too. So we have gotten something.

Expectations have been dropped to negative now, I can not possibly be let down anymore. Thanks Valve.
I still can't honestly believe they'd be this tonedeaf and have absolutely nothing planned for the holiday, but it has been fun watching hundreds of people lose their goddamned minds.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Wikipedia said:
On October 31, All Hallows Eve, the children make a children's altar to invite the angelitos (spirits of dead children) to come back for a visit. November 1 is All Saints Day, and the adult spirits will come to visit. November 2 is All Souls Day, when families go to the cemetery to decorate the graves and tombs of their relatives.




I fully expected the message to be: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ dead GAME

was more like: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give reconnect button :(

couldn't reconnect :(

Pugna continues to be one of my favourites. Loved him before this patch but now he's on another level. So much fun.


Techies very nearly pulled us out of this horse beating. Yes, it's disappointing. Can we, I don't know, direct this disappointment in Valve's direction (ie their forum) and beat some live horses?


Dont know about you guys but I will go play some nintendo games, their console may be dead but their games are not. yet.
Can we, I don't know, direct this disappointment in Valve's direction (ie their forum) and beat some live horses?
Alternatively you can send death threats and extremely abusive harassment emails to stack on top of this ever growing pile via my contact page (please don't :()


Alternatively you can send death threats and extremely abusive harassment emails to stack on top of this ever growing pile via my contact page (please don't :()

Well now you know what it feels like to be a professional athlete that costs his team a game/signs with a rival team.

Sometimes people get way too serious over a damn game...


not characteristic of ants at all
I'm so curious about the atmosphere in the dota 2 offices. Are they all laughing about it? Annoyed? Such a mystery.


i really think that the decisions for no diretide came because of economical interest. now with the limited drop list(which are fairly new items) and everybody getting them ppl would have no reason to buy them.
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