Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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haha that's awesome.

Honestly didn't think we'd get absolutely nothing for halloween. Hasn't cyborgmatt and others enabled the game mode/map offline?



That's actually a decent article.

I mean laugh all you want at the reactions, a lot of them deserve it, but it's a good thing people are speaking up. With every discussion platform being chock-full of criticism, the metacritic reviews and the recent media coverage this is getting huge. It won't bring us Diretide but it might force Valve to at least comment on the issue.


May contain jokes =>
To be clear, that's a Forbes contributor piece which is essentially just a blog by some dude. Not an official piece of journalism by Forbes writers.
It's the weekend right now, isn't it. Valve isn't going to be in any position to respond even if they want to.

(They don't want to.)
Hence the 'blog' where I linked it.

Forbes plays fast and loose with their contributors though so it's worth noting. There is a reason mods continue to edit titles with them like here or here. All you have to do to be one is fill out this and they'll probably give you one. I have a friend who had just left journalism school and got one right away (it's not a bad blog or anything, it's about the business of fantasy sports, it's just that he was literally a nobody and he got one). They have tons of them.

A normal publication though will really only publish stuff like this under their title. It's a pretty big difference in quality that's worth noting and saying 'yeah it's a blog' doesn't really cover it. Forbes will publish just about anything is the point so it's not really indicative of anything. It's not a "proper news source" picking it up as it is more "a random blog blogged about it".


Shaper Divine
Best fucken day at a local Lan finals for the dota2 tourney Defense of the Australians. Got to stand right behind hans reborn as they yolo'ed their way to victory.

So excited that the DOTA2 scene is blossoming in Australia :D


but it might force Valve to at least comment on the issue.

I can't see it happening. They will probably think it will set a precedent that if people kick up enough of a fuss they will be forced in to responding. I wouldn't be surprised if it took them till the next content patch to even issue a response.


I can't see it happening. They will probably think it will set a precedent that if people kick up enough of a fuss they will be forced in to responding. I wouldn't be surprised if it took them till the next content patch to even issue a response.


They already set that precedent long ago, and it was far more offensive than giving simple answers to fans.

They already set that precedent long ago, and it was far more offensive than giving simple answers to fans.
If they gave into whining they wouldn't have used steam. Valve's history is a bit longer than 2 years. I'm still convinced the ursa set removal was simply to see what would happen to the item's relative trade value with it being extremely limited ala maxs head and the whining was the excuse they needed.


If they gave into whining they wouldn't have used steam. Valve's history is a bit longer than 2 years. I'm still convinced the ursa set removal was simply to see what would happen to the item's relative trade value with it being extremely limited ala maxs head and the whining was the excuse they needed.

Whatever the case, it was a pathetic move.


If they gave into whining they wouldn't have used steam. Valve's history is a bit longer than 2 years.
Oh please, ditching a huge, long-planned project you're positive you can force into the market isn't comparable to a few simple blogposts to make up for lost consumer goodwill. 'Giving in' has more shades here than giving the community Diretide.

I'm still convinced the ursa set removal was simply to see what would happen to the item's relative trade value with it being extremely limited ala maxs head and the whining was the excuse they needed.
That's possible, Valve is always experimenting with the virtual economy. Or Gabe just saw it in the store in and didn't like it.
Or they could just ignore it a few more days, release xin and kaolin and everyone will just forget about it because the internet has the attention span of a fly.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Or they could just ignore it a few more days, release xin and kaolin and everyone will just forget about it because the internet has the attention span of a fly.
That'd be fine, but they still should say "Hang tight, we have something planned a few days from now" to stop the fire


Or they could just ignore it a few more days, release xin and kaolin and everyone will just forget about it because the internet has the attention span of a fly.

Sure they could, or they'll realize that a bit of communication doesn't hurt them. We'll see.

Btw I just remembered the chat ban incident, that shitstorm went on for days or even weeks and in the end Valve did release a damage control blogpost. So there's your precedent.
How come tournaments seem to be using DailyMotion now? So annoying no idea how to actually browse that site and find a live stream, you pretty much have to know it's on
On the giant bomb charity stream Brad Shoemaker is saying if this valve employee accepts his party invite he'll ask why no diretide.

lol He's not acknowledging anything and deflecting into pokemon and battlefield


How come tournaments seem to be using DailyMotion now? So annoying no idea how to actually browse that site and find a live stream, you pretty much have to know it's on

It's really just ESWC since they're sponsored by Dailymotion. TL's event planner is much better than Twitch for finding out what's on anyway.



Damn. I can't believe how widespread this has become. I feel sorry for Valve, but they really should have given some sort of update to let us guys know what's happening. Even if it was just "Hey guys, we're really sorry but development has had some hitches recently, please forgive us and keep an eye on the horizon for some awesome stuff."

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Can someone briefly explain the Ursa set incident? I missed it
Set got added to the game as part of a big Ursa item bundle. All his sets including that one for $12 or $14.

Nerds cried that it didn't fit the lore on the dev forums and asked for it to be removed.

Valve removes the set from the store.

Set's value increases over time to the current value of over $1.5k thanks to the limited supply.


So just had a game against a Riki and shadowblade Drow. I bought a gem and placed it on the courier, letting my team know. I didn't want to carry it since I was playing Chen and I'm still shit at Chen and lose myself in fights with an entourage of creeps.

Gem stays on the courier for twenty minutes until I decide to just bite the bullet. Weird thing was that the Spectre and CM were content to just purchase sentry and dust throughout that time with me constantly reminding them that we already had a gem and asking someone to carry it.

The joys of solo queue.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
With pubbies, you need to tell them to take gem, I mean, specifically someone. Otherwise they'll think someone else will take the gem. Same is true of dust, wards, smoke, etc.

It's bystander apathy in action.

Alternatively you can just deliver the gem for them.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
This should be Matt's tag:

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Diretide!
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