Meepo has to be the hardest hero to play in solo queue. Maybe Medusa is harder. Maybe.
Solo queue? Probably Wisp.
They need to fix these bugs that have been in the game forever and irritate me
-Riki appears always visible to allies after respawning but before attacking
-Wards sometimes become untargetable
-You can sometimes target wards randomly even clicking nowhere near them
-When heros respawn their icon will briefly flash on the map where they died
-Necrolyte's beard very visibly clips through his chest
-The static version of Bristlebacks hero card uses an older version of the model with simpler textures
-The static version of Lone Druids hero card has a shorter beard
-The fish in Tidehunter's portrait clip through him
They need to fix these bugs that have been in the game forever and irritate me
-Riki appears always visible to allies after respawning but before attacking
-Wards sometimes become untargetable
-You can sometimes target wards randomly even clicking nowhere near them
-When heros respawn their icon will briefly flash on the map where they died
-Necrolyte's beard very visibly clips through his chest
-The static version of Bristlebacks hero card uses an older version of the model with simpler textures
-The static version of Lone Druids hero card has a shorter beard
-The fish in Tidehunter's portrait clip through him
Meepo has to be the hardest hero to play in solo queue. Maybe Medusa is harder. Maybe.
I've had some of my best Meepo games solo queueing. Every once in a while you get a support who actually understands how fed meepo can get if he's babysat and they stack jungle camps.
Heroclix/Blink Daggers on the market, $30
nice little reddit post
Use 'BGGSANTA' code for 5% off
$99 on steam market Tidehunter Blink Dagger
But but but my 10 minute arcane boots.
Use a Blink Dagger 1092 times.Hey guys, what if this patch adds achievements. That would be cool, right?
fixedUse a Blink Dagger 182 times.
... You're a clever one.fixed
Hey guys, what if this patch adds achievements. That would be cool, right?
As long as they are designed correctly, fuck yeah.
Killing someone with Hook + Rot + Dismember combo was one of the achievements (Combo Meal).Land 100 pudge hooks.
Prepare thyself
Valve's tf2 achievements were pretty shitty at first.
Started playing DOTA about a week ago and have become very addicted to it. Playing single Draft pub games to get use to the mechanics and heroes. Really liking all parts of the game and finding it pretty competitive, which I love. Don't really have a favorite hero yet, I do think I liked ranged classes better than melee ones but it's hard to say which is more fun. Excellent game though especially for free lol.
I just remember the medic cheves were shit compared to some of the later class updates."At First"
ahaha, I just spent the last week and a half playing the same boring stalemate nonsense Halloween party mode map for 300+ times to get a stupid TF2 achievement (win 142 times!)
They never really got better
Started playing DOTA about a week ago and have become very addicted to it. Playing single Draft pub games to get use to the mechanics and heroes. Really liking all parts of the game and finding it pretty competitive, which I love. Don't really have a favorite hero yet, I do think I liked ranged classes better than melee ones but it's hard to say which is more fun. Excellent game though especially for free lol.
I'm mixed on achievements. The game is overall much more serious/competitive than TF2, so if designed poorly they could ruin pubs for a long time (as in, worse than they already are due to achievement hunters doing goofy things rather than trying to win the game).
I mean you can see how awful it was in TF2 with achievement trading, idle servers, etc.
Test client tomorrow, release on Monday?Fact: every day that goes by makes a patch the next day more likely.
Speculation: tomorrow????
Stop picking APEvery single game, I get matched with fucking idiots. Makes enjoying the game nigh impossible... I shouldn't need to form a stack to enjoy the game :/
edit: I mean just look at all this red... ugh
Haly, thats not how morph even works. The visage one is also stupid hard, you would have to resummon the birds mid stun lock to get to 6 seconds, or by an abysal blade.
And the treant one requires you to literally get every last hit in the first 10 minutes.
Yeah I wouldn't go to crazy. I don't think the item will have much appeal to those who actually use them in game.