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Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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reddit said:
Phase 1 and 2 are both 8 minutes long.
The last phase(Roshan killing) is now in stages
You need to defeat him once to go to the next stage (Roshan levels up)
His HP in first round was 15000 and time to defeat him was 2 minutes *
His HP in second round was 30000 and time to defeat was increased by 30 sec *
I could go only 2 rounds. So i can confirm this. Someone managed to go to 7th round, would be great if they helped us with input
Rest everything seems to be like last year. Only the last phase has changed
*By time to defeat, I meant that you need to defeat roshan in that time to advance to the next level.
EDIT: swgraham93 confirmed this. He went upto level 5
He gains flat 15k HP each level.
EDIT2: ReaverXai confirmed this
I noticed Rosh has a new flame breath attack as well.
tldr; Everytime you defeat Roshan within 2 minutes(+30 sec for each level after), he gains a level and 15k HP. You have to defeat him again to go to the next level. The people who go upto the max number of levels are the winners of the Cycle.
Level HP Time
1 15000 2 minutes
2 30000 +30 sec
3 45000 +30 sec
4 60000 +30 sec
5 75000 +30 sec
The bow and Axe shield look great. The Doom demon edge looks like a copout. I wish I had ordered a Bfly instead of another Axe statue

Bow looks plain. Shield is okay.

None of them are winning, and with the ability to create non-genuine versions of the items, I'd be thinking hard about cancelling unless you just really like the WETA items themselves.

Also, is Ember's ult primarily an initiation, chase and escape tool? Cast to get in the action, cast to chase someone running, cast to get the hell out of dodge? That's how it felt.

Also, I assume Earth is basically a bigol' tank. Because that's how the recommended items set him up. pipes, meks, hearts, shivas. So...support tank?


So, what do you max first on Ember? I feel Sleight and Shield have their uses.

I was about to ask this on both heroes. Looking and messing with both, here's what I came up with.


I would say probably Sleight of Fist, due to the fact that you can put more damage on more targets quicker, have it on a 6 second cooldown AND only have it cost 50 mana. You are a carry (in the vein of Jugg), so you're unlikely to be getting Arcane Boots or even Soul Ring. Flame Guard scales up in mana cost as it levels. I could see maxing Flame Guard if you know you're against a bunch of magic damage, but otherwise Sleight of Fist sounds like the better choice.

1. Sleight of Fist
2. Flame Guard
3. Searing Chains


I didn't realize this when I was playing the hero (the in-game tooltips aren't clear about this), but apparently the damage on Rolling Boulder actually does scale up. It hits 270 using a Stone Remnant, while Boulder Smash gets you 250. However there are a few other factors to look at here. The silence duration on Boulder Smash is 5 seconds at all levels. The mana cost of Rolling Bolder is 50, and for Boulder Smash is 100. Rollling Boulder is on a 4 second cooldown at level 4. I think the clear answer here is to max Rolling Boulder first.

1. Rolling Boulder
2. Boulder Smash
3. Geomagnetic Grip

I have not played these heroes in anything other than a bot game, so if there are any Dota 1 veterans (although I don't think any of those people have played Earth Spirit in a real game since he was just added in 6.78) that disagree or know better from experience, do tell. This is just my analysis of the heroes.



Haha, dev forums are bleeding in to GAF. End times are here!
What about items? I'm pretty sure Battlefury is pretty much core on Ember since Sleight of Fist cleaves on every hit but I'm not sure otherwise (probably typical AGI carry items)


Well your last post to me was that the new patch would " make me appreciate the new setup".

Well sorry to not agree, I do know that not everyone has the same expectations thought, at least not on the same aspect of the game.
I'm a simple man, for me the math was 3 month except august/TI3 => old setup = 3 new hero. We get less than that ( on that aspect ), and earth spirit which, for me, is like going the opposite way of what would have given the last compendium objectif hero vote ( btw give us that vote already volvo, do you really need 600k$ to ask what hero people want ? but they couldn't keep avoiding techies I guess ), so yeah disapointed.
But like I said I wouldn't call the patch bad, I know that hats crafting, hats gem can be considered 'big things', same with coaching; it just happen to be that for me it won't mean much at all, just like lan in first blood update didn't bring anything for me ( so at the moment the new setup only showed me it allow them to focus less on what matter for me, and more on what I don't care about ).

Spookie : I love you too

Now this is super-interesting. Now it won't be about simply getting mass eblades and dagons. At some point, you won't be able to burst him down and you'll have to have real items to be able to right-click him with.

Teams with heavy right-click dps dealers will have an advantage this time around.

Agility heroes with a couple of STRs to tank some will be the popular selections. Stacking MKB's, Bflys, and Daed's with a little lifesteal.

I can see a team comp of:

Bristleback with 4 or 5 hearts (to tank the right-clicks and stun procs) and and an AC (armor redux) while providing steady quill damage
Drow (obvious)
Void (obvious)
Skeleton King (team lifesteal frees up a slot for everyone else for more damage, built in crit)
Vengeful Spirit (36% damage aura for the entire team and armor reduction)
Templar Assassin
Ursa (swipe stacking just MELTS roshan)
Tiny (dat damage)
PA (built in super crit)
Juggernaut (built in crit)
Troll (the linchpin)

going a loong way if 2 groups can coordinate it.

Honorable mentions (that didn't make the grade):
Sven (God's Strength is epic, but cooldown too high)
Windrunner (Scepter ult is great, but cooldown too high)

Alternates (but probably not as good):



Now this is super-interesting. Now it won't be about simply getting mass eblades and dagons. At some point, you won't be able to burst him down and you'll have to have real items to be able to right-click him with.

Teams with heavy right-click dps dealers will have an advantage this time around.

Agility heroes with a couple of STRs to tank some will be the popular selections. Stacking MKB's, Bflys, and Daed's with a little lifesteal.

I can see a team comp of:

Bristleback with 4 or 5 hearts (to tank the right-clicks and stun procs) and and an AC (armor redux) while providing steady quill damage
Drow (obvious)
Void (obvious)
Skeleton King (team lifesteal frees up a slot for everyone else for more damage, built in crit)
Vengeful Spirit (36% damage aura for the entire team and armor reduction)
Templar Assassin
Ursa (swipe stacking just MELTS roshan)
Tiny (dat damage)
PA (built in super crit)
Juggernaut (built in crit)
Troll (the linchpin)

going a loong way if 2 groups can coordinate it.

Honorable mentions (that didn't make the grade):
Sven (God's Strength is epic, but cooldown too high)
Windrunner (Scepter ult is great, but cooldown too high)

Alternates (but probably not as good):

Meepo with Aghanim's, Vlad's, Skadi, and 3 Butterflys. Put him on the same team as Troll Warlord.



I would say probably Sleight of Fist, due to the fact that you can put more damage on more targets quicker, have it on a 6 second cooldown AND only have it cost 50 mana. You are a carry (in the vein of Jugg), so you're unlikely to be getting Arcane Boots or even Soul Ring. Flame Guard scales up in mana cost as it levels. I could see maxing Flame Guard if you know you're against a bunch of magic damage, but otherwise Sleight of Fist sounds like the better choice.

1. Sleight of Fist
2. Flame Guard
3. Searing Chains

I think maxing Searing Chains first or at least getting it to level 3 is probably going to be better.
Sleight of Fist isn't going to be particularly strong until you've got items and multiple enemies to hit with it.


makes sense to me. do the other meepos benefit from items like mkb or daed? I don't play him.
Nope, they don't. Only the main Meepo gets non-aura item benefits other than one pair of boots.

Also, dream team: Meepo, Troll Warlord, Magnus (constant Empowers for all Meepos and Troll), Bristleback, Tusk (Frozen Sigil will slow his attack speed, right?)

Edit: Forgot to mention on Meepo that Aghanim gives 100% stat sharing, so that agility from the Butterfly's and Skadi goes to all of them.


Second-rate Anihawk




New stormspirit is pretty good lookin.

I was hoping for LC (wonder what's going on there), but earth spirit looks really really cool.

-Changed low-priority penalty metric from time-based to games played

shittt, no more abandoning those games where some idiot last picks a carry :(. I felt timebased was better, I think forcing a player to take a break and step away from the game is better than making them play more.

Any hidden stuff that I missed out on?

Also diretide given :p.


Corporate Apologist
What the hell Valve, you patched your game at 2AM? Now I'm like totally late to the party!

Milkman, coach me please! Teach me your ways. Also, the coaching sounds like it can be used to spectate live, wonder if there is any penalty for the coach bailing out early.

I won't be able to play until like Midnight tonight D:

Also, silly Valve, why tell us you renamed Haunted items when Dota didn't have any.


I guess I should go all this patch is shit not give any argument, at least I would feel like the reactions I get would be deserved.

Or the only answer is

And acting like I'm gonna spend my time crafting, and coaching other player ?

I like you.

For me it's two heroes and Diretide. I'd call that a decent update considering we weren't going to get Diretide originally and we haven't had new heroes in several months.

edit: In other news. Volvo is still amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7FIvfx5J10


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I played around with Earth Spirit for a few minutes and he seems totally over my head but I know enough to know I want to learn how to play him well. He seems like my kind of hero as a beefy initiator (current fav being Elder TItan).


Guys I don't know what Im doing with Ember Spirit
It seemed pretty straightforward from the skills but every time I jumped in battle, every bot instanlocked me and ganked me and killed me before I even used my Q or W


Corporate Apologist
This seems like a... poor choice:
"DOTA_Chat_AbandonLimitedHeroExplanation" "There are no punishments for leaving Limited Heroes mode games, but abandoning games in all other game modes may lead to punishment by placement in the low-priority queue.

Also, Lore:
The ancient Death Bounty Text, as it has since come to be known, was first discovered among the ruins of the great Stonehall Cartularium. The document’s significance went unrecognized for years as it lay untranslated and forgotten, sealed away behind locked the doors of the Historic Archive of Sennos. It was not until scholars studied the document in detail that they came to understand what it represented. This decaying bit of parchment was nothing less than a possible source of the martial tradition of Last Strike, now common among all the kingdoms of the contested lands."

By order of Lord Regent Urthic Laste of Stonehall.\n\nHenceforth shall all fellows of the Armies of Stonehall adhere to the statements below:\n\n1. Fellows of the Stonehall military shall now be paid for each killing blow struck against a foe in battle. This reward shall only be granted to the fellow who strikes the killing blow.\n\n2. Following the course of battle, each coterie shall be responsible for the tallying and dividing of payment amongst themselves to cover expenses, including equipment purchase and upkeep.\n\n3. In the event of a dispute, fellows may challenge one another to duel. The victor shall be awarded the total share held by the vanquished.\n\n4. Should a duel conclude by the death of a fellow, recompense shall be made to..."

"CM, stop talking my Last hits! I challenge you to a duel!"
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