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Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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Corporate Apologist
Also, I like when comments have a sense of humor:
// Partners - Only localize into the partner's actual brand name in that language.
// I.e.: Beyond the Summit doesn't become 'Mas alle de la Cumbre' unless they actually market themselves that way in Spanish. Which I doubt they do.

There is a new Touch of Midas particle effect. That could be the coin effect that is on that Kunkka sword, maybe you can take it off and put it on a courier?

Also, there are a ton of new strange mods:
		"KillEaterEventType_Lion_FingerKills"				"Finger Kills"
		"KillEaterEventType_Lion_ManaDrained"				"Mana Drained"
		"KillEaterEventType_OD_IntStolen"				"Intelligence Stolen"
		"KillEaterEventType_Riki_GemCarrierKills"				"Gem Carriers Killed"
		"KillEaterEventType_Riki_SmokedHeroKills"				"Heroes Killed Inside Smoke"
		"KillEaterEventType_HeroesRevealedWithDust"				"Heroes Revealed with Dust"
		"KillEaterEventType_SkeletonKing_ReincarnationKills"				"Reincarnation Kills"
		"KillEaterEventType_Abaddon_BorrowedTimeDamageAbsorbed"				"Borrowed Time Healing"
		"KillEaterEventType_Skywrath_FlareKills"				"Flare Kills"
		"KillEaterEventType_Enchantress_CreepsConverted"				"Creeps Enchanted"
		"KillEaterEventType_Leshrac_SplitEarthStuns"				"Split Earth Stuns"
		"KillEaterEventType_Mirana_MaxStunArrows"				"Maximum Stun Arrows"
		"KillEaterEventType_PhantomAssassin_CoupdeGraceCrits"				"Coup de Grace Crits"
		"KillEaterEventType_PhantomAssassin_DaggerCrits"				"Dagger Crits"
		"KillEaterEventType_Meepo_Earthbinds"				"Successful Earthbinds"
		"KillEaterEventType_Bloodseeker_RuptureKills"				"Rupture Kills"
		"KillEaterEventType_ChaosKnight_FourSecondStunBolts"				"4 Second Stuns"
		"KillEaterEventType_Slark_LeashedEnemies"				"Leashed Enemies"
		"KillEaterEventType_Slark_EssenceStolen"				"Essence Stolen"
		"KillEaterEventType_Slark_DebuffsPurged"				"Debuffs Purged"
		"KillEaterEventType_Disruptor_FountainGlimpses"			"Enemies Fountain Glimpsed"
		"KillEaterEventType_Rubick_SpellsStolen"				"Spells Stolen"
		"KillEaterEventType_Rubick_UltimatesStolen"				"Ultimates Stolen"
		"KillEaterEventType_Doom_CreepsDevoured"				"Creeps Devoured"
		"KillEaterEventType_Doom_EnemiesDoomed"					"Doomed Enemies"
		"KillEaterEventType_OgreMagi_4xFireblasts"				"4X Multicast Fireblasts"
		"KillEaterEventType_OgreMagi_4xIgnites"					"4X Multicast Ignites"
		"KillEaterEventType_Omniknight_Purifications"			"Purifications"
		"KillEaterEventType_Omniknight_AlliesRepelled"			"Allies Repelled"
		"KillEaterEventType_Omniknight_EnemiesRepelled"			"Enemies Repelled"
		"KillEaterEventType_Warlock_FiveHeroFatalBonds"			"Five-Hero Fatal Bonds"
		"KillEaterEventType_Warlock_GolemsSummoned"				"Golems Summoned"
		"KillEaterEventType_CrystalMaiden_FrostbittenEnemies"	"Frostbitten Enemies"
		"KillEaterEventType_CrystalMaiden_CrystalNovas"			"Crystal Novas Cast"
		"KillEaterEventType_Kunkka_DoubleHeroTorrents"			"Double-Hero Torrents"
		"KillEaterEventType_Kunkka_TripleHeroGhostShips"		"Triple-Hero Ghost Ships"
		"KillEaterEventType_NagaSiren_EnemiesEnsnared"			"Enemies Ensnared"
		"KillEaterEventType_NagaSiren_TripleHeroRipTides"		"Triple-Hero Rip Tides"
		"KillEaterEventType_Lycan_KillsDuringShapeshift"		"Shapeshifted Kills"
		"KillEaterEventType_Lycan_WolvesSummoned"				"Wolves Summoned"
		"KillEaterEventType_Pudge_FleshHeapTotal"				"Flesh Heap Total"
		"KillEaterEventType_Pudge_DismemberKills"				"Dismember Kills"
		"KillEaterEventType_Pudge_EnemyHeroesHooked"			"Enemy Heroes Hooked"
		"KillEaterEventType_Pudge_HookKills"					"Meat Hook Kills"
		"KillEaterEventType_Pudge_UnseenEnemyHeroesHooked"		"Unseen Enemies Hooked"

		"KillEaterEventType_DrowRanger_EnemiesSilenced"			"Enemies Silenced"	
		"KillEaterEventType_DrowRanger_MultiHeroSilences"		"Multi-Hero Silences"
		"KillEaterEventType_DrowRanger_SilencedKills"			"Silenced Kills"
		"KillEaterEventType_DrowRanger_FrostArrowKills"			"Frost Arrow Kills"

		"KillEaterEventType_DragonKnight_KillsInDragonForm"		"Dragon Form Kills"
		"KillEaterEventType_DragonKnight_BreatheFireKills"		"Breathe Fire Kills"
		"KillEaterEventType_DragonKnight_DragonTails"			"Dragon Tail Stuns"
		"KillEaterEventType_DragonKnight_SplashKills"			"Splash Damage Kills"

		"KillEaterEventType_Morphling_MorphReplicates"			"Morphs to Replicate"
		"KillEaterEventType_Morphling_HeroesReplicated"			"Heroes Replicated"
		"KillEaterEventType_Morphling_MaxLengthStunAdaptive"	"Max Adaptive Strike Stuns"
		"KillEaterEventType_Morphling_MaxDamageAdaptive"		"Max Damage Adaptive Strikes"

		"KillEaterEventType_WitchDoctor_CaskStuns"				"Cask Stuns"
		"KillEaterEventType_WitchDoctor_MaledictKills"			"Malediction Kills"
		"KillEaterEventType_WitchDoctor_MultiHeroMaledicts"		"Multi-Hero Maledicts"
		"KillEaterEventType_WitchDoctor_VoodooHealed"			"Voodoo Restoration Health"
		"KillEaterEventType_WitchDoctor_DeathWardKills"			"Kills with Death Ward"

		"KillEaterEventType_Horrors_Witnessed"		"Horrors Witnessed"

Also, looks like there may be two ways to get gems back from items. The seems to be an extractor tool, and anther tool that just smashes the item.


I played around with Earth Spirit for a few minutes and he seems totally over my head but I know enough to know I want to learn how to play him well. He seems like my kind of hero as a beefy initiator (current fav being Elder TItan).

Here's something that you may have not noticed with Earth. You can drop a remnant in the middle of your roll instead of just trying to line them up before hand.

Also there's no max distance on Ember spirit's jumps to his remnants. That can basically be used as a free tp scroll if the situation calls for it.

Why won't bots populate my test client games :(


This seems like a... poor choice:

I think it's a great idea for someone that is learning the game as it makes it possible to play however long they like and they can leave if someone is being an arse. I imagine it will be very common that people ragequit but everyone should expect to be playing with bots in that mode.


For me it's two heroes and Diretide. I'd call that a decent update considering we weren't going to get Diretide originally and we haven't had new heroes in several months.

edit: In other news. Volvo is still amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7FIvfx5J10
That's all I said, not a bad update; but for me just really not mind blowing, and certainly not making me think oh yeah, now I get why we don't get weekly update anymore, given last year by the 15 november we had 4 new hero since TI2 ( but I didn't even expect that much, just 3 to at least keep up with the 1 hero/month expectation, and finaly get LC ).

We need a juggernaut taunt where he do a split. ^ ^


Corporate Apologist
Ok, for the chest that drops a bunch of recipes, you get 6-7 of them. 2 Common Recipies, 2 Uncommon, 1 Rare, and 1 Tool, and a 25% chance for an "exceptional". I think the item the recipe makes is determined at the recipe is created. Any screen shots of one a person got?

Also, you chance to find a recipe seem to be that if you get a normal item drop, you have a 40% chance of getting a recipe too.
Diretide now requires 3 essences + recipe to get an item it seems?

Still going to be incredibly farmable, just not 2 items per round type farmable (now 1 item per 2 or 3 games)


May contain jokes =>
I hope by the point of TI4 the game has evolved enough that the Showcase mode is used in game casting particularly with replays.

Also, are the new guys in Captain's modes?
Pitlord and Oracle are in the files now

Wraith King now has a creepy real man face

He may be a hero from Dota that's renamed. Terrorblade maybe?

I hope by the point of TI4 the game has evolved enough that the Showcase mode is used in game casting particularly with replays.

Also, are the new guys in Captain's modes?

Earth won't be in cm for a long time

Ember will probably be added in a few months (he's in CM in Dota)
Just tried it: while it looks different his attack feels exactly the same.

Probably just takes some time to get used to, but it felt off to me. More of a windup where he sort of chokes for a second before actually throwing the attack.

Here's something that you may have not noticed with Earth. You can drop a remnant in the middle of your roll instead of just trying to line them up before hand.

Also there's no max distance on Ember spirit's jumps to his remnants. That can basically be used as a free tp scroll if the situation calls for it.

Why won't bots populate my test client games :(

Yeah one of the best uses of the Ember Remnants will be to move to fountain and back easily. Leave one in lane (or in fountain if you're about to go gank) and port back when you're done. And he can do that just by himself - combined with Chen it's easier to execute and even better than the Puck orb trick.


In regards to Diretide, the new format kind of kills the setup I was thinking of in advance where you use Chen and Rubick to juggle a neutral for Clinkz to eat, combined with your typical steroid skill heroes. Even if you could get him super big, the Death Pact only lasts for 35 seconds so you'd have to make all that time count and get at least 2-3 phases done since it's a one-shot thing. Hard to say for sure though.

And speaking of steroid skills, don't discount Bloodrage - that's 120% increased damage at level 4 and it can be up on at least two people constantly.


Valve store package arrived yesterday. Of course I have no patience or logic, so I immediately opened both of my lockboxes. Got nothing I wanted. Traded for a Forgewing- also got the Aether-Wings from a Puck shirt and a DP hat. Still looking to trade my way to a Dagon/Treeant/Battlefury.


Corporate Apologist
Diretide now requires 3 essences + recipe to get an item it seems?

Still going to be incredibly farmable, just not 2 items per round type farmable (now 1 item per 2 or 3 games)

Do the diretide recipes tell you what you are getting in advance? Also, any insight of the drop rate of the "haunted" recipes dropping?


so does the socket/gem thing mean we'll be seeing people running around with special effects around their head like in TF2?

also how do we get sockets and gems? crafting recipes drop in game and from chests, do they work the same way?


Is it worth putting an ember spirit in the fountain (if you were there anyway) for regen purposes or would you not be getting enough regen?

and is it a good idea to put all 3 in the middle of a team fight for loads of explosions?


Volvo, Well played!

this patch is amazing, can't wait to test it out.

Hopefully now all the scumlords goes to that travesty called Diretide, so I can enjoy my gaems


Dis patch.

I was up till 4am, patches usually come around 1/2am my time. So I gave up thinking there wouldn't be any for sure.

Then this happens!

*off to test client*


No, what does "horrors witnessed" mean in tracking?

It would be hilarious if there was a modifier that tracks failures, like a Reverse Polarity that doesn't catch anyone or a Laguna Blade on a creep. I would probably be the only one using it, though.


Not Wario
Wait... it's actually happening??!?!

traveler said:
Need to start up the voting campaign to get Earth Spirit in off the compendium in the unlikely event that it happens. Would also settle for Ember Spirit or Arc Warden.

traveler said:
It's going to be great when everyone votes in Techies only to realize they never want to see him in a match after the first match they play with him on their team/against him/as him.


Who... who was watching? I seriously thought I'd be waiting a year for one of them, much less both. I get my two most anticipated heroes in the same patch and it's the next one?!?!?! ASDJLKJDKLJF :D

Thanks Valve!


May contain jokes =>
I dunno if it was wise but it struck me to trade a couple keys for random rares before the market shits itself. Hopefully can craft them into a couple mythicals or whatever.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
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