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Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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Not my set, but a friend of mine submitted his Batrider set last night. Check it out, it's great!



When did the news of this update happen? I woke up this morning and checked GAF on my phone, and there was already like 4 pages worth of hype in this thread. Did Valve pull an all-nighter?

dave is ok

aztek is ok


When did the news of this update happen? I woke up this morning and checked GAF on my phone, and there was already like 4 pages worth of hype in this thread. Did Valve pull an all-nighter?
It was like 11PM PST, so 2AM for us on the east coast


When did the news of this update happen? I woke up this morning and checked GAF on my phone, and there was already like 4 pages worth of hype in this thread. Did Valve pull an all-nighter?
Came out of nowhere around 11 pm pacific time.

dat dedication




When did the news of this update happen? I woke up this morning and checked GAF on my phone, and there was already like 4 pages worth of hype in this thread. Did Valve pull an all-nighter?

Just a late night, think it came out at 2 EST? So 11pm for Valve. Hopefully itll get patched to the main client today



Hey guys, is this a terrible trade for me?


I feel like it is. And I'm already embarassed because I posted it in a random PS4 thread by accident.
But I just got a couple crappy luckboxes and wanted to trade for a BF or Dagon anyway.

edit: Ok trade is done, maybe I can trade for a BF after I remember how terrible I am with targetless Nyx stun.


new storm spirit is cute

つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give puddinpop つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


I'm thinking you probably don't even need to prioritize leveling the ult past 1 on Ember over his other skills.

Can you explain how his ultimate works? I tested it last night but didn't understand what was going on. I set up some statues and did the ult but they didn't seem to do any damage? Maybe the enemy's weren't close enough I'm not sure. Isn't it supposed to do damage based on whether or not the enemy is close to a statue?


Can you explain how his ultimate works? I tested it last night but didn't understand what was going on. I set up some statues and did the ult but they didn't seem to do any damage? Maybe the enemy's weren't close enough I'm not sure. Isn't it supposed to do damage based on whether or not the enemy is close to a statue?

Damage in a 450 aoe around each remnant. As for the rest, he will take the place of the remnant you targeted to start the jump.


Sound and animations(especially projectiles) become invisible/no sound a lot recently for me. Is there a fix for this?

Try verifying the integrity of the game on steam, in my pc the Drow ranger files were broken and I could not see any attack animation at all from her, plus she was all purple, doing that fixed it


Not Wario
Can you explain how his ultimate works? I tested it last night but didn't understand what was going on. I set up some statues and did the ult but they didn't seem to do any damage? Maybe the enemy's weren't close enough I'm not sure. Isn't it supposed to do damage based on whether or not the enemy is close to a statue?

That was referring to ember's ult, which just let's him dash all over the place. Kinda like set replicants that explode for magic damage on use. I was thinking since you really are using the ult as either initiation or escape, there's no real need to level it since the only thing that scales is the damage. I would take 1 point in it at 6 and then then work on sleight maxing before maxing the rest of it.


That was referring to ember's ult, which just let's him dash all over the place. Kinda like set replicants that explode for magic damage on use. I was thinking since you really are using the ult as either initiation or escape, there's no real need to level it since the only thing that scales is the damage. I would take 1 point in it at 6 and then then work on sleight maxing before maxing the rest of it.

Oh, got confused. I was asking about earth's ultimate. I'll have to play with it more to understand how it works.


his ult seems so useful. I imagine like leaving one in your lane, tping to base to heal/buy and then instantly coming back, or going to gank a lane and instantly coming back to mid

or you can get a bottle and then keep placing remnants in fountain and lane to recharge bottle


Try verifying the integrity of the game on steam, in my pc the Drow ranger files were broken and I could not see any attack animation at all from her, plus she was all purple, doing that fixed it

I'll try that but this is something i've seen increasing over the last few patches. Last game I played invoker and every third or fourth attack was invisible, same for towers and some spells -_-


Oh, got confused. I was asking about earth's ultimate. I'll have to play with it more to understand how it works.

Magnetize emanates from your hero in a small-ish radius, not from remnants. But when a magnetized enemy then comes close to a remnant (or you just dump one onto him) the remnant will explode, applying the magnetize debuff onto all nearby enemies or refreshing the duration if they were already magnetized.


I'll try that but this is something i've seen increasing over the last few patches. Last game I played invoker and every third or fourth attack was invisible, same for towers and some spells -_-

That happened to me last night. I don't know if it was my imagination, but it even felt like I was missing last hits because of it. Sometimes I just wouldnt get the gold despite no creeps or towers being in range.


I just played another Ember game, his ult is superb for juking. Think puck's orb but with more than one. If they are chasing you send them in two different directions and jaunt away. Unless you stunlock him it's very hard to get the kill. And he can kind of split push with a lot of cleave as you leave a remnant in one lane, go to the next and take two or three waves then go back to the original lane. Waves just melt to sleight with bfury. Not as good as AM or NP or Tinker but still pretty good.


That happened to me last night. I don't know if it was my imagination, but it even felt like I was missing last hits because of it. Sometimes I just wouldnt get the gold despite no creeps or towers being in range.

I've noticed this as well, sometimes last hits dont seem to register.


I just played another Ember game, his ult is superb for juking. Think puck's orb but with more than one. If they are chasing you send them in two different directions and jaunt away.

Meanwhile the cool kids are just rolling away as giant freaking boulders


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Oh, got confused. I was asking about earth's ultimate. I'll have to play with it more to understand how it works.

Earth Spirit Hero Spotlight

Ember Spirit Hero Spotlight

For Earth's ultimate: it's a damage over time (DoT) applied in a small area effect around Earth Spirit himself. The DoT lasts six seconds. That's it. Now if an enemy runs near a statue at any time during that six seconds, the statue explodes and refreshes the DoT on that enemy, as well as applies it to any other nearby enemies.

The cool trick is you can use the statue ability to just throw a new statue down in an effected enemies path so you aren't reliant on just having a bunch of statues all over the place ahead of time. If you ultimate an enemy and he runs away like a bitch you can lay chase and throw a new statue directly in front of him every few seconds to reapply the debuff as long as you still have charges.

Also an aspect of his ultimate that I haven't played around with much yet is that the silence and slow effects from his other abilities can all stack along with the DoT damage. So you can basically set up a combo of his abilities to give a guy a REAL bad day.


If you silence or slow a magnetized unit, all other magnetized units are slowed or silenced as well. Keep that in mind! IS IT TIME FOR ATOS EARTH SPIRIT?


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
If you silence or slow a magnetized unit, all other magnetized units are slowed or silenced as well. Keep that in mind! IS IT TIME FOR ATOS EARTH SPIRIT?

If that's true that's busted. I thought only the slow and silence from Earth's abilities would transfer.


Earth Spirit seems to have the potential to be the best crowd control in the game if played to his full potential. If he stays alive and places boulders well he can keep a DoT, silence and slow on targets for a very long time. It will cause panic as opponents come to fear the boulders and are trying to adjust positioning for that which causes them to make mistakes. Played about with him for a bit and he was very good but I was struggling to keep track of where all my shit was, he clearly requires a cool head and good presence of mind, something high level players will be better with.
Oh the other thing about Earth is that you can punch ancients away. So possibly new pulling shenanigans ala Fissure blocks there since they leash back to their spawn. Definitely possible (and certainly easier) on Dire. Not sure about Radiant, but you might even be able to kick pull the medium or hard camps there.
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