My last few games have cemented the fact I believe this game needs a concede option of some kind. I've had game after game where things just went wrong, the other team got insanely far ahead and it just becomes a sit around and wait game. There's no chance to farm because even as a team you'd just get wiped. Obviously it would need to be very carefully implemented to avoid trolling and stuff but I was thinking of some possibilities.
I'm not sure what would make a game eligible for conceding, there would need to be specific criteria. But what if the option comes up, and it is anonymous, so unless you're with a 4 stack, they don't know who is and isn't conceding. So for example, the game is going terribly, a concede option pops up somewhere and then the rest of the team receives a notification saying a team member has opted for it, do they wish to concede?
I know I know, bah we don't need a concede. But I still think there's a way to put it in without it becoming a terrible thing.
You want a concede after two loses? With the second one being because you had a five core line-up with no stuns against an aoe deathball of sandking, qop, pugna and gyro? And even with a 15k gold deficit you still managed to take a couple of teamfights and defend the base for forty minutes?
I think before throwing our hands up in the air and declaring that concede is needed, there are other options to consider. Yes, your team was certainly in a huge deficit after twenty four minutes because no one seemed to realize their line-up is hugely dangerous in the mid game, you had zero meks, zero pipes and zero smoke ganks.
Maybe a more constructive use of time would be going back over those games and considering what could have been done differently to avoid that outcome. Last picking Slark when you already had an Axe, Medusa, Drow and Obsidian Destroyer probably wasn't the greatest call. But even more, you can see where other problems arise. Clumping together against sandking and qop's ultimate won most fights and when you got the initiation on them you had a more favourable outcome. If you just concede after the first failed teamfight, you wouldn't find patterns of mistakes that can be corrected later.
And before the twenty four minute mark, even though you had half the kills their team did, you were still even on farm. Which, I can almost guarantee if concede were implemented, there would be votes for ending the game long before you ended with a 15k deficit.
There are way too many problems with concede for it to be worth it. Especially for fringe cases like this that even had windows of opportunity to turn things around.