I wish I was at DreamHack. Fnatic kicking butt.
I wish I was at DreamHack. Fnatic kicking butt.
Can we have a look at your Dotabuff? 42% shouldn't happen.
Question about Navi Vs TL yesterday, how legit is offlane Puck? Never actually saw that match, but watching DH now and they were just showing off some highlights from that match.
Looks like a smurf account to be honest
*shrug* I really am that bad apparently. Gee thanks
If that's actually your first account then you have basically made good item decisions on all of your heroes, despite playing random draft etc. from the first game you played. Just seemed odd to me, unless you played Dota 1 and transitioned well. Not saying you are bad, kind of the opposite, despite your win rate.
Funnik is playing arse and Kuroky is rubbish on Windranger.
Fnatic are just punishing them big time.
I watch a ton of videos and read guides almost religiously, so when I get a character I don't know how to play in random draft/single draft I have a vague idea of how to build him already. I feel like my biggest weaknesses at the moment are taking actions earlier in the game to snowball the gold advantage when I'm in an awkward lane where either the opponents or your teammate in the lane is trying to dive constantly. Maybe I should be more aggressive myself.
Kuroky/Funn1k played that exact lane not too long ago and destroyed. They aren't bad at their respective heroes, evidently just having a bad day/Fnatic are ON as fuck - likely a combination of the two.
OK Mate.
Why doesn't Funnik pick Clinkz? He was ridiculous at Empire with him.
He has played Clinkz to great effect in the past, but that doesn't mean he's going to play him every game. That's like saying 'Why doesn't Dendi play Pudge?' Sure, he's good at the hero, but that doesn't mean Pudge is a great pickup every game.
So he picks Clockwerk every match instead?
At least Dendi gets to pick Pudge.
Do you actually read what I write or answer questions that you think I've implied?
You said 'why doesn't Funn1k play Clinkz' to which I answered 'He has', which, he has.
Just making the point that he does play the hero when it fits the lineup, but that they aren't going to run it just because he is good at it.
That's kind of a weird and specific scenario you are laying out there, so I'm not sure I can offer advise specific enough to help. If you are struggling working with random team mates in lane, you could always try mid more often and see how that works out for you. Much easier to snowball if you do well there than any other lane.
I don't get the Treant pick by Fnatic. He seems completely worthless since his last nerf.
Game 3 was looking really bad for Fnatic, but then Tiny got big....oh man I missed Fnatic 3-0ing NaVI. Are any of the games worth rewatching or were they just stomps?
I got stuck in the eastern winter storm after MLG, I only just got home today and I'm exhausted after living in airports all week.Why didn't you go?
I got stuck in the eastern winter storm after MLG, I only just got home today and I'm exhausted after living in airports all week.
Loser's Bracket Bo5
US[A] vs team USA
Elimination game, winner gets Navi.