Hey Dreams, I'm gonna do ancient stacking Medusa for the first time in a pub soon.
Gimme some tips.
Should I build treads first or Midas? Is Midas even worthwhile? Should I stop ancient farming once I get Midas?
hmm haven't done that in ages. as I recall, you start with a quelling blade and wards for vision when the ancients are walking around.
Band of Elven Skin --> Phase Boots --> Dom helm.
and you're done with the ancient farming. Use the dom helm to dominate a creep and let it do the rest of the stacking for you while you farm the jungle/lane/push lanes. Then items I'd recommend from here are:
Yasha --> Bfly --> Manta
That's about 28-32 minutes. After that, you can go with a Daedalus, MKB or Skadi. I'd recommend daedalus unless the other team's carry is buying evasion, and I'd recommend Skadi if you think you'll have trouble surviving at that point even with a manta and bfly. Preferrably, daedalus because you want to follow this purchase up with Satanic. After that (if you haven't simply chosen to end the game), get a skadi. It gives so much survivablility.
Items like BKB should be considered if you're being permanently stun-locked (or fear the potential). Linken's I almost always skip because of how it delays damage output most of the time, but ymmv.
-Miss as few ancient stacks with your dominated creep as is reasonably possible. Those stacks matter.
-Clear the jungles as quickly as possible and repeat. Skip the small neutral camps 9 times out of 10. Stack the neutral camp you're faming if it hits :53 and you know you can't finish the camp AND get out of the way of blocking the next spawn.
Alternatively, you can get the same from a lane with roughly the same timings. You'd start with something like a wraith band into phase boots. Everything after that is the same, though. Just depends on whether you have a lane assignment that can be reasonably farmed (definitely not a given in pubs). It's all the same to me now in pubs; it's just a matter of how lazy I feel.