I am a beginner. Thanks DSR.
OK Mate.
Why doesn't Funnik pick Clinkz? He was ridiculous at Empire with him.
You just need to know that Very High bracket in dota 2 is top 3% to realize mydotaskill is completely fucked up.
How did S4 time that so perfectly?! Did they have vision?
Oh, familiars.
Great performance by Na'Vi there to stop the tide and come back.
What's going wrong for Alliance? Two limp performances in successive LANs.
Great performance by Na'Vi there to stop the tide and come back.
What's going wrong for Alliance? Two limp performances in successive LANs.
out of practice, which is especially bad with the meta game shift
In interviews they have given the impression that they think people have figured them out. People know how to play against Alliance's style and the patch has only helped that. Bulldog was talking about how they need to find new ways to play.
Do you reckon Bulldog's inflexible hero pool is really getting to them?
thats definitely not the main issue right now, it's the lack of knowing what to do as a team
in ti3 alliance did the right decision practically all the time, now you see them doing basic mistakes even in the laning stage
The guy behind that site wouldn't post his formula behind the system and honestly the numbers are way off.
I think it does hurt them though, bulldog was irrelevant in that game. Game 3 looked like more of a throw (after the comeback) then it actually was, alliance were very lucky (or clever, I can't tell) that loda wasn't getting hexed earlier. Alliance's draft let them down here, and that's partially because bulldog's limited hero pool makes it much harder for them.
people only say that if they have a bad score
How do you guys feel about Lone Druid mid? I almost always win my lane (and then game) when I do it.
How do you guys feel about Lone Druid mid? I almost always win my lane (and then game) when I do it.
Dude's great man, one of the strongest laners in the game with lots of options even if he fails that. He's a snoballer who snoballs on towers rather than kills, and a fed Sylla is prob one of the scariest heroes in the midgame since he can siege racks increadbily well.
He can get ganked fairly easily before lvl 6 though, and if you put him mid like you said, you'll be left without a hero who can gank reliably. He also has prety crummy rune control.