I don't get the midas thing at all. Are we even sure it's actually helping? It's kind of hard to judge, "the team with the most midas's won" isn't really any more helpful than it would be for any other item. They seem to be getting it on heroes that are pretty item independent, which kind of makes a paradoxical kind of sense, since midas delaying your mid game items has less impact than it would do for a carry. So it's unlikely to stand out as being blatantly obvious that your CM having a midas instead of something like a force staff is actually losing you fights, but I'm not it won't be sometimes.
Going midas on Enigma like Fanatic did makes no sense to me though. If you consider his core items to be blink + bkb, then if the Enigma can farm at something around 300 gpm this would take around 20 mins to get. Going midas first takes around 6 minutes, after which your gpm is increased to 400 or so, taking another 15 mins to get your items which means 21 minutes in total. So you're delaying your blink just to get blink+bkb at around the same time, and then I suppose you can get some luxuries like necro 3 or hex faster that you would but the fights that decide the game might have happened by then. Are my numbers way off here?