The Technomancer
card-carrying scientician
What the fuck am I watching
More like navi decided to practice for a few hours before the match. They are on a completely differnt level- skill wise and draft wiseFnatic got crushed this series. What happened to them today? Playing awful.
With a sandking sandstormingwait that was actually darude on stage lol
I don't think the number is relative from the way the guy described it on reddit, I think it puts a lot of weight into kda. Gpm, xpm, those kinds of things. I guess the best way to check would be to solo queue and check the rest of the players valve matches you with, and what the distribution is.My guess is that the DSR site ranks people relative to the data they have. So anyone with their profile private or those whose data has yet to be analyzed are probably not in the ranking.
Xboct HAM.
I don't think the number is relative from the way the guy described it on reddit, I think it puts a lot of weight into kda. Gpm, xpm, those kinds of things. I guess the best way to check would be to solo queue and check the rest of the players valve matches you with, and what the distribution is.
Also, I tried to look up a friend rating, in the past 3 hours his peeve in queue went up 80 spots
I browsed the dev forums...Why did I subject myself to that?
I swear if I read "forced 50% winrate" one more time...
whats your winrate
More like navi decided to practice for a few hours before the match. They are on a completely differnt level- skill wise and draft wise
Also I'm streaming, as long as my internet doesn't lag out on me like it did yesterday.
Also I'm streaming, as long as my internet doesn't lag out on me like it did yesterday.
Need to buy some hats to make the matchmaking give you that 50% winrate.
I'm can't watch your Titan man. It makes my man parts hurt.
+ No morecry: threads about "a guy with 19 wins in my team";
+ Players will get more motivated to actually win games and boost own skill, and not to create lots of smurf accounts or do any other kinds of abuses to boost winratesor player levels.
+ No more "-You suck! -No, You suck!" dialogues inside the game: everything is clear right away, time to actually play the game and try to win;
MMR amps up the toxicity of a playerbase tenfold.I also laugh at the people that tell some story like "The matchmaking will decide you are doing too well and give you idiots for your team." The dev forums are a great source of comedy.
Ehhh, there were a couple of times I should have just manmoded the BS when he Ruptured me, but we still won anyway and I did fine.
Edit: Oh man, I just found a hilarious one.
Yeah, because MMR would TOTALLY prevent these...
dota 2 confirmed to be best
apparently dota players are the only ones who know that you can twist the bottle instead of the cork
You don't remember S4 in G1: Champion's League? He spent like a minute doing this then chased after the chinese guy with the bottle.[IMG][/QUOTE]
well its still world first in e-deportes
I don't think you can put much stock in DSR. I'm top 60% according to it.This player has a Copper DSR score (top 90%)
holy fuck im bad
Mid Shadowfiend goes 0-6 in less than first 10mins of game.
"I'm switching to support shadowfiend now."
Ends game at 1-20 ish.
Mid Shadowfiend goes 0-6 in less than first 10mins of game.
"I'm switching to support shadowfiend now."
Ends game at 1-20 ish.
Did you win though? What items did he get?Mid Shadowfiend goes 0-6 in less than first 10mins of game.
"I'm switching to support shadowfiend now."
Ends game at 1-20 ish.
You don't remember S4 in G1: Champion's League? He spent like a minute doing this then chased after the chinese guy with the bottle.
I don't get the midas thing at all. Are we even sure it's actually helping? It's kind of hard to judge, "the team with the most midas's won" isn't really any more helpful than it would be for any other item. They seem to be getting it on heroes that are pretty item independent, which kind of makes a paradoxical kind of sense, since midas delaying your mid game items has less impact than it would do for a carry. So it's unlikely to stand out as being blatantly obvious that your CM having a midas instead of something like a force staff is actually losing you fights, but I'm not it won't be sometimes.
Going midas on Enigma like Fanatic did makes no sense to me though. If you consider his core items to be blink + bkb, then if the Enigma can farm at something around 300 gpm this would take around 20 mins to get. Going midas first takes around 6 minutes, after which your gpm is increased to 400 or so, taking another 15 mins to get your items which means 21 minutes in total. So you're delaying your blink just to get blink+bkb at around the same time, and then I suppose you can get some luxuries like necro 3 or hex faster that you would but the fights that decide the game might have happened by then. Are my numbers way off here?
It's not just about the gold. Remember you get 30 attack speed and an exp advantage. Quick level 11/16 ultis and a team xp advantage in general is also huge.
I don't think the item is OP; it's definitely popular, but I think it's just that. It's "in," it's "popular," and it might get nerfed because icefrog is sometimes to nerf popular, fotm things to force a change/new meta.