Friends gather round, for a story of dota in the land of solo queue AP.
After losing twice and getting a pity win from Valve in 5 man CD, I wanted to end the night with some Earth Spirit. Our win wasn't fulfilling and we played passively to cement our advantage. ES is fun, and for some reason has a terrible pub win-rate. He's not even hard to play really. Whatever the case he's extremely fun to play even if you are losing, there's always something you can be doing.
1) Who's mid?
'Drow you should go mid'
...I lane vs OD as ES.
If you lane mid vs OD I think you can choose either to get your Q or E to rank 3 so you can harass damage more, or move him with your combo (E). Because with 1 point in stun I couldn't combo due to Astral as I found out many times.
Still, he can't Astral me if I silence him with the rock, or only last hit when I'm on high ground, or with rock pulls. I do well... at least for a few levels when I'm left with a constant 40-100 mana.
This is going to be one of those games isn't it? LS went jungle to leave Drow solo top vs 2. He has no points in rage and has almost treads? Not sure why he has blades of attack and a gloves of haste at base.
First rax down in low 20's, I had to buyback so we didn't lose 2 sets of rax, massive kill and tower deficit. 6 towers down + rax and we hadn't even taken any of their T1's.
4)The happening
Pugna DC's. This gives our team a small bit of hope. I think Wisp has used overcharge like one time and Drow I think never used her passive to push any time in the entire game, LS and me have made amends thanks to a gank or two. They try to take our mid rax 4v5. They don't.
Drow silences Brew, Spectre ults, I 2 man stun and ult and roll.
LS pops out of me to hit everyone and I kick him towards the already fleeing remaining 2.
We wipe 3 of them in about 3 seconds without any loss. Mid rax defended.
An out of position SF pays the price and our top is easily defended. Pugna is back, but it doesn't matter. We've picked off a few towers, but still have to defend 2 lanes from megas.
6)Shit gets real
We keep finding farm and Wisp+LS with BoT's on everyone else help save anyone who gets picked off, still our T4's get picked off an our Ancient takes some damage.
Spectre and Drow come online. It's even.
I become unkillable. A fear machine composed of imbalanced instant stuns and savior of overextenders. Also we tie up rax numbers.
Well. We won. We fucking did it. I commended everyone. I'm still 7-0 on Earth Spirit.
Epilogue: They didn't find enough farm when we had to cower and SF built blink and force staff before any major damage items came online for him. Even with 3 blinks they never initiated well as a team and the silences really hurt. Sniper was kind of stupid.
I'm tired. ES is still insanely fun.
Nothing like pulling an ally to high ground safety then silencing 3 chasing heroes and breaking the Life Drain 50 hp from kilingl Drow (only to have her run face first into mega creeps and die to auto attacks).
DB for reference