Why aren't you watching cbs?There's a local mode?!?!?
Does anyone here own one these dxracer chairs? I need a new chair myself and I may get one if they're ok.
They look badass but I checked them out... Two hundred bucks for one. Expensive as fuck.Does anyone here own one these dxracer chairs? I need a new chair myself and I may get one if they're ok.
Poland rocked by storms, thousands dead, millions homeless, livestream offline.
can they stay online for more than 5 minutes?
anyone see rotk all over dendi after the game
that was kind of weird
just get an aeron chair, your back will thank me.
They look badass but I checked them out... Two hundred bucks for one. Expensive as fuck.
Sounds like the tournament was actually getting DDOS'd.
What a shame.
They're really expensive though and a little bit over my budget
200 bucks is actually pretty cheap for a good chair. I think the chairs we have in the office at work cost almost 400€ a piece.
Dear Icefraud,
Why doesn't Sange & Yasha have a 32% slow? 30 isn't a multiple of 16.
Sounds like the tournament was actually getting DDOS'd.
What a shame.
Yep.Curious but are DDOSes common in other MOBAs like League of Legends?
Theeban (1437) just made his CM buyback for her aura on his stream lol.
Sounds legit.
Shira's banned?
I know you're reading this thread Shira. I can finally post this GIF in a context where it makes sense.
This is you right now...
I don't think the game needs ranked matchmaking. I was happy that it was purely about playing the game before. Now it's going to be about numbers.
It will be in ranked, in normal it will be the same as ever.
Will it? Or will it turn into a playground where people fuck around and if you ask to play a little seriously you get yelled at to go into ranked.
I hadn't thought of that aspect actually. We will see how it turns out. In any case I think the trade off is worth it to risk that as having a sense of progression I can track is pretty cool. It's not about numbers (at least for me) it's about getting better, which is more easily measured this way.
You can track your progress without having a number assigned to your skill level, dude. It's also going to fracture the player base - I fear normal matchmaking is going to go barren.
The one benefit is that I think you'll just encounter more players who want to play seriously. But then you're just going to see a shit load of earth spirits, lame ass builds like Necro Furion and people who will do anything to win, often making the game less fun. It'll be cagey with matches turning into farm battles more than blood baths which are way more fun.
its walking form is pretty cool, but i don't like it once it flies. only courier besides captain bamboo that looks as cool as the snowlHow do the unusuals of the new couriers work?
This chocobo courier just got released. Does it mean it will get unusual effects soon?