sylar too stronk
Weird!Kalle Saarinen
VG are not using headphones and can easily hear what the casters are saying. Not so sure about that. @theAllianceGG agreed on it, though.
Really a matter of personal preference, but it can particularly be useful on some heroes, Meepo being one of them. I don't use it on Meepo though because I hate the lack of mouse feedback when doing actions with him.
Lion and CM are becoming my two favorite characters to play and both have the worst item sets
Lion and CM are becoming my two favorite characters to play and both have the worst item sets
the fuck? CM has some of the best sets in the game.
that's questionable
This final, Fnatic is on fire lately, and Vici, just great.
I gotta be honest though, I am flat out confusing tournaments now. EMS One, D2L, and and D2CL are all blinding together.
The only questionable thing is you fashion since.
She's boring.
She's boring.
Sven's warrior retribution? sweet
Entropic battlegear? now there's a set
I like my jewel of the forest set
She needs like Fiery Soul of the Slayer
All CM has are boring ass sets, they give nothing her original doesn't
All CM has are boring ass sets, they give nothing her original doesn't
CM is one hero that looks best without any cosmetics. All the sets look lame.
What's going on with Vici's noise-cancelling headphones?
Is it normal for players to shift them off their ears?
Vici gaming are cheating.
To notail, you only sing when you're winning.
It's pretty evident that VG aren't cheating just based on their movements. Like VG checking Rosh multiple times after the casters have said how long until the next Rosh is. Or the smoke ganks. Or everything else.
It's pretty evident that VG aren't cheating just based on their movements. Like VG checking Rosh multiple times after the casters have said how long until the next Rosh is. Or the smoke ganks. Or everything else.
I wouldn't ever set it to auto cast cause it could choose to do it at a vital time. Just manually cast it on fricken errbawdy.Question about Lich's Ice Armor....
When I have it set to auto-cast I can't tell what logic it's using to determine who to buff. There's no discernible pattern but it doesn't appear random either.
Any idea?
EDIT: Nevermind, I guess it targets whoever gets attacked.
Does Anyone on VG even speak English?