haha did I hear that right, they turned it on for 30 sec to make sure it worked and VG got a kill and took Rosh? wow
Did they really happen? Lol I just connected back to the stream and it's 31-17 VG...
haha did I hear that right, they turned it on for 30 sec to make sure it worked and VG got a kill and took Rosh? wow
Yeah, their morale just plummeted after that happened, kinda crazy.Really underwhelming end to the final, felt like Fnatic lost it after they chased that DK with N0tail freaked out and they didn't get the kill and several of them died
Yeah, their morale just plummeted after that happened, kinda crazy.
Comebacks happen. That's kinda mind blowing.
Thanks for not calling me bad like Steve 2.
What's the best way to spend 25$ in Dota 2?I tried buying keys but it was a pretty meh experience since I did not get anything good.
Anytime.Thanks for not calling me bad like Steve 2.
What's the best way to spend 25$ in Dota 2?I tried buying keys but it was a pretty meh experience since I did not get anything good.
What's the best way to spend 25$ in Dota 2?I tried buying keys but it was a pretty meh experience since I did not get anything good.
Thanks for not calling me bad like Steve 2.
Just to get items you want? IMO I would just go to the marketplace and assemble complete sets for heroes you play often. Most items are on there now (except for items that are brand spanking new), commons and uncommons are dirt cheap (most sets only have 1 or 2 rares tops that can run from 50 cents to 2 bucks US).
Or you could probably get a nice looking low-end unusual courier for about $25 if you're into that.
wud you gamble in real life?
Just to get items you want? IMO I would just go to the marketplace and assemble complete sets for heroes you play often. Most items are on there now (except for items that are brand spanking new), commons and uncommons are dirt cheap (most sets only have 1 or 2 rares tops that can run from 50 cents to 2 bucks US).
wud you gamble in real life?
I have bought 1 key, and got the item i wanted. Never buying another key again.
Who are you yelling at?
Also, why is this physics book so boring. I'm sure magnetic induction can be an interesting topic, but this book isn't doing a good job at conveying it.
wud you gamble in real life?
its called defense of the anceints dawgGODDAMNIT DEMON LEAVE ME ALONE
Damn, Enchantress is so much fun. My micro is kinda ass, but y'know, w/e. This hero's awesome.
Not going to lie, the EMS result bring tears of joy knowing it slapped Notail down a bit.
So if you end up with this item build as support Rubick after you layed down wards for pretty much the whole game and bought/upgraded chicken that means you're good at Dota, right?
You know who rotk is, right?
So if you end up with this item build as support Rubick after you layed down wards for pretty much the whole game and bought/upgraded chicken that means you're good at Dota, right?
Trinket slot.How are you carrying wards and a tp?
Yes, yes, yes, 44 minutes.Did you zap to KS? Did you harass? Did you take last hits from your carry? How long was the match?
So, shortly, maybe not.
So if you end up with this item build as support Rubick after you layed down wards for pretty much the whole game and bought/upgraded chicken that means you're good at Dota, right?
The double force staffed Chen in and out the pit rosh was one the best team fights of the year
where/when? Must see this.
Matchmaking sucks really bad.I also get to be in the team that feeds really hard.I went and unistalled the game after the last game that lina and ember gave 7 kills to enemy ursa which led to 5 min rosh.
Matchmaking sucks really bad.I also get to be in the team that feeds really hard.I went and unistalled the game after the last game that lina and ember gave 7 kills to enemy ursa which led to 5 min rosh.
They're not changing how it works though just showing you your MMR
They're not changing how it works though just showing you your MMR