how do you guys get better? do you just mm all day? in house games seem like a good idea but gaf's are always really late (gmt), where else can I find in houses?
I agree with Haly, it hurts but getting your shit handed to you in IH can really help out. Like bokr said, those of us that came from HoNGAF got beat on by Meeru, Loki, Thor, and Kag in IHL. You get to see the effects of their gameplay directly, and listening to/being directed by an experienced player when they're on your team helps tremendously. Meanwhile milk, 109, and swift were slogging it out in inhouse leagues in dota1, subject to the tyranny of vicious, visage picking captains.
Finding a player or group of players significantly better than yourself and tagging along is easily the fastest way to improve.
A long time ago I posted about this, but I think dota, maybe the genre, is one of the more difficult games to get good advice about or information on. As you get better and better you see that things you thought were good or effective are actually terrible, and things you wrote off can be very important. When you play with randoms you get exposed to tons of people at different levels with very different ideas about what's good and bad, so it can be very hard to sort out the useful information and apply it to yourself. Additional problems come from each match being very unique, for example the right item for one game might be useless in the next. So I guess the best advice I can give is don't cement yourself in to one idea, look at what other people do and think about it before accepting or dismissing it.